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$ccording to Talu%dar (n.d., Traffic 0ongestion is one of many serious global problems in all great cities resulted from rapid urbanization which always e3ert negative e3ternalities upon society. The solution of traffic congestion is highly geocentric and dueto its heterogeneous nature, curbing congestion is one of the hard tas%s for transport planners. Ct is not possible to suggest uniHue traffic congestion management framewor% which could be absolutely applied for every great cities. 0onversely, it is Huite feasible to develop a framewor% which could be used with or without minor ad4ustment to deal with congestion problem. o, the main aim of this paper is to prepare a traffic congestion mitigation framewor% which will be useful for urban planners, transport planners, civil engineers, transport policy ma%ers, congestion management researchers who are directly or indirectly involved or willing to involve in the tas% of traffic congestionmanagement. )iterature review is the main source of information of this study. Cn this paper, firstly, traffic congestion is defined on the theoretical point of view and then the causes of traffic congestion are briefly described. $fter describing the causes, common management measures, using world# wide, are described and framewor% for supply side and demand side congestion management measures are prepared
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