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Osmosis is a spontaneous net movement of solute molecules across a partially permeable membrane from a region of high concentrated areas to low.

If there are more molecules on one side than the other, then the molecules from the higher concentration will begin to become more dilute as some of the molecules will begin to move to the other side to balance out both sides.

Osmosis in potatoes: Practical

1) Cut up a potato into identical cylinders preferably using metal cylinders to help them get into similar shapes.
2) Get some test tubes with different sugar solutions in them: There should be one test tube with pure water, and one very concentrated sugar solution such as 1dm cubed, and few other weaker solutions in between such as 0.2 mol/dm cubed, 0.4 and 0.6.
3) Measure the potatoes in cylindrical shape and then place each one of them into each of the test tubes, leaving them for 24 hours.
4) After 24 hours, take potatoes and dry them using a paper towel, then re-measure their mass.
If a potato has taken in the water by osmosis then the mass would increase
If water has been drawn out the mass would decrease.

Dependent Variable : The chip mass
Independent Variable : Concentration of sugar solution
Control variable: Volume of solution, temperature, time, type of sugar used.

Possible errors:
If the potato hasn't been dried properly using a paper towel, it could've given it an extra mass.
If water has evaporated from the test tubes, the concentration of sugar may chance
Therefore to avoid this error, repeat the experiment and calculate the mean percentage change
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