muppet yes lol cuz not knowing who i am would be like not knowing who obama is or something xD

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Freeky> do u really not know who rigmeister is
<wtf_igo> lol, did you just "do you not know who i am" me?
<wtf_igo> muppet
<Freeky> yes
<wtf_igo> lol
<Freeky> cuz not knowing who i am would be like not knowing who obama is or something
<wtf_igo> xD
<wtf_igo> i might post this in public
<Freeky> im rigmeister, ban evasion extraordinaire and public enemy #1 for the past three years
<Freeky> do it plz
<wtf_igo> wow
<wtf_igo> you so hardcore brah
<wtf_igo> im impressed
<Freeky> im not the staff just suck at everything
<wtf_igo> yeah man
<wtf_igo> you are right
<wtf_igo> lol
<Freeky> guess u dont got the balls to say so publicly lolol
<wtf_igo> no man
<wtf_igo> i dont
<wtf_igo> you are right
<Freeky> im always right, its one of my defining qualities
<wtf_igo> yes man
<wtf_igo> you are right
* [Freeky] (~Freeky@tripsit/user/Freeky): Freeky
* [Freeky] #stims #drugs ##meth
* [Freeky] :TripSit IRC Master Server
* [Freeky] idle 00:00:27, signon: Sun Sep 9 06:35:56
* [Freeky] is logged in as Freeky
* [Freeky] End of WHOIS list.
<Freeky> god do u suck up to every single person you meet
<Freeky> the fuck is wrong with u bootlickers
<wtf_igo> yes man
<wtf_igo> i do
<wtf_igo> you are right
<wtf_igo> why are you so lonely?
<Freeky> im not, there's a dude jerking off on my bed rn
<wtf_igo> clearly
<wtf_igo> you are right
<wtf_igo> my mistake
<wtf_igo> i appologise
<Freeky> well yes that was a basic observation about my bed and the man upon it
<wtf_igo> yes man
<wtf_igo> you are right
<wtf_igo> and the fact that you are still here chatting shit is a testament to your player status
<wtf_igo> i salute you
<Freeky> does suckin staff butt make u feel less lonely
<wtf_igo> yes man
<wtf_igo> it does
<Freeky> i dont believe u
<wtf_igo> oh
<wtf_igo> well i guess you are right then
<Freeky> ya
<wtf_igo> you sure showed me
<Freeky> prolly not, learning and thinking for themselves is not something bootlickers do easily
<wtf_igo> thats true man
<Freeky> ud kno, sir
<wtf_igo> you are so awesome
<wtf_igo> i think i love you
<wtf_igo> teach me how to be like you
<Freeky> first, dont do gross sad shit like fall in love with some random dude on the internet u only know like 10 mins
<wtf_igo> no man
<Freeky> second, fight the powah
<wtf_igo> what gave you that impression?
<wtf_igo> also
<wtf_igo> lol
<wtf_igo> xD
<wtf_igo> nm
<Freeky> jus so ur aware, Ive successfully challenged network policy a few times
<wtf_igo> wow
<wtf_igo> im impressed
<wtf_igo> you are so amazing
<wtf_igo> teach me your ways
<Freeky> well first if you see something wrong, confront it
<wtf_igo> okay man
<wtf_igo> you are right
<Freeky> for example tripsit used to ban discussion of IV drug use
<wtf_igo> i will do that in future
<wtf_igo> i promise
<wtf_igo> you have my word
<Freeky> which was wrong and contrary to harm reduction
<wtf_igo> i will do everything you tell me to
<Freeky> and i made a big stink about it
<wtf_igo> and i am totally listening to you
<Freeky> until they had to change it
<wtf_igo> hanging on your every word
<wtf_igo> and taking it all in
<wtf_igo> this is serious business to me
<Freeky> as long as its in ur head maybe it will do u some good some day
<wtf_igo> thats true man
<wtf_igo> you are so right
<Freeky> yes ty
<wtf_igo> yw
<Freeky> u got any dick pics
<wtf_igo> you are so attractive and worth my time
<wtf_igo> now switch arms
<Freeky> u dont even know what i look like
<Freeky> im not rly that attractive
<wtf_igo> you dont sound that attractive ill give you that
<Freeky> i got a nice dick tho
<wtf_igo> if you say so
<wtf_igo> but
<wtf_igo> why will nobody touch it?
<Freeky> its been touched by enough people to populate a small nation
<wtf_igo> oh really/
<wtf_igo> so then like
<Freeky> im gay thats not rly unusual
<wtf_igo> why do you talk shit on irc?
<wtf_igo> oh meth
<wtf_igo> i get it
<Freeky> to bother ppl who deserve to be bothered
<Freeky> sort of like a superhero stopping crime
<wtf_igo> im happy you are happy man
<wtf_igo> you are like
<wtf_igo> batman to me
<Freeky> u seem very sarcastic and hostile for that to be true
<wtf_igo> oh im not hostile
<wtf_igo> im very sincere
<Freeky> idk a sincere person wouldn't tell people the staff on tripsit are active
<wtf_igo> you are right man
<wtf_igo> so right
<Freeky> ya and it bugs the staff
<wtf_igo> always
<wtf_igo> yeah it does
<wtf_igo> fight the power brah
<Freeky> ya thats wut im doin
<Freeky> if u hadnt noticed
<Freeky> sir
<wtf_igo> i like that in you
<wtf_igo> shows character
<wtf_igo> not weakness in my opinion
<Freeky> strong enough that the staff can't keep me off the network lolol
<wtf_igo> i know man
<wtf_igo> you are so amazing
<wtf_igo> the way you can like
<Freeky> or make me shutup about all the stuff they should be doing better
<wtf_igo> use a vpn
<wtf_igo> it just like
<wtf_igo> boggles the mind
<wtf_igo> you are like
<wtf_igo> a wizard or something
<Freeky> theres all kinds of things i could use, but the staff on here are so bad at everything that ive only ever really needed to use a VPN
<wtf_igo> yeah thats true man
<wtf_igo> they are so stupid
<wtf_igo> yuo are so amazing
<Freeky> they don't even know which one im using to look for even though ive stated it publicly like three or four times lolol
<wtf_igo> i know right
<wtf_igo> how clever of you
<wtf_igo> to outsmart those idiots
<Freeky> its not, it's more incompetence on their part
<wtf_igo> yeah thats true man
<wtf_igo> they are so dumb
<wtf_igo> they probably like
<wtf_igo> let themselves get trolled too easily too
<wtf_igo> those idiots
<Freeky> u kno on other networks at some point the staff will have some kind of program to notify them when I'm possibly on the network, by searching for specific things being said
<Freeky> they dont do that here
<wtf_igo> i know
<wtf_igo> they are so dumb
<Freeky> brb i need to watch this dude fap
<wtf_igo> lol
<wtf_igo> i love how yuo refer to yourself in the 3rd person
<wtf_igo> it turns me on
<Freeky> its another dude other than myself
<wtf_igo> oh
<wtf_igo> i believe you
<wtf_igo> believe me
<Freeky> u rly dont have to
<wtf_igo> oh
<wtf_igo> well okay then
<wtf_igo> i wont
<Freeky> doesnt matter still got dick
<wtf_igo> okay man
<wtf_igo> lol
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