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L.B. Story Chapter 1- Story Begins

Scene 1:
-Starts with a foreshadow of an event that happens later in the story
-Year 5012
It's past Keito or Kei, murking all of the Nova grunts after he murked his classmates, protecting Sage
We are viewing through Sage's P.o.v.
This scene ends with Kei looking back over his shoulder and someone yelling Keito wake yo ass up.

Scene 2:
-In the classroom, currently May 26, 3:20pm and the last day of school also Graduation Day
-Mood, chaotic and noisy
Teacher calls out for a student named Keito lecturing him about sleeping in class when class is for learning
A student interrupts the teacher exclaiming there's a fight with the school celebrity Rico
Everyone leaves class except for 3 students, one of the student asks aren't you gon stop it by the teacher says he does not get paid enough for this shit
Lastly when get a nice clean shot of Keito laid out on the desk

Scene 3:
A big figure comes enter the scene and introduces themself as Tapea
Tapea is trying to speak to everyone in class at least once and Keito seemed to be the only one he has not spoken with yet
Keito rolls his eyes, and attempts to go back to sleep while Tapea keeps talking with him
Tapea then asks about graduation, and Keito asks wth is that
Keito says that is bullshit
Tapea then rambles about it being an honor and can secure one's purpose and destiny until the bell suddenly rings
Tapea says damn that was fast and when he turns back Keito is out the door already

Scene 4:
Tapea sees Keito walking out of the building and says this mother- then proceeds to jump out of the window to catch up with Keito
Running and out of breath he catches up to Keito trying to convince him he should do the testing
Keito continues to decline until he says the school will give an all u can eat buffet for those in the top 3
Keito is hesitant but agrees.
Keito and Tapea then make their way to the 3 testing sites.

Scene 5:
Test one: Power Identification
Keito and Tapea enters a one of the rooms to notice a big crystal on a pedestal and an old man standing behind it
Tapea gives a brief explanation about the test and the way it scales you and then states, "My instincts tell me your quite powerful"
After Tapea gets his reading, the examiner says the quite high for the school. But then again your Jone's boy
Keito then comes up and puts his hand on the crystal and nothing happens, it stays crystal clear
The examiner then says, "well damn u as- as average as everyone else while Tapea has the shocked face
Keito is unfazed

Scene 6:
Test two: Test of Feats
Tapea explains they got to a series of tests to figure out our strengths, weaknesses, and abilities
First was the Strength test and Tapea easily can lift 300lbs while Keito is struggling with the little weights
Second was Speed Tapea sprints the track field while Keito walks the whole thing until he sees a big ass roach with wings and takes off
Third was durability, Tapea gets shot with training bullets, Keito says fck that give me a zero when a bullet mis fire and keito dodges without realizing
Tapea is confused
Lastly, they asked if you had any special talents. Tapea says he can eat fire if not that his animal instincts. Keito says being charming and funny. The old lady looks unimpressed and says yea funny looking. Keito is pissed and Tapea says come on. Keito then says "I don't know why see laughing she looks like she can see the past and the future at the same time. I bet she was great in first person shooting games since she can see the whole damn screen at all times

Scene 7:
Test Three: Rico and Pedro Intro
-Keito and Tapea leaves the building finally
Tapea starts rambling again and Keito starts to reconsider his options
Rico and Pedro comes into the scene and bumps into Keito and Tapea on purpose
Rico attempts to demotivate keito by saying he's not gonna make it past the first two rounds, he's lazy and that he could whoop both him and Tapea
Tapea says bullshit and Keito don't let that discourag-
Tapea turns and realized keito isn't the least amount of bothered
Rico then says "Ight I'm the prodigy of this school and I'll beat whoever in my path. Whether he is the lost cause son of our protector or a nobody that even the teachers don't know his name."
Rico snickers and turns away with Pedro. Pedro doing the we'll whoop ya ass sign
Keito asks Tapea who tf is him and why he got a stick up his ass
Tapea giggles and says "that's the so-called Hope of our school, Rico and his sidekick Pedro. They are suppose to be the best choices for getting chosen by the Divine 4 but they really just dickheads."
Keito asks "they're the strongest in our school?"
Tapea responds with Yea
Keito then looks at Tapea and says they need to recheck them lists again, cause I'm pretty sure you're stronger than them
Tapea smiles and puts an arm around his shoulder and says u know what I don't ever think I got your name fam, my full name is Tapea Jones the second.
Keito looking disgusted because of the close proximity says slowly "Keito and can you back ya big ass up"
Tapea then says "I think we gon be good friends" heading towards the stands.

Scene 8:
Test 3: Senior Combat
-Keito and Tapea enters an open field filled with all kinds of elements like rivers, trees, hills.
-The Principal Starts giving the Introduction of the Oh Great Divine 4 and what's going to happen
Tapea is on the edge of his seat and starts to kiss his T chain
Rico trying to play off relaxed but is nervous as fck, Pedro starts sizing up Keito
Keito starts taking in the environment and starts think "Why do I have this lingering feeling like I missed this sensation?"

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