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Social Darwinism is used to make it so business people could do their cutthroat business tack tic of killed or be killed.
Mass migration of immigrants into the country. The large need to for goods so alot people are needed to make the goods. Labor is not needed to be skilled, just alot of labor but the supply keeps rising. But not enough jobs and to many people.
The safety in the work place was very low, and so were the wages. just because of how many people there were. They could just go through more and more people. Sweatshops start to form, where people would work for long ours in dark, hot, and bad.
Child labor is popular, they get payed even less but still do because they are needed for the family. This damaged the physical and mental growing for the children bodies.
Company towns exist and they are small towns that are completely owned by businesses. And because of this wage slavery starts because they would take money out of your paycheck for your food and rent and everythig else, creating a slave to the business.
This pushed it over the edge and is why the union started forming.
Collective bargaining, a group with the employer to bargain to get more money. Lockouts would form where they would lock the workers out and just hire more immigrants.
Strike would happen so the don't work until they get what they want. the nights of labor founded by Uriah Stephens.
They also utilized boycotts. They would try and get people to not buy the companies products. The nights grew to over 700,000 in 20ish years. But the AFL takes some on the way. Which was founded by Samuel Gompers.
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