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# #
# Autorank 2 Advanced Config #
# #
# Please use the SimpleConfig unless you know what you are doing and #
# need functionality that the SimpleConfig doesn't provide. #
# #

# evet arkadaslar ben onceden ayarlamistim zaman kaybetmeyelim diye simdi sunucumuzu baslatalim.
# use advanced config aktif olmasi icin mutlaka karsisinda true yazmaniz gerekir.

# True = evet/dogru
# False = hayir/yanlis
# AdvancedConfig.yml aktif olsun mu ?
use advanced config: true
# all other advanced settings are ignored if this is set to false

afk integration: true
# If a compatible AFK plugin is found autorank will not count online time for AFK players
# This option is always on when using the SimpleConfig
# Desteklenen eklenti
Currently supports: Essentials

# 'true' olarak kalmali.
use partial completion: true
# When this is true, players can use /ar complete # to complete a requirement at any moment they like.
# When this is false, players will only be able to /ar check and check for all requirements at one time. They would need to have all requirements at that moment.

# Herkimse /ar check komutunu kullaninca sunucuda kac dakika kaldigini gunceller.
# Ornek: ben buraya 1 yazdim yani 1 dakika herkimse sunucuda 1 dakika kalinca /ar check komutuna kaldigi dakika yansiyacak.
interval check: 1
# This is the interval between checks of Autorank (in minutes).
# Lowering this number will increase accuracy but will also increase server lag.

leaderboard layout: '&6&r | &b&p - &7&d gun(s), &h saat(s) ve &m dakika(s).'
# /ar leaderboard komutunda maksimum gosterilecek kisi sayisi ? en yuksek rutbelere gore.
leaderboard length: 10
# changes the appearance of the /ar leaderboard command
# &r : Ranking in the leaderboard
# &p : Oyuncu Ismi
# &m : Dakika (with full days and full hours not counted)
# &h : Saat (with full days not counted)
# &d : Gun
# &tm : Toplam dakika
# &th : Toplam saat

# ilk rutbe
# Sure
#Rutbe atlamasi icin sunucuda 5 dakika durmasi gerekli.
# deger = 5 dakika
value: 5m
# Eski rutbe = Yeni rutbe
# veya sadece herkimse sunucuya ilk girdiginde direk belirlediginiz rutbeye atlamasi icin sadece
# atlayacagi rutbeyi yazin.
# Ornek: rank change: agac_yumruklayici
rank change: toprak_kazici;agac_yumruklayicisi
# say &p mesaj = sunucu rutbe atlayan oyuncuya mesajiniz
# broadcast &p mesaj = duyuru rutbe atlayan oyuncuya mesajiniz
# command: bolumune istediginiz komutu yazabilirsiniz.
# ornek: 'money pay &p 1000'
# ve bu komutla herkimse 1k para verdik.
# veya hem para hem esya vermek icin;
# 'money pay &p 1000; give &p 4 64'
# ve boylelikle 1k para ile 64 adet kirik tas verdik.
command: 'say &p adli kisi Agac Yumruklayicisi rutbesine eristi!; broadcast &p adli kisi Agac Yumruklayicisi rutbesine eristi!'
# Rutbe atliyinca kisinin karsisina cikacak mesaj ?
message: 'Agac Yumruklayicisi rutbesine atladin, tebrikler.'
# Sonraki rutbe
value: 30m
# Tecrube puani
# Bir sonraki rutbeye atlamasi icin 30 seviye olmasi gerekli.
value: 30
# Bir sonraki rutbeye atlamasi icin 1k parasi olmasi gerekli.
value: 1000
# Rutbe atlamasi icin 'world' dunyasinda olmasi gerekli.
value: world
# Rutbe atlayabilmesi icin survival (0) modundan olmasi gerekli (pasif birakildi.)
#value: 0
# Rutbe atlayabilmesi icin 10 tane oyuncu oldurmesi gerekli. (pasif.)
#players killed:
#value: 10
# Rutbe atlayabilmesi icin birliginin gucu 10 olmasi gerekli. (pasif.)
#faction power:
#value: 10
# Rutbe atlayabilmesi icin envanterinde 64 adet kirik tas olmasi gerekli.
has item:
# 4 = item(esya) id 64 = miktar
value: 4;64
rank change: agac_yumruklayicisi;kirik_tas_toplayicisi
# tell &p mesajiniz = konsol herkimse belirlediginiz mesaji gosterir.
command: 'say &p adli kisi Kirik Tas Toplayicisi rutbesine eristi; give &p 264 64; tell &p 64 adet elmas aldin!'
message: 'Kirik Tas Toplayicisi rutbesine atladin, tebrikler.'
# Rutbe atliyinca hangi ses efekti uygulansin ?
# Butun ses efektlerin listesi icin;
effect: STEP_SOUND;8
# Rutbe atlayinca belirlediginiz x,y,z konuma herkimse isinlar.
#Ornek: tp: '1;64;1;world;1.0;1.0'
# Daha fazla bilgi icin asagida orneklere bakabilirsiniz.
# Eklenti hakkinda sorunlariniz varsa bu linkten bana ulasabilirsiniz;

# new requirements and results can be added by other plugins that hook into the Autorank API
# these are the ones that are included in the main plugin:
# requirements:
# time: 1d 1h 1m
# exp: 20 (level)
# money: 2000 (requires vault ! Player has to have at least this amount of money)
# world: world_nether (player has to be in this world to get ranked)
# gamemode: 1 (player has to have a certain gamemode, 0 = Survival mode, 1 = Creative mode, 2 = Adventure mode)
# has item: id(;amount;data) (checks the players inventory for the item)
# blocks broken: id(;amount;data) (a player has to have broken x amount blocks of item id and data) (Requires Stats) (when no data or amount is given, it will check total blocks)
# Example: break 10 magenta wool would be: 'blocks broken: 35;10;2' 35 = itemid, 10 = amount, 2 = damagevalue
# blocks placed: id(;amount;data) (a player has to have placed x amount blocks of item id and data) (Requires Stats) (when no data or amount is given, it will check total blocks)
# votes: 10 (player has to have voted at least 10 times) (Requires Stats and Votifier)
# damage taken: 10 (player has to have taken 10 damage) (damage is not counted in hearts) (Requires Stats)
# mobs killed: 5;spider (player has to have killed 5 spiders) (if no entity is specified, then any kill counts) (Requires Stats) (for a list of entities:
# location: x;y;z;world;radius (player has to be in a location or within its radius)
# faction power: 10 (Amount of power a faction has to have) (Requires Factions)
# players killed: 10 (Player has to kill at least 10 players) (Requires Stats)
# global time: 10d 1h 5m (Player has to be online for at least 10 days, 1 hour and 5 mins) (Global time is the accumulated time over all servers you have connected the MySQL database with)
# total time: 50d 1h (Player has to be with this server for at least 50 days and 1 hour) (The time from when the player joined for the first time is the reference point. This means that when a player has joined 3 weeks ago, his 'total time' = 3 weeks)
# results:
# rank change: new-rank
# rank change: old-rank; new-rank
# rank change: old-rank; new-rank; world (only works for permissions plugins that support this)
# message: 'You got ranked up'
# command: 'say &p hi; give &p 1 100'(executes a console command. &p will be replaced by the player name) You can perform more commands with the ';' sign.
# effect: STEP_SOUND;8 (first argument is the effect name, second is the effect data. For a list of possible effects go to
# tp: x;y;z;world;yaw;pitch (tp: 0;0;0;world_nether;1.0;2.0)

enabled: false
hostname: localhost:3306
username: root
password: ''
database: minecraft
table: autorank


# When check-for-new-versions is true, Autorank will tell you when a new version is available.
# Versiyon kontrolu yapilsin mi ?
check-for-new-versions: false

# When auto-download is true, Autorank will automatically download the most recent version
# AutoRank eklentisinin yeni bir surumu ciktiginda AutoRank eklentisi guncellensin mi ?
auto-download: false

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Regards; Team

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