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Health Benefits of Reflexology

Reflexology, more commonly referred to as reflex stimulator therapy is an alternative, non-invasive medical procedure which involves applying pressure to specific regions of the hands and feet. It is also known as foot massage therapy, stress management or just foot massage therapy. It is a valuable technique that does not just aid in the healing of aching feet but also reduces stress and tension. The procedure of Reflexology starts with pressure from the fingers on specific pressure points located on feet or hands. It can be done without any oil or lotion, and using minimal pressure.

Reflexology is a viable alternative to traditional medicine. It is a blend of energy therapy and Chinese medicine. Click here This therapy can ease pain and improve the general health, vitality, and overall wellbeing of the patient. Reflexology may be used alongside other techniques that are not conventional, such as acupuncture, acupressure, herbal medicine, homeopathy, Reiki massages, chiropractic, sports massage and reflexology Chinese medicine, and various other oriental medicines. To ease stress in everyday life, some reflexologists mix the acupuncture and reflexology.

Research has proven that reflexology can aid in treating and treat a variety of medical conditions. In fact, reflexology has been suggested as an alternative therapy for those who suffer from asthma and other breathing issues. Accidents resulting from falls or related accidents have been reported to be free of stiffness and pain by certain reflexologists. A study published in the Journal of Alternative Medicine found that those who underwent the reflexology treatment were found to experience less anxiety and greater peace than those who were treated with the medical treatment on their own. It was concluded by the study that Reflexology is a great complementary therapy for chronic pain and other conditions related to anxiety and stress.

Research has proven that applying pressure to certain pressure points on the feet, hands, or ear can alleviate symptoms like migraine headaches, toothaches and tension. Common ailments, such as the measles, cold, strep and chicken pox, may be treated using reflexology. The application of reflexology to pressure points on the hands, feet or ear can to alleviate discomfort and pain that is associated with arthritis and other inflammation-related diseases. It can help to strengthen the muscles in the neck and legs, arms, and lower back.

If you are considering getting reflexology treatments should first speak with their family doctor or primary care physician to be sure there aren't any contraindications that could cause a risk before beginning any kind of Reflexology treatments. Most side effects are mild and do not require immediate medical care. However certain patients may experience reactions such as blisters, redness, or swelling. It is crucial to talk with your doctor first for those patients.

In addition to the health benefits, there are other motives to practice reflexology. Reflexology techniques can boost the flow of energy throughout the nervous system. This allows people to feel less stressed and more relaxed. This can help people lead a more fulfilling life which reduces depression and anxiety and other ailments. The methods employed in Reflexology may also increase blood flow throughout the body. Reflexology may be beneficial to people suffering from high blood pressure, diabetes or heart disease, obesity or any other condition.

Before commencing the Reflexology massage therapy session, it's crucial that the patient see their physician to ensure they are guided through the massage therapy process. The therapist places their hands on the feet of the patient and begin the Reflexology massage. The client usually relaxes throughout the massage. However in the event that they are uncomfortable or unable to relax, it is best for the therapist the client to a different room to ensure they remain relaxed and at ease. To avoid any additional complications, it is best to call your doctor if your patient feels pain or discomfort in their feet.

The therapist will apply pressure to different areas of the patient's bodies during a Reflexology session. The most frequent locations are the feet, the head, ears, back along with the shoulders, neck, and head. Each one is targeted by therapists until the client feels relief from discomfort, pain or strain. The entire session lasts less than 15 minutes and is usually completed in just fifteen minutes. It is essential to wear comfortable, loose clothing so that you don't end up getting injured while receiving Reflexology treatment. The client can avoid unnecessary movement in the course of Reflexology treatment by wearing appropriate clothing.
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