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Screenshot 3: Approval Workflow in Power AutomateThe third screenshot illustrates the approval workflow in Power Automate that is triggered when a row is added, modified, or deleted in the Pet Sitting Booking Request App's table. This workflow manages the approval process for incoming booking requests.Trigger: The workflow is triggered when a row is added, modified, or deleted in the app's table in Data Verse. This trigger initiates the start of the approval process for the booking request.Start and Wait for an Approval: The next step in the workflow is to use the "Start and Wait for an Approval" action. This action presents the approval request to the designated approver(s) for review. The approval type is set to "Approve% Reject-First to Respond," which means the first response from the approver(s) determines the outcome.Condition Control: Following the approval action, a condition control is used to evaluate the outcome of the approval. If the response is "Approve," the workflow proceeds with the "Yes" path. If the response is "Reject," the workflow proceeds with the "No" path.Email Notifications: If the response is "Approve," the workflow sends an email notification to the customer informing them that their request has been approved. Additionally, it updates the status column in the app's table to reflect the approval. If the response is "Reject," the workflow sends an email notifying the customer that their request could not be processed due to unavailable slots, and it updates the status column accordingly.Flow End: The workflow concludes after sending the appropriate email notification and updating the status column. At this point, the approval process for the booking request is completed, and the workflow ends.
what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


  • * You can take a note from anywhere and any device with internet connection.
  • * You can share the notes in social platforms (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, instagram etc.).
  • * You can quickly share your contents without website, blog and e-mail.
  • * You don't need to create any Account to share a note. As you wish you can use quick, easy and best shortened notes with sms, websites, e-mail, or messaging services (WhatsApp, iMessage, Telegram, Signal).
  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

Fast: is built for speed and performance. You can take a notes quickly and browse your archive.

Easy: doesn’t require installation. Just write and share note!

Short:’s url just 8 character. You’ll get shorten link of your note when you want to share. (Ex: )

Free: works for 12 years and has been free since the day it was started.

You immediately create your first note and start sharing with the ones you wish. If you want to contact us, you can use the following communication channels;

Email: [email protected]




Regards; Team

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