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Welcome to the Training Grounds. There's a few things I want to go over before we begin.
-*THINGS are CHANGING here in TSM. You're gonna be expected to take things more seriously. So, listen up.*

-For this training you will address me as SIR. I don't want to see any "Vasts" or "Overlords". Do you understand?
-If you don't want to be serious, you will face a quick and easy demotion and if you continue to act foolish, you will be kicked. Do you understand?
-Every single one of you, NEEDS to be in a platoon. If you're not in a platoon yet, DM me your timezone after this training. Do you understand?
-Speaking of Platoons, you ALL need to wear your CORRECT Company hats in game. If you do not have it yet you need to buy it. Failure to wear teh
correct attire during raids will lead to a punishment.
-There's a New Discord Rule that you all need to follow: If you're going to argue with someone about something non-TNF related TAKE IT TO DMS.
Nobody needs to hear that and I don't want to see it in my chats. Do you understand?
-If you haven't read #rules, you need to read it after this training. Do you understand?

-Alright, now I'm gonna ask a question; What wins raids? (Orders and the following of the orders). If you cannot follow orders you *can* get the whole
team killed. Failure to follow orders will result in punishment and if you continue it, you WILL be kicked. Do you understand?
-Immaturity will no longer be accepted during big raids unless if instructed otherwise. Do you understand?
-TSM is a team, and TSM is a family. The people you're fighting with are TEAMMATES. THAT means bandage your teammates and help them along
-If you're caught looting before all the enemies are dead or before I gave you permission, you will demoted. Do you understand?
-From now on if I give you an order and you fail to follow it within 10 seconds, such as retreat, push, or SFL, you WILL be punished. Do you

Now let's move onto drills:
-Beginning with Stagger formation Aim practice.
-Discipline SFL lines back to STS.
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Regards; Team

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