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Daily Individual and Guild Events

Individual Events
Monday: Grand Commander (Leadership)
Tuesday: Nemesis of the Empire (NPC)
Wednesday: Healing Troops (Medbay)
Thursday: Rapid Construction (Power)
Friday: Assemble Army (Train)
Saturday: Hunting Games (PvP)
Sunday: Hunting Games (PvP)

Guild Events
Monday: Grand Commander (Leadership)
Tuesday: Nemesis of the Empire (NPC)
Wednesday: Guild Assistance (Donate)
Thursday: Rapid Construction (Power)
Friday: Assemble Army (Train)
Saturday: Hunting Games (PvP)
Sunday: Hunting Games (PvP)

Ultimate Boss:
MONDAY: Grand Commander

Use magazines on your commanders to increase their leadership. Best practice is to dump the mags (and any free leadership increases from level-ups) in one shot, closest to the end of the individual event, which ends at server reset (4 AM Eastern). This will give you rewards for the individual event, but also make sure your progress is counted towards the guild event.

HINT: If you want to ensure winning the individual event, do not participate every week. Save your mags and level-up increases for when you have enough to actually secure the top spot. Keep an eye on performance of others week over week and take into account any events that grant extra mags as others will also have more mags to pay in. Sometimes it's best to wait. Recall that in order to gain the gold from the individual event, you have to use more mags than the gold reward is worth.
TUESDAY: Nemesis of the Empire

Use your commanders to engage in the PvE modules of the game: Explore and NPCs on the World Map. Unlike other events, participation is completely free (except for the cost of healing to make up for the inevitable troop loss), so expect high participation from other guilds. If you have the time, send all but one of your coms out to hit NPCs on the world map, using one com for explore until their energy is depleted. Cycle in all your coms to run through all their energy. Hit the highest level NPCs and Explore levels you can, making sure to keep your medbay at a manageable capacity. Once your medbay is full, your ability to participate will grind to a halt, so balance your time. Use of high-end gear will help you substantially. Your participation in the guild event is the most important here. The capability of high-end players to win the individual event is very high given their usage of event gear and the lack of a "buy-in cost."

HINT: Remember that the goal here is to kill enemy troops, not win battles against the enemy. Some commanders quickly win battles by slicing through the enemy ranks to expose their hull. In cases where your coms are ending the battles prematurely, use lower tier troops.
WEDNESDAY: Healing Troops

Use your Medbay to heal troops. You will want to equip Ares hull to increase the capacity of your Medbay. Once again, this is an easy event for everyone on the server to take part in, so you will need to begin early.. Best practice is to use the PvE modules to generate your injured troops as PvP combat can be somewhat unpredictable in nature.

HINT: Once again, the goal here is not to win battles, but to heal your troops. If your efforts are not generating enough injured troops, scale down the tier of the troops you are using. It is fairly easy to get this done with a swarm of T2.

Guild Assistance

Wait until the guild event begins and dump your RSS. Easy.
THURSDAY: Rapid Construction
Increase 1 Building Power: 1 Pt
Increase 1 Technology Power: 1 Pt
Increase 1 Commander Power: 1 Pt

All increases in power except Soldier power are scored. Technology will grant you the largest point values. Commander will give you the best bang for your buck. Increases in leadership and skills will both gain you points, while gaining new commanders open up additional avenues to gain points. Best practice is to work on Commander power for individual event, continuing through the guild event with Technology and Commander power.

HINT: Keep in mind that the points are scored upon completion of the timer of the upgrade. Schedule your lengthy upgrades (read: Technology ) in order to coincide with the guild event, (4 PM Eastern).
FRIDAY: Assemble Army

Training troops grants you points. Gain more points for higher tier units. In all cases, infantry grants you the lowest amount of points, followed by walkers, and finally air. This event becomes heavily populated during the Half Training Time event that sometimes lands. Best practice is to ensure that you are training 100% of the time during the guild event. Raid to assist your RSS needs.

HINT: Once gain, points are scored upon completion of the training timer. Schedule your higher tier training in order to coincide with the guild event, (4 PM Eastern)
WEEKEND: Hunting Games
Event occurs once on Saturday and once on Sunday. Scoring is separate.

Killing enemy player troops in the World Map module grants you points (no points for Ace of Galaxy ). Best practice is to raid as much as you can. If you are busy, definitely raid during guild event primarily. This is an event that everyone comes out to play, so partcipation is high server-wide.

HINT: In addition to maximizing your points, make sure to minimize points the enemy can score off of you. Use lower tier troops whenever possible, do not mine from tiles unless you are 100% confident you can pull your troops back. (or at the very least, use RANGERS ONLY ). Keep shielded if you're not online. This is the time to hit all non-allied tiles with no remorse.
WEEKEND: Ultimate Boss

The Ultimate Boss spawns in a random location on the World Map. If you see it, share the location in-game, on Discord, but especially get the information to an officer, who will mail the coordinates to the entire guild. If you are an officer and someone shares the location of the Ultimate Boss, your duty is to ensure others know the location. Members then send attacks at the Ultimate Boss in order to deplete its health by attacking the enemy's ark. This will take a considerable amount of attacks. After an amount of turns, all troops are destroyed by a shadow matter bomb. Best practice is to compile your troops in such a way that the enemy troops will destroy your ark before the shadow matter bomb is triggered. In order to do this, place troops (high tier will get you the most points) in the 1st and 4th slots. In slots 2 and 3, place A SINGLE RANGER. The idea is that one column of your troops will slice through the enemy and attack the enemy ark while the enemy troops slice through your rangers to begin damaging your ark. Use of lower-level commanders will result in a quicker defeat due to lower HP (this is a good thing as the quicker you are defeated, the less chance you have of triggering the shadow matter bomb that will kill your troops). Infantry S commanders are best. If you are S walker or air, you should deploy infantry troops, as their skills hit enemy troops that will be needed to attack your ark. Commanders defeated by the Ultimate Boss do not get injured. You will have to heal your troops, however.

HINT: Your capacity to send troops will be limited by your Medbay. You want to send attacks that will not fill your Medbay completely so you can heal them effectively. Remember the object is to do as much damage and get defeated as quickly as possible.
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Regards; Team

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