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1,2The world is becoming more divided today because many have there on ways of thinking. A sisiter in southern Euprope rejected the political system but supported what many called radical ideas. A brother from southern Africa aslo defended violence he was tought to kill many in his tribe with spears because they supported diffrent political parties. A sister who lives in central Europe said that she was prejuduice thta she hated people who were not the same nationality as her or same religion as her. Violent independence movements flourish, political divisions become more entrenched, and in many countries, foreigners are subjected to growing animosity. We Will consider the following: Why did Jesus refuse to get involved in separatist movements? How did he demonstrate the need for God’s servants to avoid taking sides on political issues? And how did Jesus teach us that violence against others is not justified?
3,4 Many of the jews that jesus preached to longed independence from the Romans Other Jews were wating for a political Messiah. These Jews expected that the messiah would bring glory to their nation and free them from the yoke of Rome.Many belived that he would establish a kingdom on earth in Isarael.The jews expectacions confused Many, In Matthew 11:2,3 John asks Jesus “Are you the Coming One, or are we to expect a different one?”
When Jesus ressurected 2 disciples had unffifled hopes about the Messiah. In Acts 1:6 the apostles ask jesus “Lord, are you restoring the kingdom to Israel at this time?”
5 The expectacions they had about the Messiah lead the people of Galeelie to wnat Jesus to be there king. Jesus was an ideal leader for this role he lnew how to speak he cured the sick he could even supply food.Jesus knowing what they were going to do left but they still found him so there he explained the true nature of his work.
6 Jesus stayed neutral when asked the questioon are you the king of the Jews? Jesus said “My Kingdom is no part of this world.” He told Pilate that his work on earth was to “bear witness to the truth.”​
7 A nationalistic spirit has taken over, and many take for granted that political independence will improve their lives.
9,10 Jesus enemies tried to trap him into takaing sides on a taxation issue. Jesus set an example that we should remain neutral on political issues no matter how important they are.
12Jesus told his discples to avoid the teachings or leaven of herod and the pariesseas.
13,14 The chief preist and the Pharisess saw jesus as a political rival who treathend there postion that is why they wanted to kill him. Injustice does not justify violence because even though jesus knew that unfarly he was going be captured he knew that it does not give you the right to be violent because for all those who take up the sword will perish by the sword.”
15,16 The sister from southern Europe stated “I have seen that violence does not bring justice,I saw that those who resort to violence often end up dead. And many others become embittered. The brother from Southern Africa put away his spear and take out the sword of the spirit precahing door to door preaching to every tribe and the sister form central Europe married a brother from and ethic group that she once hated. It must warm jehovah heart to see all the peace among his people
17 (1) We put our trust in God’s heavenly Kingdom to correct injustice, (2) we refuse to take sides in political issues, and (3) we reject violence. The following article will look at how we can successfully face this challenge, as Christians did in the first century.
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