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Extra Curricular Activities / Meetings/ Service:
- ASD Times: meeting Monday afterschool 3-4
- Eco club: meeting Monday lunch room 1407
- Global Issues: meeting Thursday lunch in room 1104 (english wing)
- ASDMUN: meeting Wednesday lunch; finish policy resolution
- Amnesty Int: meeting Monday lunch in room 2309 (Oct. 8)
- Little Dragons: meeting October 14+15 during lunch in MSPR
- RyanWells Foundation
- Forensics - make a speech on rejection letters and how it impacts us (in todays social media and modern age)

Extras/ Notes:
- Plan out activities throughout school year + raise GPA + focus on creating one big impactful project this year (UNCEF Chapter to ASD!!!)
- Get PE Shirt from booster club and organize drive
- Start reviewing for the PSAT!!!!!!
- Look at college board SAT and AP resources and college assistance

Tests Coming Up:
- PSAT on October 10 (review)!!!!
- English SAQ summative on Great Gatsby, Monday, October 8th
(Study 2 analytical paragraph and 4 SAQ practices before Monday and rubric)
- English Drafted Essay in a few weeks
- Physics Lap Report due Wednesday
- Chemistry Lab Re-design Analysis on Thursday
- Precalculus test next week
- ASDMUN Conference Oct. 9 & 11

- Physics: check unit plan for homework
- Precalculus: Revise worksheets for summative on Sunday
- AP World: Chapters 4 & 5 & 6 guided notes, update AP Period Overview (confucianism/women notes + Ban Zhao Pan Chao woman in china story), check planner, finish Hinduism Social/Cultural impacts LEQ Packet, review notes so far, generally organize content
- Arabic: Finish letter to parents
- English: Collect Formative SAQ/ Analytical Paragraph feedback from Mrs. Deb on Sunday, go over SAQ/Paragraph feedback and add to your notes + use feedback to improve in Summative on Monday, review notes so far and use online resources to supplement notes, Chapter 6 study guide questions on turnitin, Find independent reading book, Great Gatsby Reading Log is your online folder notes, Go over key vocabulary and USE IT IN YOUR WRITING!!

Go over internet notes (essays and online resources etc.)
Paragraph: significance of text with ranges of setting, character, conflict, and theme, analyze explicit meaning of text using evidence, then relate to main ideas, essential questions (implicit big idea questions), and annotate extract) note - use three pieces of evidence from all over extract, not one part
Part 1: (note - bring charged fitbit so you can manage time)
- Setting, Character, Conflict, Theme, pick one from two quotes and write SAQ on the topic, analysis, main ideas, and relate to essential questions
Part 2:
- Analytical paragraph, choose one extract from three quotes and annotate, find literary devices, talk about character setting theme and conflict, main ideas within text, relate to essential questions, wealth, manipulation, and time period.
Structure: Make beginning interesting!! Title, book's name, author, form claim/thesis. Then argument (example: wealth shapes character, and is shaped by time period, more money they have and more power and status, more authority they have to manipulate people) evidence, analysis and reasoning. Then implicit details, what is inferred, bigger concepts, tying back to main idea - impact and effect. big questions - only after establishing context - using literary devices (effect of them, how they impact, etc) tying into setting, character, theme, etc. meaning turns into implicit details. then concluding sentence tying back into claim. (Claim is something that has to be argued to or for - not just a statement).

How to review for AP:
- Go over notes in notebook and know social, political, environmental, cultural, and economic impacts in period, comparison chart, flash cards, period review videos, key concepts study guide, AP textbooks, practice questions, and any worksheets in AP Period Overview.

Things to do before Thursday:
- Organize drive and plan out schedule for all meetings this week and organize homework and update high school chart
- organize drive, club meetings, and activities, SAT/AP/College work, service, college researching, and overall test review,)
- Organize everything (meetings, service, activities, clubs, competitons, applications, drive, etc.)

TEDx Speaker Ideas:
If I were chosen as a TEDx Speaker, I would like to present on the new era we are in; the modern age. The effect of social media is present everywhere and in all aspects of life; it subconsciously impacts how we think, act, and are perceived by other generations. Now, technological advancements are pushing us further and further into this unknown world, and my TEDx Talk would focus on what our modern age entails, how it impacts us, and how we are contributing to a technology based society. I will also address how we can go forward and grow from it; using the abundance of resources that technology provides to our advantage, without having it take over our lives.

- SAT Review
- Organize activities and meetings and schedule next week
- Complete all hw and review for tests next week
- Organize drive
- Fill out TEDx Speaker application
- Work on having more conferences, comps, service initiative, etc.
- Update high school chart
- Generally organize everything; start with finishing hw, then review for tests, then organize everything, then extras like SAT Review, then finished

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Regards; Team

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