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The importance of discipline
Breaking my essay down so that it fit's into a 4 minute speech

What are the key points of my essay?
Introduction: The purpose of my speech is to inform you all on the importance of self-discipline, what the definition is, the steps to achieve it, and the pros and cons and the effects it can have on future outcomes when applied. In other words to inform my audience on the capabilities of self-discipline

The first main point of self-discipline is that it is the ability to control impulses and desires in order to align one's actions with their long-term goals. Being able to delay gratification for greater rewards in the future is a crucial aspect to achieving success. Usually when a person is exerts self-discipline they are trying to train and control oneself for self-improvement. The word self-discipline tends to have a negative connotation associated with it, because people think about punishment when they hear the word discipline. A couple of why's according to Cornell University is that it could make it less likely for a person to give in to temptation and make reckless decisions. For example a person has planned that when they get off work they are going to shower, eat dinner, wash the dishes, brush their teeth and then go to bed. But instead of washing the dishes they decide to just brush their teeth and go to bed without thinking about the consequences thoughtfully. This action has consequences because the person now has to clean the dirty pile of dishes later, they're increasing their work load that could've been minimized if they'd just taken the time to wash the dishes, and there's potential of it affecting their mental health because of the clutter and dirty environment in the kitchen it could contribute to a person's stress and anxiety. Self-discipline is an ability that can be learned through conscious decision making for oneself through taking steps to being self-disciplined

The second main point is the steps on how to do it
First steps identifying your strengths and weaknesses

the third main point is the pros and cons and the impact on future outcomes
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