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[14.8.2018 10:00:43 | Edited 10:01:06] Miguel Budesca - On Vacation! Please poke Drew/Alex: I do have an edit request I'm afraid :) Could you ask in the GODart task if they can somehow add in a corner a strip that would read "Unique Contract Reward" or something along those lines to give the message that there it is a mission with phases that has a reward at the end?
[14.8.2018 10:01:44] Miguel Budesca - On Vacation! Please poke Drew/Alex: Or, that it be mentioned in the area where the links direct you to? Let me know if i'm missing the mention somewhere
[14.8.2018 10:03:14] FR - SS: Well, it's not pointed out specifically. I can request it, yes, but will it be true? I mean, we could add it to the red banner where it is true specifically, but the others, players will get confused since there is no reward for green, blue and yellow banners
[14.8.2018 10:05:22 | Edited 10:05:28] Miguel Budesca - On Vacation! Please poke Drew/Alex: ah i see your point, the contracts have different names. hm, which means the adition should be clear and on all banners stating something like "Unique Reward: Complete all 4 Trainings" ?
[14.8.2018 10:05:36] FR - SS: Yes that would work
[14.8.2018 10:05:36] FR - SS: or
[14.8.2018 10:06:23] FR - SS: Stage 1/4
Reward for completing all four stages!

Stage 2/4
Reward for completing all four stages!

Stage 3/4
Reward for completing all four stages!
[14.8.2018 10:06:26] FR - SS: And finally
[14.8.2018 10:06:44] FR - SS: Complete this training for a reward!
[14.8.2018 10:11:40] Miguel Budesca - On Vacation! Please poke Drew/Alex: That would work too yea. I dont think you need to mention stages in the text if you number them

"Stage 1/4
Reward when training is completed"

You might have spaceing and character limits, but that will be up to your conversation with ART. The last banner mentions the "test" already, so maybe that text would read Stage 4/4 Complete the test for your reward.

Also: Could you add a slight edit in the text to give clear direction to the user. At the moment they see "Are you ready?" But it doesnt state something like: "Good, study each of the inteligence dossiers bellow before your next combat missions".
[14.8.2018 10:11:50] Miguel Budesca - On Vacation! Please poke Drew/Alex: Or anything that would say "you need to read these things"
[14.8.2018 10:12:46] FR - SS: Sure but it will take a while to edit everything and so on.
[14.8.2018 10:19:59] Miguel Budesca - On Vacation! Please poke Drew/Alex: Sure no problem, its all done, now its just the last tweaks and polish. I've asked the RU team to set up the exam, and the GC banner system recieved its "target depending on hours played" upgrade
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