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Write a note in this area. It's really easy to share with others. Click here ...PROJECT: IMPACT OF WAR ON NATIVE AMERICANS
A Divided Nation
Native Americans found themselves caught in the middle during the Civil War. Both the North and South wanted their help, while making vague promises. Approximately twenty thousand Native Americans enlisted in the Union and Confederate armies.

Native Americans did not have a common point of view on the Civil War. In fact, the Cherokee Nation was in the midst of its own civil war. And, while the Delaware typically sided with the U.S. government, the Creek and Choctaw peoples were sympathetic to the South, since they, too, held slaves. Many other tribes also aligned with the Union: Creek, some Cherokee, Choctaw, Huron, Iroquois, Lumbee, Odawa, Ojibwe, Pamunkey, Pequot, Potawatomi, Powhatan, Seneca, and Shawnee. As you can see, the many nations of Native Americans took different viewpoints. They were concerned with the outcome and how it would affect their way of life. Each tribal nation hoped that aligning with the winning side could secure a safe and peaceful future for its nation.

Your goal is to understand how the Native Americans were affected by the Civil War. In order to do this, consult primary and secondary sources. Remember, primary sources are firsthand accounts of an event, while secondhand accounts are based on data. To help focus your research, you may want to select a tribe that aligned with the North and another that aligned with the South. Looking at the key reasons for each decision will help you identify overarching trends in research.

Understand the effect the Civil War had on Native Americans.
Cite specific textual evidence in writing.
Analyze a primary source and a secondary source and compare their points of view.
Compose an essay that explains the impact of the Civil War on Native Americans.
Chief John Ross
An important actor in Native American history was Chief John Ross, who became the chief of the Cherokee Nation in 1827. Chief Ross was born to a Cherokee mother and a Scottish father. At the onset of the Civil War, Chief John Ross and the Cherokee Nation would side with the Confederacy. But, in 1862, Chief John Ross wrote a letter to Lincoln, explaining his decision to switch sides and support the Union. Chief Ross may have been fearful of the consequences from the Union that the Cherokee Nation might face for its alignment with the Confederacy. Either way, it was a challenging time for all parties involved.

Conduct Internet research and read the original letter that Chief John Ross wrote to President Lincoln in an effort to assuage his relationship with the Union.

While reading, answer the following questions, based on the primary source of the letter:

Why did Ross write the letter?
What does Ross say ties the Cherokee to the U.S.?
How does he compare the Cherokee to the U.S.?
Why did the Cherokee join the Confederacy?
What does Ross want?
A Different Point of View
History is told, more often than not, through secondary sources. These are sources that are not directly from an eyewitness source, but, rather, based on data and evidence gathered about that event and then retold. Because of information that may be left out or skewed, based on an author’s bias, secondary sources may not reveal the original story as accurately as it may have occurred. This is why, when you study history, you should always try to study the primary sources if they are available. If they are not, then be sure to consult multiple secondary sources so that you may have a balanced understanding of a situation or issue.

For example, imagine you located an editorial article written about Chief John Ross’ letter. This would be a secondary source about the letter, as the actual letter is only discussed, as opposed to being reprinted directly within the article.

Consider how these different sources can affect someone’s understanding of history. Use this outline to begin to organize your findings, and develop an essay that answers the question: How does the study of secondary sources challenge a person’s understanding of history?

Consider the primary source about Chief John Ross’s letter. Conduct research to locate a secondary source on the letter. Then, write a 300-500 word compare/contrast essay that discusses the similarities and differences between the primary and secondary source regarding Chief John Ross’s letter to President Lincoln. Your claim should answer the question: How does the study of secondary sources challenge a person’s understanding of history? Use evidence from both sources to support your explanations. Be sure to conclude with a commentary on the use of primary and secondary sources when studying history.
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