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A short fanfic from me to. I send this to you in the hetero-sexual way possible. Share it with squad!

It had only been atleast 30 minutes or so after school before Cristian started blowing up my phone with messages about playing Fallout 4. I had responded with a quick 'shut up' and we continued to generate teenage sexual inuendos and calling FO4 bae. #baeislife. I told him I would be over in a sec.
Around 4:30 I got there in my casual "I don't give a fuck it's the weekend and I'm lazy" wear. Consisting of sweat pants, boxers and some old My Chemical Romance shirt. As soon as I walked in I slipped off my shoes and excitedly ran into Cris's room to play our so beloved game. But, I didn't hear any sound coming from his room... instead I heard some sort of shuffling noise.
I was going to knock, but I was too curious to interrupt what i wanted to see. Instead, I pushed the door open just a bit. I looked inside to see Cristian playing FO4 while eating some gay ass Cool Ranch Doritos (to fend off the Werecats of course). I opened the door completly and sat on the bed beside Cristian.
It was about 8:45 now. we finally got into the whole super-mutant thing.
"What level are you?", I asked getting straight to the point.
"Like 50 something", He responded.
"Really? Man. You must have a lot of free-time to be able to jack-off to this shit so often.", I said, popping him one of those awkward smirks.
"Aw yeah. Only all the time, baby! *awkward turtle moan", He rmarked in the weirdest way ever.
After about an hour of laughing and crying our eyes out, we settled back into the bed. Catching our breath wasn't too easy. We calmed ourselves and started a conversation on the terms of relationships and that kind of shit.
"So uuhhh... Mackenzie and I, right?"
"Yeah? So?"
"How do you think I'm doing?"
"You act a little too weird sometimes."
"Wh-What do you mean? I'm weird all the time!"
"*sigh... I'm gonna be honest... I'm actually pretty upset you guys got together. I was gonna go for it and she took you."
I looked into Cristian's eyes with a face of disbeleif. That disbeleif turned into sadness. That sadness turned into longing. That longing turned into a deep, meaningful kiss. That kiss lasted almost entire minute. As I pulled back from him, a faint 'click' was heard from our lips disconnecting. I leaned my forehead against his as I looked into his eyes. His eyes, let alone his kiss, were enough to get me turned-on.
"Well. Technically I took her.", I said jokingly. Cristian smiled.
"Oh, shut up you."
He brought me in for another long, warm kiss. I twitched as he ran his hands up and down my thighs. I couldn't help but to try to hide the huge bulge Cristian was making for himself in my pants. I didn't want to seem easy. He noticed my dilemma. Still kissing me, he took my hands off my lap and onto his chest as he unzipped my pants. I began to un-button his flanel. He reached into my pants, pretty far down my thigh to pull out my huge, flacid cock. I was surprised by this action and blushed a deep red. He stroked back and forth, as he started to slowly lick up and down the side of my dick, I couldn't help but hide my face... but at the same time I couldn't help but watch.
The gooey sensation of his soft tongue felt almost as if my dick were melting with orgasmic sensations. He began to strok the tip in a circular motion with his tongue. I let out a soft moan. He put my entire 9 inch pipe into his small mouth. He made a sort of gagging noise as pumped it back in forth in his mouth. After a few minutes I couldn't help but to moan and let my heavy, milky load overflow his mouth. Cum came dripping from his chin and nose as he unsheathed my dick from his throat, taking in a deep breath.
He kept stroking at my dick.
"You don't... give up... easily... do you?", I said, trying to catch my breath.
"I can do this all night."
"You've done this before?"
"Meh... Had a couple run-ins with Andrew, but you can barely consider it as important as this."
He knelt down and finished with a lick, as to clean my dick of the rest of my load. Stood and pushed me onto the bed.
"What are you doing?", I asked with a smile.
"No, seriously, what are you do- OoOOooOOooOOoohhh UuUUUuuuuUUhhHHhhhhhHhh..."
Cristian had stuck nearly half of my dick in his tight, tight ass. He lowered himself down inserting my monster into his cave.
"Aw yeah"
"Oh fuck"
He hopped up and down on my dick, harder and harder, until let out another wet, sticky load. The cum was messier this time, releasing semen all over myself and him.
"Ok... ok.", I said. "Let's play some FO4."
Cristian washed off.
"Yeah. Let's do that now."
I sat waiting for Cristian to finish washing. Going over everything that just happened.
"And... uh... Cristian?"
"Don't tell 'Kenzie... ok?"
"Only if you promise to do this again."
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