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D&D session - potentially this longer one. Notes

1. This is the world we live in
Place of action: Planet Ebberon - most countries are technologically developed. However, all the technology is fueled by pure elemental magic which can be - by some individuals - extracted and used for specific purposes.

Lands of Ebberon:
Evermeet - an island in the north-east inhabited by high elves. That race don't want to use technology. They always was worshiping magic and they decided to depend on it without involving any mechanical/artificial devices. It's isolated society.

City in the sky - the city levitating above the ground that was completly made by dwarfs and gnomes after they lost their homeland. Their former country is Wasteland now. It all started when a comet fall on their country. This incident bring a new race to this soil - Mindflyers. Ommiting the whole story - which will be described later - Mindflyers turned out to be extremly dangerous species. They have ability to control others by power of their thoughts. Their goal is to seek knowledge by eating others minds.

Wasteland - a former land of dwarfs and gnomes which had to escape from there after Mindflyers appeard. The new race was such a threat that all other contries united and - in consecuence - nuked this land to get rid of Mindflyers. From then there is a post-apocaliptic view where physics doesn't 'work' as it should anymore. Rumors say that staying there for too long could end with madness.

Shaar - raw landscape filled with sand - like in Evermeet, the citizens of this desert aren't well technologicaly developed and still depending on magic mostly. Population of this land is very agressive, consists of humans and thieflings.

I. Lantan(1) - Toria Empire(2) - Albion(3)
1 - vicotrian style, fancy cities, well technically developed. You can find here a magic-runned railroads, air ships , etc.
2- feudal country led by Wilhelm Franz who is powerfull nercromancer who is power to ressurect fallen soldiers.
3 - a land inhabited by humans and halflings - very friendly nation. They don't have regular army and don't have great technology and live from agriculture.

II. Luskan(1) - Thay(2)
1 - shady, bleak landscape, a place where brutal criminals live. Very dangerous place.
2 - a land led by red wizards, a kind of 'scientists' in matter of magic. They allow only humans to arcana of magic.

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