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Prospective - adj. Concerned with or related to the future
Ex: Prospective employees are recommended to review the Frequently Asked Questions page to answer any ambiguous statements about the company’s mission statement.
Your sentence:

Smog checks can lead to prospective people switching to more cleaner and efficient cars.

Introspective - adj. Self-examining and reflective
Ex: High school students are often more introspective than middle schoolers.
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The new introspective computer ai is able to find its own glitches and bugs.

Retrospect - n. The state or condition of looking back in the past
Ex: In retrospect, reading through all the fantasy books gave me an advantage of being creative over my friends.
Your sentence:

In retrospect, the criminal had a good life before he had gotten himself into trouble.

Undergraduate - n. A university student who has not received a degree
Ex: Students who get admitted to a 4-year college are undergraduates.
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While in a university you will be considered a undergraduate until you graduate.

Orientation - n. A course, event, or class introducing a new situation or environment
Ex: The CPR orientation required all staff to understand how to use the mouth-to-mouth bringing technique.
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In order to start working, you must go to orientation to understand how to do your job.

Inarticulate - adj. Without or deprived of the use of speech and words
Ex: Students are often finding themselves inarticulate because of the lack of vocabulary words.
Your sentence:

To avoid inarticulate students, M. Oh is giving his students a list of 31 vocabulary words to study.

Indispensable - adj. That cannot be put away with or avoided
Ex: Knowing the path of my future has always been an indispensable topic that has given me anxiety.
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The dark indispensable truth that the man will one day die has haunted him for years.

Inquisitive - adj. Showing curiosity
Ex: The kindergarteners were so inquisitive that I wanted to send my own kids to the obscure school.
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The puppy was inquisitive enough to eat a nearby butterfly.

Behoove - v. necessary or be appropriate
Ex: The number of words on this vocab test behooves a person to study.
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AP exams are lengthy and difficult behooving students to study a lot.

Valiant - adj. Heroic or courageous
Ex: The valiant soldiers went into the battlefield not knowing their fate.
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Spider man is a valiant hero, helping in anyway possible against the forces of evil.
Pessimistic - adj. Expectant of the worst possible outcome
Ex: When I’m around pessimistic people, I also become pessimistic and joint he doubting bandwagon.
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When doing bad deeds, always make sure to be pessimistic.

Pragmatic - adj. Concerned with being practical
Ex: Being pragmatic can be very constraining to the visionaries who have big dreams.
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Scientologists are very pragmatic and have very high doubts of a higher being existing.

Skeptical - adj. given to doubt
Ex: Skeptical scientists try their best to show the truth of things we observe daily.
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The known suspects are acting very skeptical when telling their stories of the night before.

Philosophical - adj. Of or relating to philosophy; type of person who wants to know the deep truth of a topic
Ex: Both Einstein and Benjamin Franklin were philosophical and came to profound conclusions about our world and universe.
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Aristotle was a very philosophical person back at the times of ancient greek.

Technical - adj. Relating to a practical or a complicated skill that can be actually used
Ex: Computer coding is a technical skill that many people acquire how to use nowadays.
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Car mechanics deal with technical issues almost all the time when working with cars.

Critique - v. to examine and review the strengths or weakness of something
Ex: The chef’s cuisine was critiqued by some of the most renown cooks of the world.
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To critique, you must point out the obvious and not so obvious of an object, or person.

Spearhead - v. to be the leader of
Ex: Jonin spearheads the Neighborhood Dog Walker Committee in order to satisfy her need to exercise.
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The alpha of a wolfpack is spearheading the pack.

Delegate - v. to transfer responsibility or power to someone else
Ex: The captain decided that he could not finish all of the assignments on time, so he delegated some responsibility to his co-officers.
Your sentence:

The U.S. government delegates another president into power.

Allocate - v. distribute according to a plan or for a purpose
Ex: Let us allocate $1000 to the startup because we cannot know how prosperous it can become.
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The United States allocated weapons to Great Britain in the very beginning of WW2.

Implement - v. to apply with its intended purpose or design
Ex: The grammar rules we came up with on the whiteboard need to be implemented while writing your essays.
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The rules of the road must be implemented for everyone’s safety.

Feasible - adj. Capable of being done with means at hand and circumstances as they are
Ex: Is it feasible to feed 100 people with the fund we have left?
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350 German soldiers, 200 British men with only 150 arms, is it feasible for the British men to survive?

Sustainable - adj. Capable of continuing or being extended for a period of time.
Ex: New kinds of sustainable energy are underway.
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Chemicals may be added to fruits and vegetables to make them more sustainable.

Paramount - adj. Of ultimate or supreme importance
Ex: Turning in an assignment on, or even earlier, is paramount in the business world and for business ethics.
Ex: Following the directions and pressing the “Turn in” button in M. Oh’s class is paramount since our assignments mean nothing unless we actually turn it in on time!
Your sentence:

Paramount studios may be huge but it is of supreme importance to Hollywood.

Vet - v. to examine carefully
Ex: She is vetting through multiple candidates so that the company will hire the best fit.
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To be a spy, you must vet your surrounding for vantage and escape points.

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