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Hi Aria um I was thinking that if that we can go to the Play Ground because A told me to go to the play ground to give her the box that Jason gave it to me the box Jason had was Ali's box of secert
Um what box that Jason gave it to you mean the box that I have that it was Ali's
- Aria
What Jason gave the secert Box to you and why you never told me that Aria before you opened it did A text you a massage or did you not get any massage from A
- Spencer
Why I didn't tell you because I knew that you was going to get mad at me Spencer that why I only told Emly and Hanna
And Alison told all four of us that we always have to tell secert one another that what keep us close and you know that Aria why did you not tell me anything about that box Aria and if you told me I wouldn't yell at you but if yo wouldn't told me I well get mad Aria next time tell me ok
- Spencer
Look I am so sorry Spencer I am not going to hurt your feeling's anymore I had learned my lesson and you have to tell emly and hanna ok spencer
Yes I well tell them everything what happen but first are you going to come with me Aria
- Spencer
Yes that what keep us close is that right Spencer
- Aria
Okey see you bye
- Spencer
Hi emly we need to talk now
- Spencer
What do we need to talk about Spencer we do not have nothing to talk about do you understand
- Emly
Yes we need to talk about that Aria told me so don't even inorge me do you understand so I was bout to say that Aria haves the secert ox and you guys never told me so I got so mad at her that if I was in front of her face I well be smaking her right now so listen did you forget what Ali said to us the night that disappear that you have to tell every secert that what keeps us close right emly don't tell lies to me I am not your ex- friend did you get that emly oh and I forgot would you meet me at the play ground at 10;00 please is an a hurry because I need to give the box to A and if I don't I am going to get fire by A
- Spencer
Look I am very sorry but I can't go because I have something with my mom Today I am so sorry we have a Mother- Daughter night because she just got from Texas and I am very sorry I have to old you something
- emly
No is ok don't feel sorry and you don't have to old me nothing you have a great night with your mother ok and tell her that I said that welcome back to Rosewood ok emly don't forget to tell her that emly ok have a great Mother- Daughter night
- Spencer
Thanks Spencer for forgetting me I really sorry about that but I well not forget to tell my mother that and be careful ok Spencer
Hi Hanna I have to talk to you about something important
- Spencer
Yes what's up Spencer Hasting what can I do for you Spencer
- Hanna
Um is about the box that Aria have's that why did you not tell me that remember the night that Alison disppear alison told all of us that we had to tell each other secert because that what keeps us closer remember that so and one more thing would you go with me and Aria to the play ground that we have to get the box to A
- Spencer
Yes I would go
- Hanna
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