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Notes -

"kisayol" "!ffac"
"komut" "sm_cvar mp_friendlyfire 1;sm_cvar mp_teammates_are_enemies 1"
"yetki" "r"
"kisayol" "!ffkapat"
"komut" "sm_cvar mp_friendlyfire 0;sm_cvar mp_teammates_are_enemies 0"
"yetki" "r"
"kisayol" "!give"
"komut" "sm_weapon [EK_PARAMETRE]"
"yetki" "r"
"kisayol" "!bunnyac"
"komut" "sm_cvar sv_enablebunnyhopping 1;sm_cvar abner_bhop 1"
"yetki" "o"
"kisayol" "!bunnykapat"
"komut" "sm_cvar sv_enablebunnyhopping 0;sm_cvar abner_bhop 0"
"yetki" "o"
"kisayol" "!hookac"
"komut" "sm_cvar sm_hgr_hook_enable 1"
"yetki" "t"
"kisayol" "!hookkapat"
"komut" "sm_cvar sm_hgr_hook_enable 0"
"yetki" "t"
"kisayol" "!tresac"
"komut" "sm_cvar mp_respawn_on_death_t 1"
"yetki" "p"
"kisayol" "!treskapat"
"komut" "sm_cvar mp_respawn_on_death_t 0"
"yetki" "p"
"kisayol" "!ctresac"
"komut" "sm_cvar mp_respawn_on_death_ct 1"
"yetki" "p"
"kisayol" "!ctreskapat"
"komut" "sm_cvar mp_respawn_on_death_ct 0"
"yetki" "p"
"kisayol" "!trespawnac"
"komut" "sm_cvar mp_respawn_on_death_t 1"
"yetki" "p"
"kisayol" "!trespawnkapat"
"komut" "sm_cvar mp_respawn_on_death_t 0"
"yetki" "p"
"kisayol" "!ctrespawnac"
"komut" "sm_cvar mp_respawn_on_death_ct 1"
"yetki" "p"
"kisayol" "!ctrespawnkapat"
"komut" "sm_cvar mp_respawn_on_death_ct 0"
"yetki" "p"
"kisayol" "!resac"
"komut" "sm_cvar mp_respawn_on_death_ct 1;sm_cvar mp_respawn_on_death_t 1"
"yetki" "p"
"kisayol" "!respawnac"
"komut" "sm_cvar mp_respawn_on_death_ct 1;sm_cvar mp_respawn_on_death_t 1"
"yetki" "p"
"kisayol" "!respawnkapat"
"komut" "sm_cvar mp_respawn_on_death_ct 0;sm_cvar mp_respawn_on_death_t 0"
"yetki" "p"
"kisayol" "!respawnkapat"
"komut" "sm_cvar mp_respawn_on_death_ct 0;sm_cvar mp_respawn_on_death_t 0"
"yetki" "p"
"kisayol" "!hookver"
"komut" "sm_hgr_givehook [EK_PARAMETRE]"
"yetki" "z"
"kisayol" "!hookal"
"komut" "sm_hgr_takehook [EK_PARAMETRE]"
"yetki" "z"
"kisayol" "!rr"
"komut" "sm_cvar mp_restartgame 1"
"yetki" "z"
"kisayol" "!silahver"
"komut" "sm_weapon [EK_PARAMETRE]"
"yetki" "r"
"kisayol" "!donma"
"komut" "sm_freeze [EK_PARAMETRE] 0"
"yetki" "r"
"kisayol" "!boyasureuzat"
"komut" "sm_cvar sm_silahboyalari_roundtimer -1"
"yetki" "r"
"kisayol" "!sureyisifirla"
"komut" "sm_cvar mp_timelimit 0"
"yetki" "r"
"kisayol" "!grabver"
"komut" "sm_hgr_givegrab [EK_PARAMETRE]"
"yetki" "z"
"kisayol" "!grabal"
"komut" "sm_hgr_takegrab [EK_PARAMETRE]"
"yetki" "z"
"kisayol" "!ropever"
"komut" "sm_hgr_giverope [EK_PARAMETRE]"
"yetki" "z"
"kisayol" "!ropeal"
"komut" "sm_hgr_takerope [EK_PARAMETRE]"
"yetki" "z"
"kisayol" "!sinirsizmermi"
"komut" "sm_cvar sv_infinite_ammo 1"
"yetki" "r"
"kisayol" "!sinirsizmermiac"
"komut" "sm_cvar sv_infinite_ammo 1"
"yetki" "r"
"kisayol" "!sinirsizmermikapat"
"komut" "sm_cvar sv_infinite_ammo 0"
"yetki" "r"
"kisayol" "!ctres"
"komut" "sm_respawn @ct"
"yetki" "o"
"kisayol" "!ctrespawn"
"komut" "sm_respawn @ct"
"yetki" "o"
"kisayol" "!tres"
"komut" "sm_respawn @t"
"yetki" "o"
"kisayol" "!trespawn"
"komut" "sm_respawn @t"
"yetki" "o"
"kisayol" "!icindengec"
"komut" "sm_cvar mp_solid_teammates 1;sm_cvar sm_hosties_noblock_enable 1"
"yetki" "t"
"kisayol" "!icindengecme"
"komut" "sm_cvar sm_hosties_noblock_enable 0;sm_cvar mp_solid_teammates 0"
"yetki" "t"
"kisayol" "!spac"
"komut" "sm_cvar sp_on 1"
"yetki" "t"
"kisayol" "!spkapat"
"komut" "sm_cvar sp_on 0"
"yetki" "t"
"kisayol" "!sus"
"komut" "sm_mute @t;sm_unmute @ct"
"yetki" "q"
"kisayol" "!koruma"
"komut" "sm_vote KorumaOyunu FF TSUSTUM DSUSTUM SAKLAMBAÇ"
"yetki" "j"
"kisayol" "!q"
"komut" "sm_god @ct 1"
"yetki" "o"
"kisayol" "!qq"
"komut" "sm_god @ct 0"
"yetki" "o"
"kisayol" "!hpt"
"komut" "sm_hp @t 100"
"yetki" "o"
"kisayol" "!hpct"
"komut" "sm_hp @ct 100"
"yetki" "o"
"kisayol" "!hpall"
"komut" "sm_hp @all 100"
"yetki" "o"
"kisayol" "!rev"
"komut" "sm_respawn [EK_PARAMETRE]"
"yetki" "o"
"kisayol" "!rest"
"komut" "sm_respawn @t"
"yetki" "o"
"kisayol" "!resct"
"komut" "sm_respawn @ct"
"yetki" "o"
"kisayol" "!resall"
"komut" "sm_respawn @all"
"yetki" "o"
"kisayol" "!slayt"
"komut" "sm_slay @t"
"yetki" "p"
"kisayol" "!slayct"
"komut" "sm_slay @ct"
"yetki" "p"
"kisayol" "!slayall"
"komut" "sm_slay @all"
"yetki" "p"
"kisayol" "!ffson"
"komut" "sm_takim @alive ct"
"yetki" "r"
"kisayol" "!jbsüresıfırla"
"komut" "sm_cvar mp_maxrounds 0"
"yetki" "r"
"kisayol" "!gel"
"komut" "sm_gel"
"yetki" "q"
"kisayol" "!git"
"komut" "sm_git"
"yetki" "q"
"kisayol" "!gagt"
"komut" "sm_gag @t"
"yetki" "p"
"kisayol" "!mutet"
"komut" "sm_mute @t"
"yetki" "p"
"kisayol" "!tdonkapat"
"komut" "sm_freeze @t 0"
"yetki" "q"
"kisayol" "!tdonac"
"komut" "sm_freeze @t -1"
"yetki" "q"
"kisayol" "!mt"
"komut" "sm_mute @t"
"yetki" "q"
"kisayol" "!komdegis"
"komut" "sm_vote Komutçu?? DEĞİŞ KAL"
"yetki" "j"
"kisayol" "!mod"
"komut" "sm_vote MOD DEĞİŞ KAL"
"yetki" "j"
"kisayol" "!mapdegis"
"komut" "sm_vote MAP DEĞİŞ KAL"
"yetki" "j"
"kisayol" "!jbmaplar1"
"komut" "sm_vote MAP?? 3-5 dojo inhole rebellion party "
"yetki" "j"
"kisayol" "!jbmaplar2"
"komut" "sm_vote MAP?? clouds spy brix uzay-istasyonu mountaincraft"
"yetki" "j"
"kisayol" "!jbmaplar3"
"komut" "sm_vote MAP?? oyunhavuzu renegade bravo mezdeke hostiel"
"yetki" "j"
"kisayol" "!jbmaplar4"
"komut" "sm_vote MAP?? Miniplanet Obama Summer Castelguard Space"
"yetki" "j"
"kisayol" "!son"
"komut" "sm_map jb_buyukisyan_son"
"yetki" "t"
"kisayol" "!lego"
"komut" "sm_map awp_lego_2"
"yetki" "t"
"kisayol" "!surf"
"komut" "sm_map surf_ski_2_GO"
"yetki" "t"
"kisayol" "!obama"
"komut" "sm_map jb_obama_v5_beta"
"yetki" "t"
"kisayol" "!af"
"komut" "sm_respawn @t"
"yetki" "o"
"kisayol" "!qal"
"komut" "sm_god @ct 0"
"yetki" "o"
"kisayol" "!mapbitir"
"komut" "sm_cvar mp_timelimit 0"
"yetki" "p"
"kisayol" "!nextmap "
"komut" "sm_nextmap [EK_PARAMETRE]"
"yetki" "p"
"kisayol" "!tdon"
"komut" "sm_freeze @t -1"
"yetki" "q"
"kisayol" "!tdonboz"
"komut" "sm_freeze @t 0"
"yetki" "q"
"kisayol" "!morhook"
"komut" "sm_cvar sm_hgr_hook_blue 246;sm_cvar sm_hgr_hook_green 0;sm_cvar sm_hgr_hook_red 255"
"yetki" "z"
"kisayol" "!yesilhook"
"komut" "sm_cvar sm_hgr_hook_blue 0;sm_cvar sm_hgr_hook_green 255;sm_cvar sm_hgr_hook_red 51"
"yetki" "z"
"kisayol" "!turkuazhook"
"komut" "sm_cvar sm_hgr_hook_blue 0;sm_cvar sm_hgr_hook_green 233;sm_cvar sm_hgr_hook_red 255"
"yetki" "z"
"kisayol" "!sarihook"
"komut" "sm_cvar sm_hgr_hook_blue 255;sm_cvar sm_hgr_hook_green 250;sm_cvar sm_hgr_hook_red 0"
"yetki" "z"
"kisayol" "!deagleac"
"komut" "sm_cvar sm_restrict_deagle_ct -1;sm_cvar sm_restrict_deagle_t -1"
"yetki" "q"
"kisayol" "!deaglekapat"
"komut" "sm_cvar sm_restrict_deagle_ct 0;sm_cvar sm_restrict_deagle_t 0"
"yetki" "q"
"kisayol" "!beacon"
"komut" "sm_beacon"
"yetki" "j"
"kisayol" "!hsac"
"komut" "mp_damage_headshot_only 1"
"yetki" "r"
"kisayol" "!hskapat"
"komut" "mp_damage_headshot_only 0"
"yetki" "r"
what is

Notes is a web-based application for online taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000+ notes created and continuing...


  • * You can take a note from anywhere and any device with internet connection.
  • * You can share the notes in social platforms (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, instagram etc.).
  • * You can quickly share your contents without website, blog and e-mail.
  • * You don't need to create any Account to share a note. As you wish you can use quick, easy and best shortened notes with sms, websites, e-mail, or messaging services (WhatsApp, iMessage, Telegram, Signal).
  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

Fast: is built for speed and performance. You can take a notes quickly and browse your archive.

Easy: doesn’t require installation. Just write and share note!

Short:’s url just 8 character. You’ll get shorten link of your note when you want to share. (Ex: )

Free: works for 14 years and has been free since the day it was started.

You immediately create your first note and start sharing with the ones you wish. If you want to contact us, you can use the following communication channels;

Email: [email protected]




Regards; Team

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