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exerpt from the jogging story
Remember that jog story? I bet you liked that didn't you. the feeling of helplessness you'd have as I handcuffed you to a small tree in the middle of the trail, so there is a slight chance of someone finding us. All you could do to resist is wiggle your ass in a cut little "fuck me. now." fashion. Naturally, I pull down your silky black athletic shorts, showcasing, to my surprise, an uncovered honey hole with a little pink viberating bullet attatched to a controller set to medium. humming gently, I yank the cord to the bullet with gusto, plopping the buzzing bullet into my hand, while soliciting moans from my cute sink. Taking advantage of this unauthurized toy you hid from me, I gently press the dripping wet bullet up to your tight little asshole. Any resistance you had to my prodding is slowly melting away as this alien feeling washes over your body. To match the sensation, I Pull out my now rock hard cock, knowing I would need no lube to enter your dripping wet honey pot. Gently, I press the head of my manhood to your sweet nethers as the vibrator buzzes relentlessly at your tight hole. The sensations coming from both holes are sending you into a frenzy of moans and hip thrusts, desperatly trying to put as much of my rock hard cock into you as possible, but to no avail. You and I both know you want your next meal of rock hard cock to be hard, and damnit, you want it right now. My teasing goes from gently prods from the outside to entering just enough to bury my head, causing you to moan loudly before I plop my manhood loudly out into the open, which is getting harder to do every penetration. “Please honey?” you beg as I watch you wiggle your ass in a cute fashion, trying desperatly to plunge my manhood deep into your nethers. “But sweetie, you know I don't bring protection on these jogs, can't you just wait until we get home?” I say as I rub the length of my cock up and down your sopping wet hole. I start to reach for the key to the cuffs I have in my pocket before you stop me. “wait.” you say in a stern fashion, like you have any say in what I'm doing. “Fuck protection, JUST FUCK ME!” you scream out in a moan. Thats about all you can muster up before the full length of my sword and the buzzing bullet become ensheathed in your warm, wet compartments. Hopelessly, you desperatly start flailing about with your hips, hungrily timing your thrusts against mine, trying to milk out everything my manhood has to offer. The alien buzzing in your ass timed with my hard thrusts sends you into waves of warm pleasure, where no coherent thought is possible. All that is coming out of your mouth is screams of pleasure as you near your peak. Sensing you tense up, I turn the vibe to low and pull out to my head, because you're so tight, pulling out fully just isn't possible. “I don't think we should finish this on the trail like this sweetie, what if someone sees us? “ I whisper into your ear, soliciting more moans of sheer pleasure. You register what I say, but all you can bring forth is another moan. “Do you really want me to cum inside you sweetie?” by now, I'm gyrating the tip of my prick inside your enterance, knowing I'm hitting the very edge of your g-spot. Mustering up every ounce of strength you have, you turn your head toward mine as I embrace you in a deep, wet, passionate kiss. “p-p-pil-pills...” you whisper as I take the rest of your breath away with a deep kiss. I return to my position behind you while you scream “JUST FUCK ME!.” I didn't need any more hints. “If the lady wants it...” I turn the vibe back up to medium. “then the lady gets it,” I bury up to the middle of my shaft inside. “But don't be surprised when your soar tomorow!” In that moment, I pull out as far as possible, then shove in to your pulsating pussy while you shove back, turning the vibrator up to high. We shoved so hard against each other, your knees buckle. Not missing a beat, I pick you up so the only stability you have the small tree right in front of you, which you cling for dear life. “OH FUCK YES” you scream out as the viberations and the pounding is simply too much your your pussy to handle. Your ograsms come in waves as you scream out in ecstacy. After your second or third orgasm, the soft vibrations I feel from your ass and your warm pulsating pussy, its simply too much for me to handle. With one final thrust, I unload a very healthy load of my milk deep into your warm inviting womb, sending milky jets of white deep into your tight hole. Damn near unconscious from the sensations, your eyes roll up into the back of your head as you make a very cute ahegao(orgasm face in Japanese, tmyn).”Now, did I allow you to have a toy on this jog sink?” I yank the bullet from your ass quickly, plopping it to freedom with moans accompanying it. “” You manage to wheee out, obviously more tired from the pounding than from the jog. “No, that is exactly right sink. Now, I believe you are going to need a good...punishment... for tis when we get home.” I tease, knowing you want more. “What do you have in mind for me master?” you ask curiously, your ass still wiggling in the warm August air. “well you'll just have to wait and see"
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