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wound healing:
hemostatic: stop blood - blood clotting - platelet clumping THROMBOXANE A2
inflammatory: vasodilation - migration of WBCs, proteins - infection control - exudate mesh - edema HISTAMINE
proliferative: fibroblasts inject ECM - new tissues (granulation) - contract edges - epithelialization
maturation: remodeling of collagen, tight, strong - closing of wound

hemiplegia: paralysis of one side of the body
hemi - one side, plegia - paralysis; cardioplegia, paraplegia (paralysis of the legs), quadriplegia (paralysis of all 4 limbs)

thrombo: blood clot, coagulation; thromboxane (blood clotting, platelet clumping)
cyto: cell
penia: absence, deficiency

types of infections
bacterial: increase neutrophils
viral: decrease neutrophils (neutropenia), increase lymphocytes (lymphocytosis)
parasitic: increase eosinophils

problem with card 13:
you were looking for an answer that was inappropriate in terms of communication skills. you failed to account for the accuracy of the answers in medical terms

neonate vs adult healing
N: more rapid spread of infection, immature immune system, unstable electrolyte balance, decreased energy stores

neoplasia: new tissue growth; has negative connotations with abnormal tissue growth i.e. cancer
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