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A current relationship is one that’s active now. The person you wrote down could be someone you see once in a while and do something with/for every so often.
A past relationship is one you used to have, but for some reason you no longer have contact with that person.
A social relationship involves someone you're friends with.
A family relationship involves someone you're related to.
A working relationship builds between people who work together.

Quality Time: time that is meaningful, productive, or relaxing
expectations: things people expect from one another.
positive reinforcement: a reward
negative reinforcement: a bad experience or punishment
relationship: the way two or more people connect

Key Points
Relationships involve at least two people.
Relationships are influenced by the ideas and attitudes of everyone involved, and by their purpose.
There are different types of relationships: current and past, social and working, and family.
Open communication and honesty are important to relationships

Vertical Relationship: A relationship that exists between people with unequal status
Horizontal Relationship: A relationship between equals or near equals
Harmony: Mutual respect for each other

Key Points
Vertical relationships are those between people with unequal status.
Asking for feedback shows that you’ve listened, want to get the job right, and are willing to change if you’re not doing it correctly.
The most important thing you can do to build a good vertical relationship is to be productive.
Horizontal relationships are those between people with equal status.
Cliques are in-crowds that exclude others and can decrease productivity in any job.

Mutual Reward Theory: The theory that relationships will grow as long as the people involved reinforce one another
values: The theory that relationships will grow as long as the people involved reinforce one another
Irrational Threshold: The point at which a person notices something and becomes annoyed

Key Points
Mutual reward theory suggests that relationships will grow as long as the people involved reinforce one another.
Values are those things, especially ideas, that people believe are important.
The irritation threshold is the point at which a person notices something and becomes annoyed.
The supervisory role includes teaching, leading, counseling, and advocating for employees.

Counselor: A person who helps you see a situation or problem clearly so you can decide what to do
Advocate: A person who supports your efforts and who looks out for your best interests
Leadership: Guidance from leaders and supervisors
Followership: Commitment from followers to do the best job they possibly can
Productivity Equation: Happy Employees + Good Supervision = Productivity

Key Points
Supervision is necessary to provide motivation and training and to guarantee quality control.
Quality control ensures that the goods or services provided to customers are of high quality.
Because of their experience, supervisors can often solve problems that others can’t.
Working through your supervisor is the best way to communicate with upper-level management.
Becoming a good follower requires training and experience.
To become a follower, you must make a commitment to do the best job you possibly can.
The productivity equation states that happy employees + good supervision = productivity.
Being a good employee can even help to keep our country strong. With good employees our country can produce high-quality goods at fair prices and remain competitive on the world market.
Supervisors care about you and your work even if they don’t take the time to express their feelings.
To stand out in a crowd, (1) always do your best no matter what those around you are doing and (2) show loyalty to your employer.
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