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First off, friends never say goodbye so this is not goodbye. Friends say: see ya later, or text me later DA. :) But thanks for writing that essay for me. I'm sure that the English department at RB will rest easy knowing you used proper punctuation. But in all seriousness, I really appreciate you. In the spirit of not leaving things unsaid I will say this:
1. I really enjoyed getting to know you because you are still the only person I have ever met that I can just be with in silence and feel okay. Like everyone else there's a bit of awkardness when it's just quiet but its just natural when we hang out.
2. Tesla, Subway, John Mayer, heck even add Home Depot. I'm so happy I got to share my appreciation of these things with you. If John Mayer comes to SC, we should go.
3. Making girls cry over text is my number one specialty :)
4. The summer before senior year was great and I blame myself for letting our relationship ruin senior year. I think I just assumed you weren't into me so I just moved on. I let it get to my head and I realized towards the end of the year that the people I was hanging out with (you know who) weren't giving me the best advice and didn't have my best interest in mind. That's why towards the end, I started hanging just with my bros. Now that I think about it, its one of those things I'm really sorry it happened, but it's just a case of the one that got away.
5. There were times this year when I really missed hanging out with you and I am so happy that you texted me and we got to talk a little this summer.
6. So now that the air is clear, I do feel better but since I didn't get an in-person goodbye, I fully expect you to come back to SC over break and make it right.

The following are just side thoughts I had while writing this:
7. Oklahoma, damn girl you guys covering a lot of ground
8. Don't get eaten by a twister or some sharknado shit
9. I watched Crazy Rich Asians and it was a really good movie and I highly recommend
10. When I come to Cali, I will be sure to stop by and we can go biking on the beach bc u owe me a bike ride... with helmets on
The End.
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Regards; Team

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