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Chapter: The day I fall for him

C'mon what kind of idiot gets late on his club night. I mean just feel the atmosphere and here i am, a hot and sexy girl sitting by the bar counter waiting for a guy. Puff.

Seriously!! Are you kidding me?

"Damn it Shanaya get up now", i said to myself. I was really pissed off waiting this long and i am not going to waste this night anymore. If he can't be on time, i am going to enjoy this myself.

This is my moment and i want to live it as much as i could. After all, it is my first club night and i am badly excited. So, a deep breathe and tightened fist is all it needs to fill your body with confidence.

But as soon as i was firm with my anger and confidence both at the same time, my eyes got locked with someone.

Someone on the other end of the club, someone who was meant to be on time, but wasn't. I was supposed to be damn angry at him but i don't know what happened to me. I was cold instead.

He was wearing a black jacket and a white t. His face was glowing and his eyes were saying sorry in the cutest way possible for being late. I didn't knew how to react. He was looking pretty good.

I have no idea if its the magic of the beats or something else but something is really different and its making me go crazy.

My feet became their own master as they started moving towards the dance floor. Ny heartbeats were rising as the distance between us was reducing inch by inch. It was beating like a drum as if its going to come out from my mouth.

I, myself couldn't believe all this was happening looking at the guy who is by my side, all the time, everyday. All i wanted to do was to ask him for a dance.

"What will everyone think shanaya?" A part of my mind questioned me.

Within a second, my heart replied loud and clear "fuck everyone, you have to do this tonight".

As i reached close to him, he was still trying to be sorry for the delay. But, right now i didn't cared about the apology. My mind was nuts. And i asked him straight "Will you dance with me?"

My question was like a sudden water splash on his face. He was stunned by this straightforwadness as we never used to it.

For a moment i thought "What's wrong with you dumbhead, are you in your senses?"

But, just the moment i was going to recover from my deep thoughts, He smiled.

He said yes in complete simplicity and looked straight in my eyes.

I don't even think of one perfect moment in my whole life. This has to be the best moment of my life and my heart.
This was one such moment where If i had wrote down the situation of my heart, it had be a poetry.

He initiated the dance slided his hand on my back. And I don't have a bit of idea why i slided his hand down to my waist. I was all lost in his deep eyes. The Music was controlling me and i was trying to recall what happened in the past hour, where i lost myself. I was finally able to figure out.  It has to be the moment he entered the club.
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