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Prior to the selection of appropriate sensors, research had to have been undergone to pinpoint which ones were ideal to get the job done.
As a team, we've come to a consensus upon identifying Chlorophyll A emissions and lack thereof in regions with corn borer activity. Primarily because of the fact that the damage inflicted by the borers alter the production of Chlorophyll A in the maize crop. Thus, allowing us to easily identify the regions with corn borer infestation.
After reviewing the various type of sensors, we figured that Hyper-spectral and multi-spectral sensors deemed fit for the job since they both have the ability to detect specific wavelength emissions. The use of a Hyper-spectral sensor was ruled out because multispectral sensors turned out to be less expensive and just as effective. More detail in relation to the selected multi-spectral sensor will be covered in the following slide.
In regard to the business perspective, the optimal time to detect insect and plant damage would be during the mid-whorl stage of crop development. The most yield loss occurs during this stage of crop development so it’d deem reasonable to take the proactive approach in cutting yield loss altogether before infestation gets any worse.
Multispectral sensing is defined as the collection of reflected, emitted, or backscattered energy from an object or area of interest in multiple bands of the electromagnetic spectrum
In other words, the multispectral sensor(s) are going to be used to detect the different wavelengths emitted from the corn plants in relation to its Chlorophyll A production. The digital feedback that the team receives from the areas of interest is then going to be used to identify which regions need to be tended to.
Chlorophyll A absorbs optimally around 425 nm. The following multispectral sensor has a spectral response between 400 and 450 nm.
The company--FluxData
More info on Multispectral- Hyperspectral
Many remote sensing systems record energy over several separate wavelength ranges at various spectral resolutions. These are referred to as multi-spectral sensors. Advanced multi-spectral sensors called hyperspectral sensors, detect hundreds of very narrow spectral bands throughout the visible, near-infrared, and mid-infrared portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. In attempt to save as much money as possible, the multispectral sensor was selected with a specific spectral response range. (Within the boundaries of visible light 400-450nm---Cholorphyll A 425nm) Since we’re focusing on the visible portions of the electromagnetic spectrum(750 - 400 nm), all of the other perks that the hyperspectral sensor provides would deem trivial. Using it would be wasteful because our main focus is one particular range as opposed to a vast variety of ranges.
Through deductive reasoning, hyperspectral sensors are more expensive since they come with more perks than that of the multi-spectral sensor.
The term "infrared" refers to a broad range of frequencies, beginning at the top end of those frequencies used for communication and extending up the the low frequency (red) end of the visible spectrum. The wavelength range is from about 1 millimeter down to 750 nm. The range adjacent to the visible spectrum is called the "near infrared" and the longer wavelength part is called "far infrared".
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