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Monte's the son of a King and a Queen.
The Queen(name undecided, eh) isn't the best ruler, she's very powerful and doesn't care for the lower ranked people she rules over.
She only cares for nobles.
His dad is secluded and is often on runs all over the country, trying to keep his kingdom alive.
The kingdom itself is starving and angry- They all hate the rulers and, with them, their son, Monte
Okay so, when he was born, the young prince was snow white.
While this wasn't unheard of, it was undesirable, as many believed the higher the class, the more beautiful the markings.
So, the family sought for people to believe that Monte held a beautifully colored coat.
They commissioned a well-known bodypaint, well, painter and requested them to find the most beautiful color they could, the most exotic that would usually not be available.
And so they did, finding this pretty mint-coloration that matched their son's eyes.
So the young Monte wore it almost every day, striping it down his sides as realistically as possible.
He'd never be seen without it, lest the rumor get out that the son was simply a singular color
Of course, as he grew up, he started to notice the world around him. However, this was rather hard. At a young age, he was homeschooled, his family paying an extensive amount for him to learn as much as possible in so much time. However, the young prince would never be let out of the palace's walls, since the palace was cut off from the rest of the kingdom by massive walls, brutal guards and things such as that. He'd constantly try to get out, however it never worked. Eventually, his mother decided it'd be nice to let him get some fresh air. The young Monte, around six at this time, was ecstatic. The young prince was quickly taken out to the country, where the Mother and her son stayed in the hills for a while. As they came back, Monte had an idea. Having his mother distracted by talking to the guards outside the palace, Monte snuck out of the carriage his mother and he was staying in so they could go through the kingdom easily.
monte finds himself in an alleyway and not surprisingly, he's not alone. a gang of thugs had been following him, as he looked like he should have a bit of coin on him. when they corner him, they realize "oh heck, he's the priNcE", so they debate on holding him for ransom. As they argue about who will get most of the money, oh boy, his mommy shows up. Armed with a broadsword, accompanied by three guards. Instead of arresting the vagrants, the guards all brutally murder the thugs and Monte is taken back to the palace, no matter how shook he is.
basically that really shook him and as he grows up, monte realizes just how bad his momther is at keeping her kingdom fed, happy and stuff
he confronts his momther one day but she really brushes it off
he sneaks out and looks around(he's around 13 this time) to see just how horrible it is out there
its horrible horrible
so he tries to get his momther to change again and again and she's getting annoyed by this time, afraid her son will do something about it. so she threatens to put him in the dungeon. monte doesn't really think and still pressures her to make a change, so she kinda throws him in the dungeon
down there monte has time to think
a lot of time to think
and he's realizing why he never really went out. his momther didn't want him to see her reign of terror at work
so he devises a plan
she won't ever listen to him
and so, fueled by his anger of being locked up, he decides he'd murder her
he picks the lock of his dungeon cell and rips a wooden torch off of a dungeon wall
he sneaks up the tower to his mother's bedroom
slits her throat
and burns the room down for good measure
and then he runs away C:
and of course, he hallucinates
on his travels, he 'meets'(hallucinations, yay) this lynx from the stars. she tells him to call her "madam in the moon"(madam for short) and, with really nothing else to do, he does. She only shows up to him every full-moon. He travels around a bunch here, sees some stuff and basically gets wiser and regrets what he's done. eventually, madam tells him that he has basically go back and fix it all. not really knowing how he could fix a murder, he kinda comes back and is greeted by a civil war between the nobles and the rebelling commonfolk
(also, i forgot to say this, he made some friends that he conversed with whenever he snuck out, especially this really pretty girl that he kinda liked and they were bestfrens)
he meets his friends and they were like "woah we thought you were deAD" and they kinda brush off the murder, believing the fire was just a torch getting knocked down. they don't really believe the queen died, they thought that she survived. monte is too nervous to tell them otherwise. so they really want the war to stop and stuff and they're all thinking of ways to stop it and monte has this idea, but doesn't say it
and then the tower they were congregating in heckin blows uP and they all kinda fall out of it(it wasn't really tall, they were just needing a place to meet up and talk)
and it turns out that someone saw them go in there(with monte aa) and now there's this giant mob screaming at them as they try to recover themselves from the fallen building.
monte kinda tries to protect his frens as they pull themselves out of the rubble and he doesn't really know what to do. he sees the mob leader and he just goes "oh" because it was one of those guys that had attacked him when he was young boi
apparently he had survived the wounds but was rather disfigured now
monte kinda has that thought again and he just kinda formulates a plan
he tells his friends that he's going to the guy to talk it out and see if they could agree to stop and his friends are kinda like... be careful but feel free to try
monte starts to walk to the mob leader guy and the crowd silences and kinda parts bc they heard rumors that he set the fire that killed his momther and that's he's unstable in general so he has easy walking passage to the mob leader
and he gets to the mob leader
and he kneels, head down
the mob leader first is shocked but gets v angry bc monte doesn't even say anything, he just kneels.
after he impacted the entire rest of his life without the blink of an eye and doesn't say anything
so he draws an arrow and his bow
the crowd and monte's friends kinda realize whats happening and they screAM
and the mob guy shoots him through the chest
and monte kinda comes to peace with himself and death
and he just dies, hoping that his mother's terror will die with him
and now
he's lead to the afterlife by that starry lynx that convinced him to come back and finish what he started
But yeah, that's basically his life story right there :)
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