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How does Shakespeare develop the power of the supernatural in the play

Shakespeare first presents supernatural through the witches chant that ‘fair is foul, and foul is fair’. The fact they talk in rhyme makes them seem strange, and links to theme of supernatural. A Jacobean audience would fear this supernatural behaviour, putting them on edge from the start of the play. The witches omniscience is mysterious and links to the supernatural. For example, the deception in ‘fair is foul’ foreshadows the whole plot in that Macbeth deceives Duncan in order to be king. Furthermore the noun ‘foul’ may foreshadow Macbeth’s descent into tyranny and the guilt suffered by both him and Lady Macbeth. This ability to predict future events, would certainly lead audiences believe the witches were speaking to the supernatural. Therefore the theme of supernatural is presented through the witches tone and omniscience.

The supernatural is also presented through Lady Macbeth talking to the evil spirits, where she demands ‘take my milk for gall’. The fact Lady Macbeth is talking to spirits is a clear link to the supernatural. The fact she believes they can take her feminine characteristics (‘milk’) shows how powerful the supernatural were seen in Jacobean society. Furthermore the noun ‘gall’ may represent how evil and harmful the supernatural was seen. The imperative ‘take’ may also be Shakespeare referencing the hash treatment of those suspected to be involved with the supernatural, for example witches were often burned alive. Therefore the supernatural is presented as powerful and feared through Lady Macbeth’s soliloquy, in which she interacts with evil spirits.

The writer later presents the supernatural through Macbeth’s visions, in which he questions ‘Is this a dagger which I see before me’. The fact Macbeth is seeing a floating dagger is a clear form of the supernatural. The fact the supernatural is essentially pressing Macbeth to murder Duncan, is Shakespeare purposefully highlighting how evil the supernatural is as it is not only telling him to kill - but kill a king. This would of been especially shocking in Jacobean society, as Kings would have been seen as untouchable and protected by the divine right of kings. Furthermore the fact Macbeth has, here, been driven to insanity and has been corrupted by a supernatural prophecy, further emphases the power of the supernatural. Therefore the supernatural is again presented as powerful through its control over Macbeth.

Shakespeare finally presents the supernatural through Lady Macbeth’s madness where she cries ‘Out, damned spot! Out, I say!’. The adjective ‘damned’ suggests Lady Macbeth will be subjected to eternal punishment in hell for her actions. This is especially ironic, as she called on the supernatural yet is now being punished by it. Jacobean audiences would most likely see this as punishment from god. The repetition of the verb ‘out’ reflects Jacobean views of supernatural, as it was something feared and therefore many wanted it gone.

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