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this is the first time i am into writing stuff, please excuse if anything wrong or mistake happens
firstly want to write something about demonetisation happening in india
I would rather say it as replacement of old currency with new onces than to say demonetisation.
so basically we will first discuss about the problems facing by many people, lets call them as common people who are in line waiting for their share of 2000 rupees per day, where the rich with illegiti ways of earning money have their own way of replacing their old currency.
coming to the problems as said the currency rightfully theirs can be obtained in a virtual way and can access accordingly by digital medium.
This seams to be a problem as the most of the commoners use the traditional way of purchasing goods mostly for daily consumption, and most of these sellers are too small or having poor technical knowledge on digital equipments and their options, and still i see as the necessity is the mother of invention their is large scope that the people can convert to digitization with a little effort on their part
having said so their should be the necessary infrastructure to attain such a feat.
Government and the financial institutions throughout the country should and must provide the required equipment as well as the education needed for such equipment to function. It might look simple but providing everyone with such advancements and also giving them with assistance and security for their payments and also troubleshooting the problems faced while achieving such goal is hell lot of work to even imagine.
Letting this aside, now discussing the advantages of this decision we can say that their are numerous but primary advantage is to remove counterfeit currency notes from the economy of the country and to regularize the lost or damaged currency in that particular denominations.
secondly if any illegal money is stored in this format of notes they find it difficult exchanging such notes.
due to implementing digital technology for transfer of currency with leads to the white accounting of it and the taxes to be paid will certainly increase the treasury of the government.
And coming to my analysis its right move and try not to print those 2000/1000 notes any more
500 itself is a big note . lets get strong by a little workout.
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