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I love you so much. And for so many different reasons. I love you like I love no one else, you're special. That's why I try to make you feel like it. I try real hard and I'm glad you appreciate it. But then, when I think about it, I don't even need to really try. My love is never forced, it's always there. Ready to shoot out at you and make you feel loved whenever possible. The main main reason I love you will always be that you love me for me. You love me for my potato self. But there are more, many more. There's so many, I'm gonna write you a long ass paragraph full of reasons! I love you because of the way you treat me. I love that you baby me when I want it. Like I'll just lay on your lap or lean over on you and you'll give me all the kissies I want. I love you because you love me. I love you because having your love makes me feel all nice and warm and tingly. It's the best feeling ever. I love you because (this is a real big important one) since the day you first went to the music room, you never questioned my taste in music. And you were open to listen to it, and that was one of the reasons I fell for you. You can ask emi, I told him this when I first knew I liked you, "Bro, she went to the music room and didn't bitch or leave. F u c k y e s." And not only that, but you listened to it when I asked you to, and you said you liked a few songs and that was pretty damn hot. I love you because you make me feel like I'm all that matters. I love you because you can make me happy no matter what. I realized that the first few weeks we ever texted. After I was done texting you, I was never mad or sad. Everytime I got off I was happy, and that was awesome to me because I was going through a rough time. I love you because you've become an important part to my routine. I look forward to a text from you every morning and night and a lot more if possible. I love you because you are so sweet to me. I love you because you care about my well being. You always ask me how I am. I've told you before and I'll say it again, I love being able to tell you how I really feel, which leads to the next reason. I love being able to trust you. I feel like I can tell you anything. Even if you can't help, I don't mind. I'm just glad I have someone to vent to when I need it. I love you because you somehow put up with all the stupid things I say or do sometimes. Even when you do get upset, you look fucking adorable. Except when you get really actually upset, then instant regretti spaghetti. I love you because I love how you react to my love. <--Whole lotta love in that sentence (3x). I love you because you make me feel like I can do anything I want. You make me the best me I can be. I love you because you are purty. I like looking at your face and body. Ooo! Another reason is I can touch you and squish and kiss as I please. I love you because you are always there to help me when I'm feeling down. I love you because you are funny. Even if you do get offended at some of the jokes I say, I'm glad you know they're just jokes and don't take them personal. I love you because you compliment me a lot. I love you because you are yourself. I love you because of your smile. It's so contagious. Everytime you put it on I smile. I love you because it makes me happy when you laugh. I love making you laugh, I like knowing I'm amusing. I love you because your family accepts me. I love how you send a lot of pretty pictures of yourself. I love when you hug me. I feel so safe and loved when I'm in your arms. I love that you talk about me. I also love talking about you, I love showing off the gem and light of my life. I love how loyal you are. I can trust even if we don't go to the same school. I know you would never do me wrong. This one is a long one. When I leave or go afk unexpetedly, you care. You worry for my well being. And I hate it when it happens, I hate doing that you. But it just shows how much you care. You want me to respond to your text to make sure I'm still with you and doing fine. And as much as I hate doing it, it feels nice to know you care. I love that you always light up my day.I love that you have patience. Like as much as you say that you require a lot of patience, you really don't. And that's probably because I love you. But me, oh I require a shit ton of patience. With depression and anxiety, sometimes I have to cancel plans, I do and say stupid things, and you seem to handle it all well. And I obviously try to never worry you or make you have to use patience, but it's nice to know that if I do slip and do somthing that you won't instantly just say bye and leave me. But you're willing to talk and work things out to stay with me. I love how you kiss me. When you kiss me you like hold your head forward so that I can hold your face like I love doing. I love calling you cute pet names! Wether it be baby girl, momma, princess, or any other name I've given you. I love calling you them. I love that you help keep me away from the negativce things like drugs and doing stupid things. I love how nice you are to me. I love how nice and mean you can be.
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