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Admin that banned you: Kilo

Name: The Apex Wolf

When were you banned: 22-10-2018 20:40-21:00 -ish
What did it say you were banned for: Banned by staffbye

The situation that led to the ban?:
Yes, But you have to admit that you interupted me too, I'll have the respect for you, As long as you also have the respect for me, And let me tell my side of the story. So what happened:
We were at trevor's and BossTube was carrying around a AK , Police came and we RP decided to not cooperate, We drove to our ''Club House'' and re-considered it. I was able to convince my friends into cooperating,
So we cooperated, Did what the police asked us to do, And than they wanted to arrest the person from who the AK was, Were in Family (Some see it as a gang) so we decided to help him, We ranned up into our clubhouse, And i warned
the police 4x by saying ''Do not come upstairs, Youll get shot) Cuz i thought even though it was PeaceTime , If a RP situation leads to a shooting it would be allowed, So 1 officer came upstairs and i shot him, Than an other officer
Told us it wasnt allowed so we all stopped and were gonna talk with that officer, With the argument that you shouldnt ban a certain RP scene, Cuz some rp might end up in shootings or other violence. So we talked and than 2 staff members
joined, Wich is all fine but he kept interupting me, (This was Kilo) So i let him talk for a bit and decided to react to what he was saying, At this moment Kilo was not done talking. And he started screaming at me that i should let him
finish, While he interupted me a couple of times before. So out of frustration i said ''Alright daddy'' I know i should not have said that but in my opinion he was handling the situation wrong. I'm open for it if anyone wants / needs to
talk to me about this situation, Pm's are always open and most of the time ill be able to join a voice channel.
Why do you think we should unban you?:
Because i am now more familiar with the rules, I still do not agree with some but i will listen to them.

Signature (You agree to follow the rules if you are unbanned):
I accept all the rules that i have to follow after my unban.
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Regards; Team

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