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Bonjour Jordan,

You are so lucky to visit Belgium, as it's a marvelous country. I have here some intresting facts about Belgium.

One fact that struck me odd is that there is a low crime rate, so police are rarely called. The country is well-known for it's chocolate and beers. Bring back chocolate for me? It has more castles than anywhere else in the world. Another surprising fact is that the whole country is the size of The United State's Maryland. The last intresting fact is that the populatiions is about 11 million citizens.

To an extent, Belgium can be very similar to the United States. Just like the United States, there are many languages spoken there. Some of the languages are just like ours, like English, Spanish, etc. Another simulartity is that they have a connection with major events such as births, marriges, and deaths.

Some aspects of Belgium that are very different from the United States are the way they greet one another, fot them it's a light kiss on the cheek. Another example of this is they dress professionally as a casual style, not street clothes like what we wear. Another differing aspect is that they have so much trust, that you can leave your bicycle out with no worries.

Thank you for reading my rambling, but anyways, have a great trip and enjoy it while you can!

Your pal, Lesly
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Regards; Team

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