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How to Change a Shower Head
If your shower head is corroded or not producing the desired spray, you may want to consider replacing it. This is a simple project that can save you money on your water bill. To start, ensure the faucet and shower valves are turned off. Then, use a strap wrench or pair of pliers to unscrew the old showerhead.

Remove the old shower head
Getting an old shower head off can be a bit of a challenge. You can try a few different methods to get it unscrewed, like spraying the connector with WD-40 or another kind of lubricant. You can also cover the pipe that connects to the wall with a cloth or towel and use a wrench or pliers to grip the connection. Make sure to hold the pipe tight and be careful not to jerk it, or you may damage the plastic.

Once you have the old showerhead off, it’s time to replace it with a new one. First, read the instructions for your new showerhead. It will probably need a washer or two to secure it in place, so install those now. Then, Read My Article on the new showerhead and tighten it by hand until it is finger-tight. Any more than that and you’ll risk breaking the plastic connecting nut. Then, check for any leaks. If you find any, use a wrench to loosen it a half turn.

Clean the threads
A clean shower head arm and connection are necessary for a watertight seal. Before reattaching the shower head, it is important to clean the threads with new plumber’s tape. This is a special tape that can be purchased from the hardware store. It is also known as PTFE tape, plumber’s tape, or pipe thread tape. Wrap it around the shower head threads clockwise. This ensures a tight seal that will prevent leaks.

Often times, the shower head’s threads are covered in mineral deposits and can be difficult to remove. To make this job easier, wrap a rag over the adjustable wrench or pliers and place it over the shower head’s connection. Then, use a wire brush or an old toothbrush to remove the deposits and gunk from the threads. After cleaning the threads, dry the threads and apply new tape. This is the last step before installing your new shower head!

Wrap plumber’s tape
Once you’ve removed the old shower head, clean the threaded pipe that sticks out of the wall. You can use a wire brush, an old toothbrush or a washcloth to break up any gunk that may be clinging to it. If necessary, you can also wrap the pipe in plumber’s tape to ensure that a new showerhead will screw on securely.

The key is to apply the tape in the same direction that you will be screwing on the new one. This is important because if you wrap it in the opposite direction, your new shower head will have a hard time screwing on, and there is a good chance that it won’t seal correctly.

Now, you’re ready to begin assembling the parts for your new shower head. Be sure to read the manufacturer’s instructions carefully to be certain that you’re installing the correct type of shower head for your home. This guide should provide you with all the information you need to make this easy, do-it-yourself task a success!

Install the new shower head
Installing a new shower head is an easy, inexpensive home improvement project. It can improve the look of your bathroom, save water and cut down on utility bills. You can choose from a wide variety of styles and spray patterns. However, before you start, make sure to turn off the taps and clear a large space to work in.

Start by removing the old shower head. This should be a simple task, but it might require a wrench or pliers. Before you unscrew it, wrap a cloth around the base of the shower arm to protect it from damage. You may also want to wrap the jaws of your wrench with cloth or tape to prevent scuff marks and scratches.

Once you’ve removed the old head, clean the threaded pipe in your wall. Then, apply plumber’s tape to the pipe’s threaded end. Wrap the tape clockwise so it doesn’t come undone when you screw on your new shower head.

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