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My roommate sleepwalks. Allow me to share some of his complete randomness when he is sleepwalking:

- he once barged into my bedroom, grabbed me by my t-shirt and yelled at me: "This is why you would be such an amazing pirate!". After which he calmly let me go and closed the door behind him.

- hearing noises coming out of the living room, I went to check. I found my roommate stacking empty pizza boxes, claiming he desperately needed to make a banner.

- after falling asleep during a movie he told me the world seems sad to him. When he lied belly down on the floor and I asked him what he was doing, he answered: "I'm pretty sure that the world needs a hug right now."

- eager for breakfast, I opened the fridge only to find it completely empty. I found its content on the living room table, stacked into a perfect pyramid.

And my favourite:
The doorbell rang in the middle of the night. When I opened the door, I found him sitting on the pavement (in his boxers) with his keys around his neck. When I asked him if he wouldn't rather be inside, he told me he was glad I opened the door since he'd forgotten how exactly to use a key.
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Regards; Team

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