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Knolan is the island slut. Only people like Gully haven't fucked him, while even monsters such as Blade Fiends and Elementals have through very creative uses of their detached parts.
Knolan, unsuccessful in his attempt to hide from the bandits in the barrel, is captured like Monika. Only, they leave Monika alone, but they make sure to violate Knolan's muscled old body. When he is not being fucked by some group of bandits, he is being fucked by a tank repurposed as a fucking machine. He spends weeks in a pleasure-filled haze until Gully and the others rescue him. Garrison is simply angry that Knolan let the bandits use him, regardless of whether he had a choice in the matter or not, and spends a few nights in Harm's Way "fucking" the disobedience out of him while the others go out and adventure. When they come back, Garrison asks Calibretto to look over Knolan and make sure he's alright having had his body abused for several months without even a respite of a few hours.
Calibretto tries to resist, of course, being the kind golem he is, but eventually even he cannot resist playing with Knolan's sculpted, come-covered body, though he does try to be gentle, and he even makes a guilty face after Knolan manages to whimper a "why" after the three-hour mark. Calibretto fucks him for over 30 hours before the party comes back as they apparently require Knolan's expertise as a wizard and not, for once, as a fuck toy. Garrison still makes sure, though, that Knolan travels with a dildo in his ass and nipple and cock vibrators to force him to come and come and come.
They eventually meet Alumon, who, though usually a man of unshakeable resolve and one with no apparent sexual desires, cannot help but be tempted by Knolan's flushed face and reluctant moans. Knolan stays behind in Harm's Way while the rest of the party goes to retrieve the Dead Heart, and while there Alumon visits him in secret, knowing it'll take at least a week for the others to return, and forces himself upon Knolan. The poor old wizard is forced to come until literally every surface of the room they're staying in is covered in come. Of course, the smell of all that attracts the attention of the tavern owner, who, upon seeing Alumon fuck into Knolan with the vibrators still on his nipples and cock, insists on joining in.
Alumon eventually convinces the tavern owner to quit a few hours before Garrison and the rest are predicted to come back. When they do, Alumon manages to trick them into thinking Knolan had just been extremely horny and had fucked himself to that many orgasms. Garrison and Calibretto, both overcome with a feeling of jealousy at the thought that Knolan had been playing with the body they owned and he didn't, proceeded to push him against a wall and fuck him for a day straight. Afterward, they made Knolan clean up the room while the vibrators were still on him with two new ones vibrating ruthlessely in his ass against his prostate. What's worse, the tavern owner came in every once in a while and ate Knolan out.
Knolan lies on the floor, come on his firm abs and pecs, panting and barely conscious, when Garrison and the others get back from Deadwatch. Garrison relieves some stress by fucking Knolan into the floor, and Calibretto gets sloppy seconds from the trembling old body, unable to resist and barely capable of protesting.
The alchemist of the town becomes suspicious of the tavern owner's activities and tracks him to Knolan's room. Upon seeing the muscular, perfect, delicious body currently laid out on a bed, unconscious, the sudden overwhelming surge of desire caused him to concoct a new potion that further enhanced Knolan's pleasure. The old man, already with an unfortunately sensitive body, came quicker than ever before. At one point, even the movement of air alone was enough to make him orgasm hard all over his sexy body.
And so the news travels all over the town. The blacksmith comes and sits a reluctant, sobbing Knolan onto his massive cock and forces the man 40 years his senior, at least, to bring himself to orgasm over and over again. The old man reluctantly twists himself on the blacksmith's body, gasping as he comes over himself, helpless to stop the pleasure. He tried to lift off, push away from the ginger's massive cock, but the blacksmith simply scolds him, grabs his large pectorals with his hands, and forces Knolan back onto his cock. Whenever that happens, Knolan is sure to come with quite the groan and yelp, and the blacksmith eventually makes a game of sort out of it, forcibly bouncing Knolan on his cock and watching as the old man comes and comes and comes. The blacksmith chuckles and begins fondling one muscular pectoral, the corded muscle trembling underneath his hand, and lets out a hearty laugh when a spurt of pre-come erupts from Knolan and covers his half-lidded face with come. Knolan had already come 56 times, but the blacksmith isn't even close to done with him. He still wants to see whether he can suck the old wizard's cock and fuck his tight ass at the same time. As it turns out, he can't, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have a fun few hours trying. To him, Knolan is nothing but a toy, an extremely attractive cockwarmer who has no right to complain. The blacksmith is quite entranced with Knolan's small frame completely and utterly filled with hard muscle. Sometimes he makes Knolan writhe around on his massive cock while he focuses on teasing his body mercilessely. He invites Alumon and the tavern owner to his house, and they play a little game where they pass Knolan around and force him alternately onto each of their cocks. They even make Knolan try to do it himself, try to lift himself off one cock and onto another. He can't, his muscles too weak, his arms and legs liquid with pleasure, but the three men nevertheless have fun punishing him for not succeeding.
Eventually, all of the men come together - Garrison, Calibretto, the tavern owner, the blacksmith, the alchemist, and Alumon - and gangbang Knolan. The entire time, Knolan is being filled and used from every angle, the vibrators still on his body. His nipples are sucked and teased, his mouth filled with cock, his abs and pectorals licked until the perfect skin is glistening with saliva, his cock itself sucked dried, and several cocks always in his ass, pushing against his prostate until his life is nothing but unwanted pleasure. Afterwards, they each get a turn with him alone.
Knolan truly wishes, having spent a decade as Garrison's pleasure slave essentially, that there was a way to get used to the overwhelming pleasure, to the horror of knowing that one is so attractive that none of his other traits are even considered. But, unfortunately, if anything, it only gets more intense as the days pass.
Knolan spends the rest of his life being fondled and violated by every single man he's ever met in his entire life. He is once even captured by the Mage Hall when he is 85 and used for "experiments", though for some strange reason thy always only seem to involve abusing different spells and magical properties to force even more pleasure upon Knolan. Garrison, after rescuing him a year after the initial capture, makes sure to fuck Knolan for a week without breaks afterward to punish him for "letting" himself be captured (despite the fact that the reason he had been so exhausted as to not even be aware of the presence of his kidnappers was because he'd spent the last month being violated and fucked and used like an object for an entire month before.
The police fuck him too, use him as their sexual punching bag of sorts, justifying their keep of him by saying he's simply a filthy, perverted old man even though they know it's more the opposite. They tie him to a post and let him hang there, trembling with exhausion and pleasure. They call him dirty and disgusting for having sex with people 50 years younger than him, even though it is them who are forcing themselves upon the poor old man. Even when Knolan dies he is still being fucked, this time in a public gangbang full of people who believe him to be an especially eccentric old pervert with a body he doesn't deserve.
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