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malunma: no ones talking about score are u fucking braindead?
malunma: im 1lp u think i care
malunma: league is a shit game
malunma: im killing time
malunma: season 3-5
malunma: yeah
malunma: since lethality its fucked
malunma: u2
malunma: this elos adcs are so fucking trash its just too easy
malunma: if i didnt int the moment someone stepped outta line i wouldnt be here
malunma: xD
malunma: s1
malunma: u play aggro
malunma: i like it
malunma: good attitude
malunma: mb
malunma: 4 man
malunma: pussies
malunma: fight 2v2
malunma: ??
malunma: pussy ass bitch
malunma: get fucked nerd
malunma: good shitr
malunma: tilt these cunts
malunma: ur 2/6 botlane
malunma: thats what it is
malunma: xx
malunma: ???????
malunma: hes a fucking better sp than ull ever be buddy
malunma: 5 BOIS
malunma: nice dude got 5 ppl
malunma: and lux rq
malunma: LOL
malunma: ur getting carried by galio faggot
malunma: and our afk lux
malunma: nah me and ali are fucking mint
malunma: uir trash needing a 5 and 4 man bot
malunma: and ur adc is still 2/5
malunma: ?
malunma: nice bot lane
malunma: open inhib
malunma: ez
malunma: all 3 towers
malunma: solo
malunma: nah'
malunma: understayed
malunma: 2 towerrs
malunma: 3 for 2
malunma: ez
malunma: 1
malunma: ?
malunma: mr jackie chan im about to take inhib too
malunma: so u better watch urself
malunma: 4v5
malunma: couldnt even get mid inhib
malunma: sad
malunma: what do u think saying newb does?
malunma: makes u look 12
malunma: xx
malunma: i dont til;t
malunma: i tilt others
malunma: i dont tilt
malunma: i dont care enough about this dying game tro tilt
malunma: ?
malunma: LOL
malunma: THE FLASH
malunma: FOR ME
malunma: XD
malunma: i dont care bud
malunma: im happy im trash in a trash game
malunma: i lost because i dont give a fuck
malunma: ?
malunma: keep talking
malunma: ur too thick in the head to realise i dont fucking care about this trash dying game
malunma: kled lmao
malunma: funny engage
malunma: ngl
malunma: gave me a chuckle
malunma: xd
malunma: xd
malunma: nice dude
malunma: u did it
malunma: u won a league game
malunma: xdxd
malunma: im enjoying watching u care so mucnb
malunma: thats sad
malunma: enjoying watching someone lose a video game
malunma: xd
malunma: im off to int my next game
malunma: xd
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