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**Increase market share**

Market share is when a company may decide to collaborate or be in partnership with others. Not only does it help make a profit, but it also helps when it comes to any recognition as big names will try to increase their market share also. It brings competition for companies to have the most in their areas but it makes sense as more market share means more power for the company.

Market share can be accomplished with proof of responsibility like a company would show for shareholders. Customers will look at this and recognise it as a responsible company and build loyalty and trust. Availability can also be helpful as it can bring different audiences by creating apps, websites, facilities, etc. so more people can access and use the services. Advertising and deals will also bring a wide audience as it can be targeted to certain groups like families or couples, it will also help with people finding out about the company and wanting to find more details on them with their effective advertising which could be on TV, social media, leaflets, or posters.

Easyjet has developed apps for their services to make it easier for mobile users to book any flights or holidays as well as making their offers/deals available for audiences suited to it. This would help with market share as more customers will be using the service, as well as audiences wanting to use the deals before they run out attracting more in the process. They have also provided advertising and have an attractive web design which will help customers navigate easier and know more of what they’re looking for with advertisements or said navigation. Their website has details on their policies and statistics which will have proven that they are responsible enough for the company. These things will have made EasyJet better than some of their competitors as there will be a wide competition for market share in this area, and EasyJet is one of the biggest companies out there.

**To contribute to GDP, the balance of payments and employment**

Contribution to the GDP includes providing a range of products or services which would be charged for in order to contribute to the economy. Airports or flight services can do this by employment or any of their services.

Easyjet has done this by with their services, any payments done with booking will count as an import which will contribute to the economy rather than wherever else it may be. Whenever tourists or any other customer arrive to the UK they will most likely go around purchasing anything they may find good to spend their money or any souvenirs to bring back home. This can contribute to the UK economy too as more sales will be made and more tourists will visit if any of the products are worth travelling for. Anything like events or concerts may also be something tourists visit for.

It can also bring up job opportunities for anyone selling to tourists often as it’ll mean more translators are needed to be employed, making it so that there’s more jobs available to the public, improving the economy as well as making non-english-speaking tourists happy that they’ll be able to communicate with members of the community.

EasyJet can also provide employment from this kind of thing too as many people are travelling each day and lots of service will be needed. In 2017 up to September 30th EasyJet employed 12,280 people. This shows us how many jobs can be created from this industry which is huge as jobs nowadays are getting harder to get and are facing more competition as more people are looking for jobs to possibly cope with the growing retire age limit and inflation in the economy.

**Maximise sales revenue**

Maximising sales revenues have to be met so that a company can keep on with its services as well as make sure that many expectations are met. If a sales revenue is maximised then its more likely that there was great effort with management. If it was not then customers may have been unhappy and decided not to return or spend any more money.

Customer service is important for this as customers need to be kept happy for them to return to the same company and to feel more motivated to help support the company as well. This can be met by well-trained staff that respect the customers and to meet their expectations with demands. If more customers return then it will add up to the other newcoming customers while will help boost up the revenue needed for the company. On-board facilities like optional allocated seating or speedy boarding will also help with this as then customers will feel comfortable in their flights and environment which will also convince them on returning.

Being better than competitors has always been a very important role in revenue also. If EasyJet was to be bad at the competition of the industry, they would barely have any customers at all, but if they became the best, they’d have the most customers. All this could be thanks to great advertising and services. Advertising helps bring more recognition while better services brings on more customers.

**Ensure compliance with regulations**

Regulations are extremely important for something like an airport. With many people from many different countries, it could be easy to catch a sickness from either anyone unaware with it, or just poor regulation from not checking or having staff to clean areas. There are also security regulations that need to be checked as companies can and will get hacked if there isn’t enough checks on that either.

EasyJet like many other companies will have regulation policies for health and safety for all their places they fly to and from. Staff will have to have training for environmental and pollution control regulations, as well as their contracts for work so that they don’t fall sick either or that if they do, may have to get medical help for it. Fire exits are directed at all times for customers, as well as staff having access to any emergency methods for if anything were to happen so that customers are kept safe or healthy.

Security regulations have to be met so that computers aren’t hacked into where the customers saved information may be and can be stolen or else the company may get in huge trouble for it, the same goes to health and safety if customers are not looked after as well. People are also checked before flights too so that there isn’t anything dangerous getting into the plane or anything that could be used to disturb the flight. With all the people getting anxious about such a thing nowadays, it’s important the customers are reassured that this wont be a problem.

**To provide scheduled flights**

Scheduled flights are very important for those who may have booked a flight ahead of time or for those going on business. A wide range of availability for bookings also need to be provided. EasyJet makes it so that you can book flights via app or website so that flights are booked for whenever is most suitable.

Since one may be flying between different countries, there needs to be to and from airports which will be in demand for better availability of locations and such. While it’s useful for cars to just do the transport, it can be even better if it’s by plane so that the trip is faster and mot as many schedules need to be planned. Many job opportunities usually come from more to and from airports so it’s definitely a huge benefit to have,

All hours will also be very important and useful for any customer. It will mean that anyone going to business flights can have the most suitable time as possible and for those in leisure can have the best service available to them. EasyJet has employees that will work on different hours so that there’s always people available as well as another few more jobs come out of it which, again, is very welcome in any industry as it fixes trouble with competition and the economy.

Having flights arrive on time can be tricky as estimates may not always be accurate. Delays may have to be made due to such complications but in the end services will do as much as possible to keep customers happy. If there are delays, people will have to stay longer but usually airports will try to inform those ahead of time so people can stay and walk around the airport for any food or products. Usually flights will be on time so that times and schedules are met and will need to travel from county to country meaning times can also be very useful for this.

**To sell leisure and business travel products**

Leisure and business travel products can be considered tied in with providing scheduled flights as they can be somewhat similar or identical. Its important to note that while it is similar to scheduled flights, leisure and business still need to be thought about in depth separately as they both are important for the different people who need to take flights and their reasons. It’s helpful for both them and the company to separate these two things to work on their schedules better.

Business flights and products are important to obviously those who need to take flights for their businesses. If a flight is to be scheduled on short notice then a company like EasyJet will arrange the flight for as soon as possible meaning any flights needed on a longer notice for business will be pushed aside for the short notice to be arranged. It’ll mean that flights are given to everyone on time and create a fair system for those who need to go on business. For waiting times a business lounge will be provided in airports, as well as if they’re on a long flight, food and snacks will be provided. Collaboration with car providers can be scheduled also so that those who need to go on business trips don’t need to schedule it themselves and waste time. It’s extremely helpful and doesn’t need too much work or service to be done.

Leisure is similar in terms of the services needed like collaboration, food and snacks, and any other schedules needed to be done. The main difference is that this is aimed more towards customers going on holidays or anything similar that isn’t for business. Flights can be arranged for holidays, as well as the transport from collaborations. Customers can have an accessible booking process via website, app, or facility if needed making it simple to book a flight. Details can then be provided for customers and avoids any main problems to do with confusion for flights.

**To be responsible towards their shareholders, customers and members**

Shareholders play a very important role for companies as they are usually the ones who share their profit with the company or others that have a big name in the industry. There are shareholders that only share profits with family members or friends, while others will share with any company they are confident to share their investment in. Shareholders will help grow a company as their investments will be used and need to be used responsibly.

Proving to be responsible to them is important, even for EasyJet who doesn’t use any private shareholders. The things EasyJet may need to do to meet a shareholder’s expectations is show how they can be successful. They can show how their staff are treated responsibly and that they are well trained meaning suitable for the job, treating customers as should by the policies. Using fund efficiently is another thing, letting them show that the shareholder’s money is used responsibly which would also play in with EasyJet being able to keep competitive in the industry with services, apps and customer service.

Customers also need to be proven to that EasyJet can be responsible enough for their customers much like shareholders, even down to the requirements needed to be proven responsible to a shareholder. There are still differences, however, and they still need to be met so customers are aware that their company is responsible. Well trained staff and staff is important, letting it be so that customers can build trust with the company this way. Health and safety needs to be well aware of and treated importantly so customers pass through safe and sound. Suitable aircraft and times will also be important to customers so that their needs are met and that they are proven to that the company cares about their needs.
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