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0. Read my post about getting the wi-fi card activated and hp-wmi permanently backlisted:
0. Setup PIA. Since I couldn't use ubuntu client, I used the OpenVPN included in the default Network manager, and got instructions from the PIA website:
1. Run updates to get the latest bug fixes.
2. Check drivers manager to make sure all drivers are installed properly.
3. Modify Dolphin to be as desired.
4. Install ksuperkey from AUR (Arch User Repository) (Yaourt) repo. sudo pacman -S base-devel
5. This script cleans up keys: sudo pacman-key --init && sudo pacman-key --refresh-keys && sudo pacman-key --populate archlinux manjaro
6. During this install I had a bug with Turbulence Key not clearing, preventing the update to complete. I got this script from the guys on Konversation to remove turbulence, after which the update succeeded and fixed my problems with virtualbox crashing: sudo pacman -Rnsc turbulence
7. Enable video thumbnails: Open Dolphin File manager / Configure Dolphin / General / Previews
8. Install latest stable Thunderbird
9. luckybackup, spideroak, are available in the "Yaourt" AUR
10. Install "Root Actions" and other right click menu actions from here:,
11. Installed Work Printer 2270DW using driver "Brother HL-2460 - CUPS+Gutenprint v5.2.9" and using direct IP address of "socket://". Just using network search resulted in communication errors.
12. CRITICAL: Install "kcm-touchpad" from community repository. This will add another module to Settings / Input Devices / Touchpad Settings to enable 2 finger right click (and tons of other cool stuff)
13. Creating Samba Shares - OK, so I have successfully accessed my Linux Samba share from my Win7 VM, but honestly I'm not sure what all steps did it. I believe my steps were formed from these links.
Link 1:
Link 2:

14. I had significant difficulty in getting virtualBox to "see" any USB devices. I did the following from what I found on this forum:

I'm not altogether sure what "did-the-trick", but I think it may have been adding my user to the vbox group "gpasswd -a yourusername vboxusers"

"Refresh your whole system with:

pacman -Syyu

Then, (re)install virtualbox and its drivers:

pacman -S virtualbox virtualbox-host-modules

Add your user to the virtualbox group (as root):

gpasswd -a yourusername vboxusers

create a file (if one doesn't already exist with these modules) named (for example) "/etc/modules-load.d/vbox.conf" with the following content:

#my vbox modules loaded on system startup

and reboot."


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