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Write about a wedding, but don't specify the person Frank is marrying. You could do very vague details like the suit, hands, rings, but ultimately Gerard and Brendon don't look the same so don't fuck that shit up. Butttttt maybe you do like little context clues?? Try to trick the writer?? Make Frank be super sure of his decision, and describe how that was always the wedding he dreamed of. Maybe incorporate song lyrics into it, like each line has a meaning to each event that happens, bitch, you know what I mean. (Give tribute to Lorna by doing that.)

Chapter 1:
Highschool time, bitchessss. Gerard and Mikey aren't introduced yet, so this is just Beebo and Frankie in their prime. Make. Them. Twinks. Frank ravvvvveeesss about Beebo and how he's soooo perfect. Beebo and him don't label their relationship anything more than just bigass best friends, come up with excuses like how girl best friends are super close and cuddly, so why can't they be. The whole thing with different levels of soulmates. The backstory on how despite their different home lives (beebo is pretty wealthy while Frank isn't), they are still very similar and all that shit. Brendon isn't close to his family, while Frank has a really good relationship with his, so beebo just kinda recognizes Frank's family as his own and they welcomed him with open arms. How did they meet? Why is Frank so drawn to Brendon? vice versa? How do others around them feel about them (friends, classmates, teachers, family, etc)? "I never told anybody..."?? Explain similarities, explain differences, how have they stayed friends for so long, etc. How does Frank view their future together? Why don't they just call themselves boyfriends?

Chapter 3:
Prime twink time. Really show just how they are at home and how Frank's parents treat them. This should be just a pretty chill chapter until shit starts to hit the fan, y'know?? it's the weekend so beebo's gonna take frank on a shopping SPREE, huntiii. Have a prime football fuckboi from school see them and mutter "faggot" or some shit like that??? just something a lil zesty to make it interesting. (Yes, I did write that while watching Hell's Kitchen. Wanna hussle?)

Chapter 4:
Back to school. Insert Mikey and his hot ass older brother Gerard that Frank drools over immediately, hunti. Beebo notices and is just like "yeah whatever like he's hot theres not denying that" so beebo doesn't really worry about it. plus like Frank has never even met the guy so there's literally nothing to worry about, but have beebo just be a teeeeensy bit unsettled over it. We love our arrogant boi beebo and it's in his natural behavior to feel uneasy when the attnetion isn't on him 24/7. They go home and beebo gets gayyyyyyyyy

Chapter 5:
Maybe have it be a few days later? Or like since Mikey is the new lil shy boi, no he hasn't made friends yet so he sees his fellow twinks and asks to sit there. Que the billion questions from Frank about Gerard. Que the real worry from Brendon. Que Mikey spilling all the tea about his incompetent older brother. All the tea hunny. Just basically introduce Mikey and Gerard as the main characters they are supposed to be. Have it be like the first chapter, but with M&G. Why'd they switch schools? Where are they from? How old are they? Why's Gerard still in school for his age? Home life? omgggg have mikey call frank out for staring at Gerard at their first day there and have Frank freak out. "diD GErArD sEE?!" Beebo stays pretty quite this whole time. Mikey gives his and Gerard's snap (Frank follows Mikey immediately while Frank is too scared to follow Gee even though he CrAvEs him.)

Chapter 6:
Frank picks up on Beebo's vibes and he's mostly confused. Beebo tries to say that everything is fine, and since they are usually super open about their feelings, Frank decides to let it go. F reminds him that no matter what he can always talk to him and even tho he might not know what to say and shit, he'll still be there. Soon after, beebo falls asleep and Frank checks his phone to see that Mikey snapped him. Even mikey picks up on Beebo's vibes so he kinda questions it, and then admits that they have a class together and beebo was super cryptic with him. Have mikes say something about Gerard and then have beebo sister snap.

Chapter 7:
Frank wakes up and SCREEEEEEEms. Gerard followed him on not only snap, but ig. Big fuckin deal. How the hell he'd get his ig? we may never know. Anyway, it was hard for Frank to get to bed last night because he has a sense that things are just changing, and he can't really figure out exactly everything he's feeling. He also is worried about Beebo's mood shift suddenly, and he also doesn't know how to approach that whole situation. He really wants to tell beebo about Gerard following him, but he realized that the whole moodiness started when the two brothers arrived, so he decided not to tell him, altough every fibre in his body is trying to make him. So then Gee snaps him and Frank naturally freaks oout (wtf am i canadian) before even opening the snap, because frank is a naturally worried and nervous person (just like the writer huntiiii) and this is sending him into anxiety overdrive. Eventually, he opens the snaps and surprise surprise, it just streaks. But it's a selfie too so Frank flips his shit either way. So frank sends streaks back with his face too, and Gerard opens it right away and they get to just sending pics back and forth. Even though Frank now knows what to expect, he still has a mini heart attack every freaking time he gets the notification. So then, Beebo and Frank are walking down the hall holding hands like usual, but Frank and Gerard see each other and Gee is the one to smile and wave first, and although Frank has an open hand, his mind tells him to use the hand that's currently linked with brendon's hand. Way to be discreet, Franko. Then if like the chapter is too short, enter another lunchtime and just kinda make it be a filler I guess idk.

Chapter 8:
It be the weekend. It be the time Brendon's parents come back and decide they wanna care about Beebo for a minute. Soooo, maybe Brendon could invite Frank cuz like why tf not like they do everything together, and have beebo talk about Frank and his parents/family non fucking stop, so Brendon's fake ass parents are like "wE sHOulD Go oUt FOr DiNNEr". so from there, it's exactly just that. Frank's parents agree reluctantly cuz they see right through the bullshit but they don't wanna be mean, Beebo apologizes profusely to Frank cuz he wasn't expecting this to all happen, and Frank just idk maybe be real smartass like and kinda enjoy the chaos and awkwardness in a way, but still feel bad for Brendon and just how rough he really kinda has it.

Chapter 9:
Brendon slept at his house that night of the dinner with Frank's family, which is really odd and out of the blue considering the fact that he literally hates that place with a burning passion, but nontheless, he insisted he just needed a night to himself. Frank understands this of course, even Brendon Urie, the most bubbly person Frank's ever known, needs their own lil downtime. And tbh, Frank kinda needs it too. A lot has been happening, and a lil night just to himself really allows him to take a breather and maybe catch up on some things that he gets distracted by because of Beebo, like organizing his room, keeping up with hw/studying, catching up on some shows, etc. Even though Frank is fine with this night alone, he's still continuously worried about Bren. Then, Gerard texts him for the first time ever, boiiiiiiii. Gerard just starts out with a simple "hello ;)" and Frank freaks but is just like "hi :)" and Gerard's just like "I figured I'd just say hi cuz we've been snapping back and forth I've seen you around school and Mikey has told me about you." Then Frank freaks again and is just thinking that Mikey probably said something bad even though the only person who really knows the extent of this newfound crush is Frank himself, Beebo obviously notices and then He remembers when Mikey hinted that he knew Frank was staring at them the first day, so it takes him like five minutes to think of something to say. but finally, he says, "Oof he must've said nice things if it brought you to text a loser lmaoooo." self deprication at its finest. And then Gerard's daddy side already fuckin comes out and he's just like "omg don't ever say that. I don't know you well, but I can say with 100% certainty and positivity that any friend of Mikey's is no loser, and it's even further proven when his handsome older brother tries to talk to them ;)" FRANK CUMSSSS. again, it takes him a few minutes to think of a resonse, and finally he's just like "that's really nice of you to say. Thank you hehehehehe."

Chapter 10:
Monday :((. Frank and Gee talked back and forth only for a little while the previous night, then just went back to sending pics cuz they both awkwardly agreed that they didn't really know what to say, and eventually Frank just fell asleep. Frank was excited to see Brendon and actually kind of really missed him, so when he saw beebo with that smile that Frank could read so well (as in "oh my fucking god i'm so fucking happy to see you and I don't ever wanna have a night alone again") and a huge stack of pancakes that Frank knew Brendon must have woken up early to make, he literally ran over to the boy and just kissed him there and then. They were both just so happy to see each other (this is important cuz I wanna add in feelings of dread and worry in further chapters when they see each other after a while). They talk to each other as if they hadn't seen each other in years, instead of literally spending less than twelve hours apart, and its really just a pure twink moment of them eating pancakes together. Then fastforward a little to class (ooofff i don't know what class I'm thinking math cuz like Frank could struggle in it and gee could be the hero y'know, or like English where they could just go on and on about books and whatnot when they group up, but that reminds me of I Think I Like It and bitch that is t.r.i.g.g.e.r.i.n.g.) BUT anYways, Frank walks into class mind-numbingly like every other old day, and all of a sudden he sees Gerard mathafuckin Way sitting in a seat. Frank has a stroke. I mean like he audibly really gasps. Gerard hears the lil twink ass pancake ass breath of air and looks up. (if you don't add any of these notes into the story, at least choose that sentence, bitch.) Gee has seen this face before, but it takes a few seconds to register before he genuinly smiles and says "hi". Franks like "OHOHHo H-H-H-HIIII". Gerard explains how his schedule was changed cuz the office fucked it up or whatever, so he's now permanetly in that class. Great :). Frank then asks a question out of the blue but he picked up on it as soon as he noticed the pattern. "Why does Mikey sit with you, and then sit with us when you're not in the cafetaria?" "We only sit together when there is an open table, and many times there isn't so I just let Mikey go sit with you guys while I roam around or sit in the bathroom and secretly smoke or whatever." "WHat? youcansitwithusifyouwantomgifeelsobad" "are you sure? the table seems full." "don't worry we can make it work." THENNNNNN go to lunchtime and that whole debacle. Beebo is still super happy to see Frankie, even if Mikey is there too. But then he sees Gerard with the big dick energy waltz over and sit right next to Frank and he literally chokes on his orange juice. "Beebo, I hope you don't mind if Gerard sits with us for now on. He doesn't have anywhere else to sit and I figure we should invite anyone over who is willing to be friends with us lmaoooo". then just make things awkward. I'm tired of writing for this chapter notes.

Chapter 11:
This is the first chapter that Frank and Brendon really argue. It starts out with Beebo being quite and shit just like the other day, and since Frank is really sick of this shift of behavior, he decides to push it. Brendon just basically spills how he feels about Gerard, and that he doesn't mind Mikey at all, but he just kinda feels left out when they're talking and stuff. Frank can't help but get defensive. "You should know that you're welcome to join the conversation or even start a conversation. We are almost adults, I shouldn't have to tell you that." Brendon gets super upset and tries to explain that they only talk about stuff that they've talked serperately about previously and he has no clue about it. Then Beebo just asks out of nowhere how Frank feels about Gerard and First frank tries to like act confused but he knows he can't fool bren, so he's just like "I mean he's a cool guy, y'know? Like he's good looking, he's sweet, he's just all around attractive to me. I don't see why that would trigger you so much tho." Then Brendon's like "It's not that that worries me, it's just that I completely agree with you (that he is all around atractive) and you two seem to kinda click even though you haven't known each other long, and I'm just scared I'm gonna lose you. All I know and am comfortable with is you, I can't imagine that suddenly changing for a guy that we don't really have any clue about." Frank can understand what he's saying, so he reasures him that he loves Brendon more than anyone in the world and that no matter whatever happens ever, he'll still always love him and be his best friend, even if Brendon somehow starts to not feel the same way. Frank says how crazy he is to think that a random guy who they both barely know could ruin their friendship, that it's always just been the two of them and it always will be. Frank just figures that it's nice to have some more people to talk and relate with, and that's really the whole reason for inviting Gerard over to the table, even though it really isn't the only reason. Frank starts to think of a million things that kind of go against what he's saying to Brendon, but he'd rather comfort beebo rn than to make matters even worse. The chapter ends with Frank kind of questioning what Brendon and his friendship really is, and how they might start to be interpreting it differently.

Chapter 12:

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