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Title:The Broken Hood

Item: SCP-### (Number not yet designated)

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-### is to be stored in a standard containment chamber measuring -3x3x3- 5x5x5 meters tall, wide, and long. The containment chamber is to be outfitted with stainless steel, cameras which are to be placed behind a layer of industrial strength plexiglass, and connected containment chambers for the purpose of temporarily housing instances of SCP-###-2. If at any time an instance of SCP-###-2 resembles, or shows extensive knowledge of, hardware or electronics in general, instances of SCP-###-2 are to be -terminated and their remains- incinerated.

Description: SCP-###-1 appears to be a large toy chest that is one (1) meter in height and width, and two (2) meters in length, colored red, blue, and ██████. All attempts to recreate said color has been met with failure. SCP-###-2 consists of 3 keys, each a different color corresponding to the colors on SCP-###-1.

All instances of SCP-###-3 are usually objects or entities, all of which whom refer to themselves as “toys” (In the case that they are sentient at time of testing). Instances of SCP-###-3 vary in size, shape, and personal attributes. Any inconsistencies regarding instances of SCP-###-3 are to be reported to Dr. ███████.

All 3 instances of SCP-###-2 unlock each part of SCP-###-1. SCP-###-2 appears have been carved from wood, having symbols that depict a stuffed bear and 4 entities, 3 of which will smile when a part of SCP-###-1 has been unlocked. Research is ongoing on the purpose of this and what the 4th entity represents. SCP-###-1 appears to be in a constant state of decay, at one point even losing its locks, rendering it unopenable. Any object or entity deemed "Corrupt" speeds up the process of decay, whereas an object or entity deemed "Innocent" causes SCP-###-1 to regenerate. SCP-###-1 will also regenerate at seemingly random points of time.(See Incident ###-a)

SCP-### was dug up in █████ █████, Australia. Approximately 960 Emus(Dromaius novaehollandiae) were found surrounding SCP-###. All of which appeared to be diseased and in a state of extreme decay.

- Incident ###-a
On dates ██/██/1955, ██/██/1999, █/██/2003, █/██/2010, and █/██/2016 SCP-###-1 regenerated all of its mass and started releasing odd SCP-###-3 instances, including fish, pigs, and what was described as "A dying penguin".
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