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Hello, I am poor student from Poland and recently i went for my holidays to work in Netherland. I bought those headphones for 299 euro from my first salary at 16.08.2018. And now you release new model :(. I looked out for possibility of reselling them and getting new ones but it will couse losing 80-100 euro and paying additional 80. As I didn't see rumours of new model coming out, I feel disappointed now. Tough they're amazing i'd really love to charge my hheadphones for 5h in 10m.
It sucks when you're one of the last buyers for old model. Maybe You (SONY) want to make me a year and replace my almost brend new XM2 to XM3 or giving a discount so i wouldn't lose to much money on reselling, making me still be the biggest SONY fan:). Last 4 headphones were from SONY, also a phone which I remember really good, the tiniest (7mm) 5,5'' that day which wasn't really good couse I broke him while sitting on stone:D. I really cant afford to lose so much on resell as everything what i;m earning now I have to put in my socks on later renting a room when i won't have time for working (Maritime academy) [160 euro which i would have to spent additionally to XM2 is enough to pay one month (it's changing a lot as i'll be missing about 1500 euro from 4000 that i need on my studying so it's about 3-4 months full time working in Poland). I told you why it would be good and why I can't afford to have them, sometimes you have only 10minutes to go out to academy and it's amazing future but buying them will make me work for 10 days more in Poland (I have to find a work for 600 hours at weekend already (9months study year has 1800 weekend hours, but I won't work for 24h.) So basicly I have to work for 8 hours in each Saturday and Sunday while studying in mon-friday from October to June).
Had also 2 different options like:
-going out from Poland for a full year and get money for all 4 years study. (I'm not created to physical work in Germany (They're using polish people) on that period , in Netherland it would end not nice as there is to many drag addicts)
-Working in Germany/Netherland while study on weekends for 3 years. (Too long perspective plan, exhausting (from 8 to 20 on weekends and coming back 600-1200km to get to work at 6-8AM at Monday), expensive (600 euro for Gas monthly and 2000 euro yearly for study, almost full salary used).
But decided that these problems will create my inner man and make me better person. (Now headset charged off :( ).
I'm Never coming out from home without headphones, theyre always on my neck. If I don't have them, something had happen and everybody is asking what. They're know then that I'm not happy at all couse I had to get to Academy without them (Hearing old people with closed minds from the church to Biedronka (shop) and what is happpening over their neibourhood is THE WORST thing of the day.
And that is why i LOVE anc at WH-1000 series. Im missing charging for 5h in 10minutes, also microSD slot but maybe XM4 :D.

Also I have a question if we're here. Will SONY phone be better for listening music on these headphones?
Sorry if you had to read this, i guess that i'm desperate, have a nice day and maybe give this long story to your bosses, maybe they have a good day :D
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