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“Babe,” he mutters against your lips, “you feel like you went swimming with your clothes on. You’re fucking soaked.” he whispers, and you nod your head eagerly.

“If you weren’t such a turn on, I wouldn’t be so wet.” you say. Calum grunts and lets out a shaky breath as you undo your bra and take it off, throwing it to the side of the room somewhere. His eyes devour your body, taking in every curve and every inch of skin they could as he found himself resting his lips around your nipples, sucking and tugging at them with his teeth to get them hardened. You were moaning, pulling at his hair and slightly grinding your crotch against his to get a feel going between the two of you.

Calum pulled away from your boobs, his hand once again finding its place at your panties. You sigh at the contact, wanting him to just go ahead and move his fingers at the pace he knew you loved; but Calum was in a teasing mood tonight and you knew he would toy with you for a few moments before he actually brought any sort of pleasure to you. His dark eyes made contact with yours for a second before he shoved your panties to the side and took no time in shoving two of his fingers into you, causing a loud grunt to leave your lips.

“F-fuck!” you shout out, instantly rocking your hips against his hand. Calum smirks to himself and goes at a fast pace at first, watching you close your eyes and bite your lip at the feel of him inside of you. You ride his hand for minutes at a time, not caring if you got off just by his hands for the night. He removes his fingers quickly and you let out an audible groan of disapproval.

“Just a second, (Y/N). We can’t be selfish, now can we?” he smirks as he leans back against the couch and points down to his boxers, where you can see his obvious erection begging to be let free. You sigh and shrug, dropping down to your knees as you instantly hook your fingers inside the waistband, pulling them down to his ankles. Your eyes widen slightly at his size, but you find yourself going in to kiss the tip anyway. Your tongue pokes out and swirls around the tip as you go down further onto his shaft, your free hand pumping what bit of him you couldn’t fit and massaging his balls, switching every few seconds between each transaction to make sure he got all the pleasure necessary.

Calum tilted his head back further, closing his eyes while his hand found its way to your hair, fisting a large amouth as he continued to push you down onto his shaft; but not far enough to make you choke. His stomach started to tighten and you knew he was close, so you removed your mouth from around him and made your way back to his waist, putting your legs on either side of him as you hovered your center just above his erection. You licked your lips as you made eye contact with Calum, and he nodded his head to tell you to continue.
The both of you moaned at the contact as you slowly moved yourself on him, grinding your hips in a slow motion to get the sexual feeling you’d been needing for the past few weeks. Calum’s hands grip your hips tight as he watches you ride, his eyes focusing on your boobs with each bounce from your frantic speed. He loved every second of it, his lips getting dry for more each time you came down further onto him.

It was about five minutes later before you felt yourself getting close, your breath becoming shorther as your stomach started to knot. Calum looked at you and nodded; signaling that he was also close to being done.

“S-shit, Cal,” you manage between moans.

“Goddamn it, I know, (Y/N). Almost there.” he grunts back, and almost instantly the two of you hit your highs, riding them out together with loud, breathy moans. You giggle as you pull yourself off of him and pick up your clothes, making your way further into the house.
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