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Cancer malignancy fatality within French people: variances among France as well as the United states of america.
Instead, the treated eggs showed changes in hatching, hypopigmentation of newborn snails and a decrease of their survival in time. The overall information obtained from these endpoints can provide important information regarding the quality of the environment. In addition, they also showed that the invertebrate organism E. vermiculata despite being a simple organism is very useful and efficient for ecotoxicological studies.Only neutron spectrum standard is 252Cf spontaneous fission neutron spectrum. However, the high energy tail of this spectrum is loaded with high uncertainty. To reduce this uncertainty, it is crucial to use validated cross sections with low uncertainty. The explored set of reactions covers 58Ni(n,X)57Co, 169Tm(n,3n)167Tm, 197Au(n,3n)195Au, 209Bi(n,3n)207Bi and 209Bi(n,4n)206Bi threshold reactions. Measurement of dosimetric 169Tm(n,3n)167Tm, 209Bi(n,3n)207Bi and 209Bi(n,4n)206Bi reactions spectral averaged cross sections (SACS) is included in NEA's High Priority Nuclear Data Request List. All these reactions SACS were measured for the first time. All SACS were derived from experimentally determined reaction rates by gamma spectrometry using the same high-purity germanium detector. In the case of 169Tm(n,3n)167Tm reaction, the difference between experimental and calculated value using the IRDFF-II library is only 1.45%. Concerning 197Au(n,3n)195Au reaction, the reasonable agreement is achieved only using the TENDL-2017 library. In the case of 209Bi(n,3n)207Bi reaction, agreement within uncertainty is not achieved with any library unlike 209Bi(n,4n)206Bi reaction where the agreement within uncertainty is achieved with IRDFF-II library. The best agreement for 58Ni(n,X)57Co reaction is achieved using ENDF/B-VIII library.Five shielding calculation methods were employed to estimate the dose rate distribution around an accelerator-based boron neutron capture therapy facility. Their performances were compared in terms of accuracy and efficiency. The results indicate that the hybrid deterministic/Monte Carlo method is the most efficient in the context of accurate modeling and simulation, whereas the analytical approximation with pre-generated source terms and attenuation lengths is preferable in the design phase because of its simplicity and ease of verification while retaining a reasonable accuracy.Four samples of nominally pure KCl crystals and doped with Zn2+ impurities are grown by the Czochralski method and characterized by X-ray diffraction and Proton Induced X-ray Emission techniques. Positron Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy (PALS) is performed to obtain information on the cation vacancy type defects and their evolution under doping. The results of the PALS experiment indicate that doping KCl by Zn2+ ions, at first increases the concentration of mono vacancies and in the second stage leads the creation of divacancy sites. Coincidence Doppler Broadening Spectroscopy (CDBS) is carried out to obtain the chemical environment of positron annihilation sites. The results of CDBS show that cation vacancies have a significant role in the annihilation process. A2aR/A2bR antagonist-1 An interesting observation is the participation of Zn2+ cations in the positron annihilation process which confirms that positrons are not completely localized on the anion sites. The internal consistency between the results of PALS and CDBS experiments is also clarified.There are few long-lived radionuclides yielding high intensity gamma-rays emission with energies ranging from 100 keV to 500 keV that can be applied as radioactive gamma standard to calibrate HPGe detectors. Furthermore, this energy range represents the main emitted energies of the majority of radionuclides used in nuclear medicine. The Brazilian National Laboratory for Ionizing Radiation Metrology (LNMRI/IRD/CNEN) has attempted to identify radionuclides that have the potential to be used as a calibration source due to their long half-life as well as their emission spectrum. Hence, LNMRI promotes standardization studies of gamma-emitting radionuclides that meet these criteria on order to disseminate them. Thorium-229, with its well-defined energies and relatively high intensities, is one such candidate radionuclide for the energy and full-energy peak efficiency calibration of high-purity gamma spectrometers. Thorium-229 was standardized by the method of 4παβ(LS)-γ(NaI(Tl)) live timed anticoincidence counting. The emission intensities of gamma-rays associated with the decay of 229Th have been determined by HPGe gamma ray spectrometry with accuracy and precision. link2 The results are in agreement with current literature data.Four I-131 production methods including irradiated TeO2 target and uranium target in the irradiation channel, batch-wise extracted iodine from the fuel salt, and online extracted solid tellurium through the by-pass loop system have been assessed in a 2 MW molten salt reactor. The latter method can produce a large annual yield of I-131 (about 155,000 Ci). The radioactivity shielding demand of the latter method is much smaller than the other I-131 production methods under the identical annual yield of I-131.Tritium analysis in water is an important part of environmental radiation monitoring. At present, tritium in water is generally measured by liquid scintillation counting (LSC). To optimize the pretreatment process and improve the efficiency of tritium analysis via LSC, a pretreatment device for tritium analysis in water based on a reverse osmosis (RO) film was developed. This paper introduces the system composition and carries out the following experimental studies First, the comprehensive performance of the device was studied by performing repeated analyses, and the pretreatment time can be reduced by approximately 77% compared with that of the traditional method; then, the device was used to process tritium samples with different concentrations to verify the negligible impact of any tritium residue in the RO film; finally, the reliability of the results is verified by comparing with the traditional atmospheric distillation pretreatment method under the same measurement conditions. The results showed the developed method has the advantages of a simple operation and a high degree of automation, which effectively improves the efficiency of tritium analysis in water.This paper presents the investigation carried out by CEA List and ArcelorMittal R&D in order to assess the potential of linac-based neutron activation analysis to detect and quantify copper in scrap metal. Performances are evaluated using MCNP6 and then validated experimentally using a 6 MeV linac coupled with heavy water. It is shown that (γ, n) reaction cross-sections for deuterium are likely to be undervalued in ENDF/B-VII and suggested that photoneutron production algorithms in Monte Carlo codes should be reexamined.This work focuses on the calculation of S-values and radial energy profiles for radionuclides emitting high (Y-90, Sr-89), medium (Re-186, Sm-153) and low-energy (Er-169, Lu-177) β-particles, Auger electrons (In-111, Ga-67, I-123) and α-particles (At-211, Ac-225). Simulations were performed using the EGSnrc and GEANT4-DNA Monte Carlo (MC) codes for a spherical cell geometry. S-values were computed using decay spectra available in literature for Tc-99m and In-111. To investigate the effect on S-value when the same emission spectrum is used in two different MC codes. Internal modules of the MC codes were used to simulate the decay of other radionuclides mentioned above. Radial energy profiles for uniformly distributed radioactive sources in the cell nucleus and cytoplasm were calculated and results were compared with the literature. For S-values calculated using the same emission spectrum, the results showed good agreement with each other and with the literature. Whereas, the S-values calculated using the internal decay data of the MC codes, for instance, for Ga-67 and Y-90, showed discrepancies up to 40%. Radial energy profiles were also different from those reported in the literature. Our results show that well validated radiation emission spectra must be used for such calculations and internal decay spectra of MC codes should be used with caution. The normalized probability density functions must be used to sample points uniformly into spherical volumes and the methodology proposed here can be used to correctly determine radial energy profiles.This paper presents the results of neutron and gamma calculations aimed at assessing the feasibility of creating an installation for performing research in the field of NСT at the research reactor IRT-T. Considered aspects of choosing a suitable experimental channel as the basis for the installation being created. The calculation results of possible ways of outlet beam parameters improvement consist of inserting of reflector in channel, BSA with filters and collimator are shown.The method for measuring radon exhalation rate from the medium surface with a ventilation chamber is un-replaceable when surveying the radon exhalation rate continuously. Generally, the pump flow rate is an important parameter to obtain the radon exhalation rate from the measurement model. Our previous research indicated that the results of those measurements are inaccurate when the air change rate is not far larger than the effective decay constant. A no flow meter method is proposed for measuring radon exhalation from the medium surface with a ventilation chamber. A constant K is used to replace the sum of the air change rate and the effective decay constant. The radon exhalation rate and the value of K can be obtained by nonlinear data fitting through a novel model. The air flow rate is not a parameter of this model, and the flow meter is unnecessary in this measurement. The radon exhalation rates obtained by verification experiments are within the accepted values for the reference value. This method can be applied to develop and improve the instruments for measuring radon exhalation rate.Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) pose a substantial threat as endocrine disruptors, and thus early identification of those that may interact with steroid hormone receptors, such as the androgen receptor (AR), is critical. In this study we screened 5,206 PFASs from the CompTox database against the different binding sites on the AR using both molecular docking and machine learning techniques. We developed support vector machine models trained on Tox21 data to classify the active and inactive PFASs for AR using different chemical fingerprints as features. The maximum accuracy was 95.01% and Matthew's correlation coefficient (MCC) was 0.76 respectively, based on MACCS fingerprints (MACCSFP). The combination of docking-based screening and machine learning models identified 29 PFASs that have strong potential for activity against the AR and should be considered priority chemicals for biological toxicity testing.
Literacy promotion is a pediatric standard of care in which clinicians provide guidance on shared reading. Latino parents are more likely to hear advice to read with children but are less likely to do so. We sought to understand literacy promotion from the perspective of Latino parents and to identify facilitators and barriers.

We purposively sampled Latino parents who participated in Reach Out and Read (ROR) for a qualitative, semistructured interview study. We identified themes using immersion/crystallization and achieved thematic saturation after 21 interviews.

Two thirds of participants had less than high school education; half of whom had not completed eighth grade. link3 The mean child age was 16.4 months. Primary facilitators of engagement were advice from a pediatrician during a clinical encounter and receipt of the ROR book. Barriers identified included 1) parents' perceptions that their children were not developmentally ready and that their children's behavior (eg, activity) indicated they were not interested in shared reading; 2) self-perceived limited literacy and/or English proficiency; 3) parenting demands occurring in the context of poverty; and 4) continued child media use despite advice from pediatricians to choose alternate activities such as shared reading instead.
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