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Pixel #5227

1- Do you have any past experience as working as HR? *
Yes. I used to be a Chief Executive Officer at The Cut Hut, a group which back in the day had over 7000 members. My job involved building, reading applications and hosting Trainings and Interviews.

2 - Which is more important, team/group goals or personal goals? *
Team goals (obviously). There's no "I" in "Team"!

3 - What are your top qualifications/skills? *
I know how to work as an HR as I've done it before. I'm patient and I can hear people out.

4 - Why do you think, that you’re better than other applicants? *
Whenever this question has come up on previous Application forms I've submitted, I don't really like answering it as I don't want to seem as if I think I'm better than other people. I am very considerate and professional and I have a lot of experience, but I don't view myself as better than others just because of that.

5 - What is more important for you; personal or team achievements? *
Again, team achievements.

6 - What is the first goal you want to achieve as HR? *
If possible, I'd like to help set up important things such as a Handbook. After that, I want to work hard to help the group become successful.

7 - Why do you want to work as HR? *
For as long as I've been in hotel and other work groups on Roblox, I've always wanted to be an HR. I really want to be an HR that everyone feels comfortable talking to. I want to be able to help people to the best of my ability, and play an active role in the community.

8 - Do you think, that you’re ready to work under pressure efficently? *
Yes. School has taught me how to do that!

9 - Do you have any huge achievements that you think that should be noted? *
As I mentioned earlier, I was an Executive at The Cut Hut. I'm guess I'm also kind of a successful game developer, as my most popular game currently has 373K+ visits.

10 - What is your main goal you want to achieve personally in the group? *
As I stated earlier, I want to be an HR who is approachable and friendly. I hope to be a positive role model for Nauted!

11 - What is your main goal you want to achieve as a team in the group? *
I want to work in a team to ensure Nauted's success. I'll contribute with suggestions and help wherever I'm needed.

12 - What would you be ready to change about yourself, if it would be needed before you could work as HR for Nauted? *
Sometimes I can be a little too attached to things. I think I need to learn to let go if I want to be able to do my job properly (especially if that job involves disciplining others).

13 - What are your 5 pros (positive personality sides)? *
I'm friendly, polite, kind, determined and am able to empathise with people to ensure I hear both sides of a story.

14 - What are your 5 cons (negative personality sides)? *
As mentioned above, I can get to attached to people/things. I also occasionally let my emotions get the better of me. I'm a perfectionist, so I'll often take longer than might be needed on tasks to ensure everything is right. School can sometimes become a bit much so I may go through periods of inactivity, and I'm also in the BST time zone so I may not respond to people immediately (as I'm probably sleeping!).
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Regards; Team

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