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ICJ has been effective as it perceived successful in enforcing the international law.
This is evident as it can be seen in providing advisory opinions to other UN organs.

ICJ was successful in providing advisory opinions in the legality of the threat or use of nuclear weapons (1996) playing a pivotal role in establishing the illegality use of the use of nuclear except in self-defence as well as law governing " jus ad bellum". Its effectiveness was later undermined in the case of the Trident Three in Scotland (1999) where a UN member used the international law on illegal use of nuclear weapons in Scotland criminal procedures.

Likewise, ICJ's role in advising on the Reparations for injuries for those who suffered in service of the United Nations(1949) innovated the use of "implied powers", clearly establishing the duties and rights of the UN as accordance to the specified purposes. This formed the basis for the Uniting For Peace Resolution in the GA; As Tunkin puts "the concept of implied powers" was used by the Western Powers to justify the use of GA's resolution of Uniting for Peace Resolution.

Clarifying and Inteperting the international law.
Despite, ICJ's inability to ensure adherence to the international law, it was still effective as it was able to clarify and interpret the international law for future references so increased the propensities of the states to adhere to IL. Although, the ICJ was not able to solve the disputes between Albania and Britain, the judgements arising from the Corfu case, foreshadowed many aspects of IL before the ICJ. The lasting influence can be seen in the law of the Sea, by particular definition the international straits and fact finding by international courts and tribunals.

Similarly, in the Nicaragua vs USA in 1980, specific judgements were not compiled with, the court defined in greater detain than before the limits on the "rights for states to collective self-defence against an armed attack", notably the state being "defended" should declared itself a subject of an armed attack and should have requested other states to act on its defence. it also defined ht escape of lawful countermeasures, in the absence of an armed attack, the state cannot involve the use of force. By defining the aspects of the international law, it reduces the uncertainty towards the IL and increased the tendency for countries to adhere to IL.

ICJ was impartial.
ICJ despite its inability to ensure adherence to the international law, it was effective as it was impartial.

In the Nicaragua vs USA, the ICJ was able to rule against a superpower and condemned USA's violation of Nicaragua's sovereignty and placed a fair judgement and just verdict to aid Nicaragua.

Similarly, in the Iranian hostage crisis, in ICJ final judgements, although, ICJ had ruled that the Iran had violated the international law and the customary international law, by holding the diplomatic and consular staff hostages, the ICJ did not shy away from criticising USA's infringement in Iran's sovereignty in the failed rescue mission of April 1980. ICJ's provision of a fair judgement helped to safeguard the impartiality of the international law and strengthened the moral authority of the ICJ. This improved relation can be seen in the increase of workload of the ICJ, from 6 to 9 in the 1960s to 1970s to 13 and 39 in the 1980s and 1990s.

ICJ was effective as evident in its perceived successful enforcement of the international law.
This is largely evident as it provides advisory opinions to the other UN organs.

ICJ has been successful in advising in the legality of the threat or use of nuclear weapons in 1996, playing a pivotal role in establishing the illegality use of nuclear weapons except for self-defence as well as the law governing " jus ad bellum". Its effectiveness was later undermined in the case of the Trident Three in Scotland(1999) where a UN member used the international law on the illegality used of nuclear weapons in the Scotland criminal procedures.

Likewise, ICJ's role in advisory in the Reparation for injuries for those suffered in the service of the UN ( 1949) innovated the use of "implied powers" clearly distinguishing the rights and duties of the ICJ in accordance to the specified purposes. This formed the basis for the Uniting for Peace resolution in the GA; as Tunkin puts "the concept of implied powers" were used to justify Western powers used of the Peace resolution.

ICJ was ineffective as it was not able to ensure compliance to the IL. ICJ was not able to solve disputes between disputes.
ICJ was ineffective as it was not able to ensure compliance to the IL and ICJ was not able to solve disputes between member states this was evidenced in the Iranian Hostage Crisis (1980), where the ICJ's decision in USA's diplomatic and consular staff hostages in Tehran went largely futile.

ICJ was ineffective as it was not able to ensure compliance to the IL as it was not able to solve disputes between member states, this was evidenced in the Iranian Hostage Crisis (1980) where the ICJ's decision in the USA diplomatic and consular staff hostages in Tehran went largely futile in its collaboration with the SC towards the crisis. Instead, the organs eventually leveraged on bilateral negotiations between the US and ran in the Algeria Declaration to release the hostages on the conditions of establishing the Iran-US claims tribunals between two members.

ICJ was ineffective as it was not able to ensure compliance to the iL this is evidenced in the Iranian Hostage Crisis 1980 where the ICJ's decision in the USA diplomatic and consular staff hostages in Tehran went largely futile in its collaboration with the SC towards the crisis. Instead, the organs eventually leveraged on bilateral negotiations between US and Iran in the Algeria Declaration to release the hostages on the condition of establishing the Iran-US claims tribunals between members. This proved ICJ to be ineffective as it was sidelined in favour for bilateral negotiations and was not used as a legal platform to resolved disputes.

Corfu Crisis (1949) was unable to make Albania to pay reparations to Britain and disputes were not solved. It was only solved only when Albania stopped being a socialist state which was in 1990s.

Unable to safeguard the primacy of the international law.
Ineffective as it was unable to safeguard the primacy of the international law in the resolution of the inter-state legal disputes.
Solved through bilateral negotiations rather the ICJ's judgements which was deem more effective than the latter. For instance, i at the end of the Cold War animosities were it was reduced , erstwhile Albania and Britain leading to a resolution in 1992. Albania finally paid the restitution to Britain as part of the Memorandum of Understanding and in exchange Britain returned the 164Kg of gold that Nazis had looted out of the Albania central bank.

ICJ was unable to ensure compliance to adhere to the IL.
It was ineffective as it was not able to ensure compliance to the IL. This is evident in the Iranian Hostage Crisis(1980) where ICJ's decision on the USA diplomatic and consular staff hostages in Tehran went completely futile in its collaboration with the SC towards the crisis. Instead, the organs eventually leveraged on bilateral negotiations between USA and Iran in the Algeria Declaration to release hostages on the conditions that the US and Iran claims tribunals between members . Hence, the ICJ was ineffective as disputes were solved through bilateral negotiations rather than via a legal platform.

Similarly in the dispute between Albania and Britain, Albania did not adhere to ICJ judgements therefore it did not pay the restitution to Britain but only after socialist Albania ended, then it paid the reparations to Britain.

ICJ was unable to safeguard the primacy of the international law.
Solved disputes through bilateral negotiations rather than ICJ judgements, it was deemed to be ineffective. For instance, at the end of Cold war, animosities were reduced between erstwhile Albania and Britain. Albania then was able to pay the restitution to Britain as part of the Memorandum of Understanding and in exchange Britain returned the 164kg of gold that the Nazis looted out of the Albania Central Bank.
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