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Post arrival on Earth / “Kind-hearted Demon”: often appears to people who fulfill the requirements for interaction with him and who wish to form contracts. Not a very talkative demon when it comes to his own past and abilities, and appears to almost reluctantly carry out his tasks. When unbound by a contract, he goes out of his way to indirectly help those that he sees in need. Appears to be truly remorseful for the acts that he is forced to commit under contracts, and often returns to areas he has devastated once he is released in order to mourn and attempt to salvage whatever has been left. Has learned to resist the pull of weaker malicious intentions, but will sometimes willingly enter such contracts if he believes that doing so can help the contractor (ie, carrying out acts of vengeance).

Because he has become strong enough to resist the pull of most summonings, he has a lot of free time on his hands between contracts. He spends this time trying to indirectly help humans in need and trying to play the role of a nature spirit. This has led to him developing a bit of a reputation among other demons and among actual benevolent spirits; both groups have developed their own sorts of grudging respect for him due to his age and power, but they also shun him for defying their standards.
Under a contract, his eyes turn red.
Often noticed by children, who mistake him for a “bunny man” due to his large ears. He acts annoyed by this, but it secretly pleases him that he is thought of as cute.
Extremely self-loathing. Often reflects on the series of events that led to him becoming a demon, as well as blood on his hands from the countless acts he’s been forced to commit under contracts. Hopes to find a way to free himself or die so he can no longer exist as a demon, but the only thing that has seemed to help so far is growing strong to a point at which he can resist most summonings.
Has been searching for the reincarnated forms of his friends for his peace of mind ever since he released their souls into Earth’s ether.
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