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Gosu enhancements provide additional methods (functionality) on a Guidewire entity. For example, you can create an enhancement to the ABContact entity. Within enhancement, you add methods that support new functionality. Guidewire Studio will show the new method for an entity of the type ABContact.

entity names-Programming logic that defines how to display a name for an entity instance
Drop-down lists of contacts
DisplayName property of entity instance
gosu classes-Encapsulate data and code for a specific purpose or function
Utility helper classes for logging or string functions
Plugins for integrations with other applications

PCF methods---Specify user interface layout and dynamic behavior
Set the visible property of the a DateInput widget when the value changes in a BooleanDropdown widget
workflows---Run custom business processes asynchronously, optionally with multiple states that transition over time
Renewal and cancelation workflows
A workflow executes processes whose execution is time-based or is triggered by events in external applications, or is both triggered and time-based.

Workflows are available in all three primary Guidewire applications. PolicyCenter uses workflows to manage policy transactions (such as renewals). BillingCenter uses workflows to manage account delinquency and agency bill cycles. Although the feature is available in ClaimCenter, the base configuration of ClaimCenter does not use workflows.

Contains navigable documentation for
Display keys
gwXX regen-gosudoc
Run from bin command window where XX is application code
Output is to …<ApplicationRoot> buildgosudoc index.html

You can regenerate the Gosu API Reference from the command window of the bin directory. Use the command gwXX regen-gosudoc where XX is the application two letter abbreviation.

1 var counter1 : int = null
2 var counter2 = 0
3 var counter3 : int = 10
4 print(counter3)
var variableName : datatype = initialValue
Use var keyword to declare variable
Use : to specify datatype
Use = to assign initial value
Unboxed primitives cannot be null
int, char, byte, short, long, float, double, boolean
A variable stores data, object, or collection of objects temporarily in memory. Each variable within has a name. You create a variable using the var keyword. When you declare a variable, you specify its type either directly or indirectly. To explicitly define the variable type, use a colon after the variable name followed by a type name. If a type is specified for a variable with a colon, the variable is considered strongly typed (line 1). If a variable is initialized with a value, but no type is specified, the variable is strongly typed to the type of the value (line 2). Gosu uses the standard programming assignment operator (=) to assign the value on the right-hand side of the statement to the item on the left-hand side of the statement. Line 3 is an example of how to both declare a variable with a type and initial value.

In the slide example, counter1 is a variable of the type int. The type int is a Gosu primitive type. In Gosu, variables declared of a primitive type be null. Behind the scenes, the Gosu Guidewire Platform compiler will coerce the primitive to not throw a Null Pointer Exception. The result is that counter1 is not null, but rather, equal to 0! However, if you execute this code in Gosu Scratchpad using the Community Release compiler, counter1 will throw a Null Pointer Exception.

To execute the code in the slide example, you must Run in a Debug process. To debug the server, select Main menu  Run  Debug 'Server' or Main menu  Run  Debug…  Server. In the Debug tools window, confirm that the application is running and is ready (***** AppName ready *****). Then, open Gosu Scratchpad using Main menu  Tools  Gosu Scratchpad or with the keystroke ALT+SHIFT+S. In Gosu Scratchpad toolbar, click Run in Debug Process.
Exist for compatibility with the Java Language
Primitive types cannot hold the null value
Null is special value that means an empty object
Primitive types coerced to non-primitive versions or back again in Gosu
Gosu type conversion apply for NULL values
Null java.lang.Integer converts to 0 int

Gosu supports the following primitive types: int, char, byte, short, long, float, double, boolean, and the special value that means an empty object value: null. Additionally, every Gosu primitive type (other than the special value null) has an equivalent object type defined in Java.

For example, for int there is the java.lang.Integer type that descends from the Object class. The category of object types that represent the equivalent of primitive types are called boxed primitive types. In contrast, Gosu primitive types are called unboxed primitives. In Gosu, primitive types such as int and boolean exist primarily for compatibility with the Java language. Gosu uses Java primitive types to support extending Java classes and implementing Java interfaces. From a Gosu language perspective, primitives are different only in subtle ways from object-based types such as Integer and Boolean. Primitive types can be automatically coerced (converted) to non-primitive versions or back again by the Gosu language in almost all cases.

From Gosu you can access the Java object versions (non-primitives) of the Java primitive types. For example, java.lang.Boolean is an object type that wraps the behavior of the boolean primitive (hence the term boxing). Primitive types do not perform better in terms of performance or space compared to their object versions. In both Gosu and Java, the language primitive types like int and boolean work differently from objects (descendants of the root Object class). For example, you can add objects to a collection, but not primitives.

There are some subtleties about a running Guidewire application applies Gosu-to-Java-to-Gosu coercions. When executing Gosu code in a Guidewire application context, coercions are automatically applied, for example, in Gosu Rules. But, if you execute Gosu code out of application context, for example, in Gosu Scratchpad that is NOT running in a debug process, no coercion takes place because Scratchpad is using the Gosu Community Release compiler.

1 var counter1 : int
2 var counter2 = 2
3 counter1 = counter2 + 1;
4 print(counter1)
Compiler determines end of statement based on syntax
No terminator required (lines 1, 2, 4)
Semicolon is allowed (line 3), but ignored
Guidewire recommendation is to NOT use semicolons

In some programming languages, statements must be explicitly terminated. The semi-colon is one of the most common statement terminators, though some languages use other symbols and some use a carriage return.

Semicolons can be used in Gosu to terminate statements. A semicolon is not required, however, because the compiler can parse statements without them. Given that they are not required, Guidewire recommends that you not use semicolons. Guidewire also recommends using carriage returns and white space to make it clear to others reading the code where a given statement ends. The semicolon is allowed (but ignored) as a line terminator.

You can execute the code in the slide example in either a Scratchpad context or Debug Server process. To execute in Scratchpad, select Main menu  Run  Run 'Gosu Scratchpad.gsp'. You can also select Debug 'Gosu Scratchpad.gsp' from the main menu of Studio: Main menu  Run  Debug 'Gosu Scratchpad.gsp'. To debug the server, select Main menu  Run  Debug 'Server' or Main menu  Run  Debug…  Server. In the Debug tools window, confirm that the application is running and is ready (***** AppName ready *****). Then, open Gosu Scratchpad using Main menu  Tools  Gosu Scratchpad or with the keystroke ALT+SHIFT+S. In Gosu Scratchpad toolbar, click Run in Debug Process.

1 var count : int = 7
2 var out : String = "Current Count: "
3 out += "There are " + count + " days in a week!"
4 print(out)
+ concatenates two or more values into a single string
+= concatenates variable with right side expression
Syntax: variable += value + value
Line 3 illustrates the syntax for concatenation in a variable assignment (+=). Rather than writing out=out + "my string", you can write out += "my string".

You can execute the code in the slide example in either a Scratchpad context or Debug Server process. To execute in Scratchpad, select Main menu  Run  Run 'Gosu Scratchpad.gsp'. You can also select Debug 'Gosu Scratchpad.gsp' from the main menu of Studio: Main menu  Run  Debug 'Gosu Scratchpad.gsp'. To debug the server, select Main menu  Run  Debug 'Server' or Main menu  Run  Debug…  Server. In the Debug tools window, confirm that the application is running and is ready (***** AppName ready *****). Then, open Gosu Scratchpad using Main menu  Tools  Gosu Scratchpad or with the keystroke ALT+SHIFT+S. In Gosu Scratchpad toolbar, click Run in Debug Process.

1 var a : boolean = true
2 var b = false
3 var c = false
4 if (a == b) {
5 print(a)
6 }
7 else if (b == c) {
8 print (c)
9 }
10 else {
11 print(null)
12 }
Evaluates condition to be true or false and is followed by a single statement or block of statements ({})
if (condition) statement_or_{block} else statement_or_{block}
The most commonly used statement block within the Gosu language is the if block. The if block uses a multi-part construction. The else block is optional. If there is more than one else, you can use else if.

You can execute the code in the slide example in either a Scratchpad context or Debug Server process. To execute in Scratchpad, select Main menu  Run  Run 'Gosu Scratchpad.gsp'. You can also select Debug 'Gosu Scratchpad.gsp' from the main menu of Studio: Main menu  Run  Debug 'Gosu Scratchpad.gsp'. To debug the server, select Main menu  Run  Debug 'Server' or Main menu  Run  Debug…  Server. In the Debug tools window, confirm that the application is running and is ready (***** AppName ready *****). Then, open Gosu Scratchpad using Main menu  Tools  Gosu Scratchpad or with the keystroke ALT+SHIFT+S. In Gosu Scratchpad toolbar, click Run in Debug Process.

1 var counter1 : int 2 var counter2 = 0 3 counter1 = counter2 + 1 4 if (counter1 == 1) print("equal to 1")
5 if (counter1 != counter2) print("not equal to counter2")
6 if ((counter1 > 0) && (counter1 < 10)) {
7 print("greater than 0, less than 10")
8 }
9 if ((counter1 >= 0) || (counter1 <= 10)) {
10 print("equal to or greater than 0")
11 print("or less than or equal to 10")
12 }
Equality: ==, !=
Relational: >, <, >=, <=
Compound: &&, and, ||, or
The AND (&&) and OR (||) operators can also be entered as "and" and "or" (using lower-case letters). As with most other scripting languages, in Gosu the "is equal to" comparison operator uses two equals signs ("=="), while the assignment operator uses one ("="). The != operator tests for relational inequality. The operands can be of any compatible types. The result is always Boolean. For example:
var count = 3 // Declare a new variable named "count" and
// assign it the number 3.
count = 4 // Now assign it the number 4
if (count == 4 )... // The if expression is true because "count"
// contains the number 4.
if (3 == 4)... // The if expression is false because 3 does
// not equal 4.
if (3 != 4)... // The if expression is true because 3 does
// not equal 4.
3 = 4 // This statement will not compile. You cannot
// assign a value (such as 4) to a number
// (such as 3).
In the Gosu language, the == operator automatically calls object.equals() for comparison if you use it with reference types. In most cases, this is what you want for reference types. However, there are some cases in which you want to use identity reference, not simply comparing the values using the underlying object.equals() comparison. In other words, sometimes you want to know if two objects literally reference the same in-memory object. You can use the Gosu operator === (three equals signs) to compare object equality. This always compares whether both references point to the same in-memory object.

1 var counter1 : int = 100
2 var counter2 : int = 200
3 print((counter1 > counter2)
4 ? "counter1 is larger than counter2"
5 : "counter2 is larger than counter1")
Similar to if-else, but can only return expressions and cannot execute statements
Often widget properties will user ternary operator
If-else statements are cumbersome
Parentheses are not required around the condition of a ternary operator. They are often added for the sake of clarity or to establish an order of precedence, however.

1 var currentDate = gw.api.util.DateUtil.currentDate()
2 var randomNumber = gw.api.util.Math.random(1000)
3 var output = gw.api.util.StringUtil.formatDate(currentDate, 4 "YYYY-MM-DD")
5 if (randomNumber > 500) {
6 print (currentDate + " " + randomNumber + " " + output )
7 }

Gosu supports static members on a type
Variables, functions, and property declarations
Reference class and static members
A static member means that the member exists only on the single type itself, not on instances of the type. Access static members on Java types just as you would native Gosu types. For Gosu code that accesses static members, you must qualify the class that declares the static member.

1 uses gw.api.util.DateUtil 2 uses gw.api.util.Math
3 uses gw.api.util.StringUtil
4 var currentDate = DateUtil.currentDate()
5 var randomNumber = Math.random(1000)
6 var output = StringUtil.formatDate(currentDate, "YYYY-MM-DD")
7 if (randomNumber > 500) {
8 print (currentDate + " " + randomNumber + " " + output )
9 }
Imports fully qualified name and package
Not a static import (like Java), must reference class in code
Asterisk (*) to import hierarchy
Studio will suggest class while typing class name
To use types and namespaces in Gosu scripts without fully qualifying the full class name including the package, use the Gosu uses operator. By convention, put uses imports at the beginning of the file or script. The uses operator behaves in a similar fashion to the Java language’s import command, however, explicit types always have precedence over wildcard namespace references. Namespaces can be specified with an asterisk (*) character to indicate a hierarchy.
While the uses operator is technically an unary operator in that it takes a single operand, the functionality it provides is only useful with a second statement. In other words, the only purpose of using a uses expression is to simplify other lines of code in which you can omit the fully-qualified type name.
You can type in the class name and method and Studio will try to resolve the fully qualified name for you if the package or namespace has not been already declared. Use ALT+ENTER over the red squiggles to see the Import Class options.
1 uses acme.ta.classes.Rectangle
3 var rectangle1 = new Rectangle()
4 var rectangle2 = new Rectangle()
5 rectangle1.Height = 12
6 rectangle1.Width = 8
7 rectangle2 = rectangle1
9 print(rectangle1.calculateArea())
10 print(rectangle2.calculateArea())
Create an instance of a…
Gosu class, Java class, Array, Guidewire entity type
Syntax to create new variable: var objectName = new datatype()
Syntax to set variable to given object
objectName = someOtherObject
Gosu uses the new operator to create an instance of a type. The type can be a Gosu class, a Java class, an array, or a Guidewire entity type.
All Gosu values have a type. Object instances have types. The type of an instance of a class is the class itself.
You can use the new operator with any valid Gosu type, Java type, or an array. At least one constructor (creation function) must be exposed on a type to construct an instance of the type with the new operator.
Although the new operator is often used as an expression, it can also be a statement. For some types, this may not be useful. However, if the constructor for the object triggers code that saves a copy of the new object, the return value from new may be unnecessary. Ignoring the return value and using new as a statement may permit more concise code in some cases. For example, suppose that a constructor for a class that represents a book registers itself with a bookshelf object and saves the new object. Some code might simply create the book object and pass the bookshelf as a constructor argument.
1 var anABDoctor = ta.QueryUtil.findDoctor("70") 2 if (anABDoctor!=null) {
3 print(anABDoctor.DisplayName + ":"
+ anABDoctor.Category + "-"
+ anABDoctor.Specialty)
4 }
Most objects have properties that describe the object
Properties for data backed objects (entities and typelists) are accessible in Gosu
Objects in the database have properties that are accessible through Gosu. In this example, several properties, including Specialty, describe the ABDoctor object.
Line 2 returns a contact from a query using a helper method in TrainingApp. The findDoctor() method requires a string identifier as a parameter.
To execute the code in the slide example, you must Run in a Debug process. To debug the server, select Main menu  Run  Debug 'Server' or Main menu  Run  Debug…  Server. In the Debug tools window, confirm that the application is running and is ready (***** AppName ready *****). Then, open Gosu Scratchpad using Main menu  Tools  Gosu Scratchpad or with the keystroke ALT+SHIFT+S. In Gosu Scratchpad toolbar, click Run in Debug Process.
1 uses gw.transaction.Transaction
2 uses gw.api.util.DateUtil
3 var today = DateUtil.currentDate()
4 var anABDoctor = ta.QueryUtil.findDoctor("70")
5 if (anABDoctor!=null) {
6 Transaction.runWithNewBundle( aBundle -> {
7 anABDoctor = aBundle.add(anABDoctor)
8 anABDoctor.DateOfBirth = DateUtil.addYears(today,-35)
9 anABDoctor.Occupation = "Doctor"
10 }, "su")
11 print(anABDoctor.DisplayName + " "
+ anABDoctor.Occupation + " "
+ anABDoctor.Age)
12 }
Edit entity instance properties within the transaction scope of a writable Gosu bundle
You can also change or add properties in Gosu. In the slide example, both the DataOfBirth and Occupation properties are null.

Gosu provides APIs to change how changes to Guidewire entity data save to the database. To manage database transactions, Guidewire applications group entity instances in groups called bundles. A bundle is a collection of in-memory entity instances that represent rows in the database. The application transmits and saves all entity instances in the bundle to the database in one transaction. A bundle includes changed entities, new entities, and entities to delete from the database. Gosu represents a bundle with the class gw.transaction.Bundle.

There are two basic types of bundles: read-only bundles and writable bundles. If Gosu queries the database for entity data, the results of the query are in a temporary read-only bundle and you must copy it to a writable bundle to change any data. In the slide example, line 4 represents a query result that is a read-only bundle. Line 7 details the copying of the read-only bundle into a writable bundle. When the entity object is in a writable bundle, you can edit property values that are editable (often not all object properties can be set). Changes to an entity object in a writable bundle are committed to the database within the scope of a transaction (lines 6 – 10 in the slide example).

To execute the code in the slide example, you must Run in a Debug process. To debug the server, select Main menu  Run  Debug 'Server' or Main menu  Run  Debug…  Server. Then, open Gosu Scratchpad using Main menu  Tools  Gosu Scratchpad or with the keystroke ALT+SHIFT+S. In Gosu Scratchpad toolbar, click Run in Debug Process.

Guidewire entities may have subtypes
Each subtype inherits the properties and methods of all their supertypes
Subtypes typically have their own properties and/or methods
A subtype is an entity that is declared as a child of another "parent" entity. The child entity inherits all properties and methods of the parent. For example, in the slide example, ABPerson is a subtype of ABContact. An object of type ABPerson has FirstName and LastName properties which are declared explicitly in the ABPerson entity. An object of type ABPerson also inherits the properties of the supertype which is ABContact. EmailAddress is a property that ABPerson inherits from ABContact.

Subtypes are useful when you have a hierarchical collection of objects where the same sort of information is needed for sets of objects. For example, all contacts have assigned users and email addresses. All person contacts (but not companies or places) have first names and last names. By creating ABPerson as a subtype of ABContact, you do not need to re-declare the fields shared by ABPerson, ABPlace, and ABCompany.

Create a new subtype only if you need to treat one set of entities differently from another. As much as possible, limit the number of subtypes for representing an entity. The main reason to limit creation of new subtypes is that the more you specialize the subtype hierarchy, the more restrictive and the less flexible your model becomes. For example, there are subtypes for AutoRepairShop and AutoTowingAgcy. If you work with an auto repair shop that also does towing, you cannot create a single contact that does both. The reason is that you cannot create a subtype that inherits the fields of two or more entities directly. To create the subtype you want, you can select one entity or the other as the subtype. Then, add the fields that are missing from the other entity to you subtype.

PCF specifies object variable datatype
var anABContact : ABContact
Cast subtype reference
(anABContact as ABPerson) .Gender
(anABContact as ABPersonVendor) .SelfEmployed_Ext
(anABContact as ABDoctor)
When a Guidewire application retrieves data from the database, it stores that data as an object in runtime memory. It works with the in-memory information until the data needs to be committed or re-retrieved from the database.
When an object is created, all of the information about the object is copied into memory. If the object is subtyped, then data for all the fields at every relevant subtype level is retrieved. For example, if an object is an ABDoctor, then information is copied over for fields at the ABContact, ABPerson, ABPersonVendor, and ABDoctor levels. Fields associated with ABPlace, ABCompany, or ABAttorney are irrelevant and ignored.
When an object is referenced, the server uses the datatype of the reference to understand the structure of the information in memory. For example, assume that there is an object named "anABContact" that stores information about an ABDoctor. If there is a reference to this object with a datatype of "ABDoctor", then the server knows that the object will have ABContact fields, ABPerson fields, ABPersonVendor fields, and ABDoctor fields. If there is a reference to this object with a datatype of "ABPerson", then the server knows that the object will have ABContact fields and ABPerson fields, but it will assume that the object has no fields beyond the ABPerson fields. There may be additional fields with information at the ABPersonVendor and ABDoctor levels, but the server will be unaware of them.
In some cases, a method or user interface container receives a reference to an object, and the reference uses a "high-level" datatype (such as ABContact). This reference cannot be used as-is to access fields below the specified level because the server assumes those fields don't exist. There is a programming technique known as casting in which you explicitly state the datatype for a subtyped object. This is done using the syntax "as <datatype>", where <datatype> is the datatype that you want to explicitly identify. When you cast a reference, you are providing the server with more information about the structure of the object. A casted reference can access fields that an uncasted reference cannot.

1 var out : String = "" 2 var anABDoctor = ta.QueryUtil.findDoctor("70") //ABDoctor 3 4 if (anABDoctor!=null) { 5 out += anABDoctor.EmailAddress1 //ABContact defines 6 out += anABDoctor.Gender //ABPerson defines 7 out += anABDoctor.SelfEmployeed_Ext //ABPersonVendor defines 8 out += anABDoctor.Specialty //ABDoctor defines 9 } 10 11 var anABContact = ta.QueryUtil.findContact("70") //ABContact 12 if (anABContact!=null) { 13 out += anABContact.EmailAddress1 //ABContact defines 14 out += anABContact.Gender //ABPerson defines 15 out += anABContact.SelfEmployeed_Ext //ABPersonVendor defines 16 out += anABContact.Specialty //ABDoctor defines 17 }

Only can reference properties at subtype and above
Lines 5-8 execute
Lines 13-16 won't execute: No property descriptor found

In the slide example, the Gosu code retrieves two objects: anABDoctor of the type ABDoctor and anABContact of the type ABContact. ABContact is the supertype of ABPerson; ABPerson is the supertype of ABPersonVendor; and ABPersonVendor is the supertype of ABDoctor. Expressed another way, ABDoctor is the subtype of ABPersonVendor; ABPersonVendor is the subtype of ABPerson; ABPerson is the subtype of ABContact.

Lines 5-8 illustrate that all the supertype properties of anABDoctor are accessible.
Lines 14-16 illustrate that you cannot access the subtype properties when a supertype.

To execute the code in the slide example, you must Run in a Debug process. To debug the server, select Main menu  Run  Debug 'Server' or Main menu  Run  Debug…  Server. Then, open Gosu Scratchpad using Main menu  Tools  Gosu Scratchpad or with the keystroke ALT+SHIFT+S. In Gosu Scratchpad toolbar, click Run in Debug Process.

1 var out : String = "" … 11 var anABContact = ta.QueryUtil.findContact("70") //ABContact 12 if (anABContact!=null) { 13 out += anABContact.EmailAddress1 14 out += (anABContact as ABPerson).Gender 15 out += (anABContact as ABPersonVendor).SelfEmployeed_Ext 16 out += (anABContact as ABDoctor).Specialty 17 }

Possible to coerce from supertype to subtype
Access subtype properties
Lines 13-16 coerce from supertype to subtype
Affects type inference
(object as childSubtype).propertyOrMethod
Lines 14-16 illustrate that you can coerce to a subtype and access the subtype properties.

Gosu uses the "expression as TYPE" construction to cast an expression to a specific type which is known as coercion. The expression must be compatible with the type. If you try to cast an expression to an inappropriate type, Gosu throws an exception.

If an object has a compile-time type that is higher in the type hierarchy (it is a supertype) than you need, coerce it to the appropriate specific type. Before you can access properties or methods on the object defined in a subtype from a supertype, you must coerce the type to the subtype. Gosu provides automatic downcasting to simplify your code in if statements and similar structures.

1 var out : String = ""
2 var anABContact = ta.QueryUtil.findContact("70")
3 out += anABContact.EmailAddress1
4 / * Begin condition statements for subtypes */
5 if (anABContact.Subtype==typekey.ABContact.TC_ABPERSON) {
6 out += (anABContact as ABPerson).Gender
7 }
8 if (anABContact.Subtype==typekey.ABContact.TC_ABPERSONVENDOR) {
9 out += (anABContact as ABPersonVendor).SelfEmployeed_Ext
10 }
11 if (anABContact.Subtype==typekey.ABContact.TC_ABDOCTOR) {
12 out += (anABContact as ABDoctor).Specialty
13 }
14 / * End condition statements for subtypes */
15 print(out)
An entity's Subtype property is a typekey field of the entity subtypes

The Subtype property identifies a particular subtype within a supertype table. Each subtype of a supertype has its own unique subtype value. In the slide example, various condition statements contain expressions to determine if the anABContact object is a specify subtype. If the anABContact object is of the type ABDoctor, then all condition statements will be true.

Line 1 declares the out variable of type String with an empty value.
Line 2 returns a contact from a query. The findContact() method requires a string identifier as a parameter.

Line 3 concatenates the object's EmaillAddress1 property with the out string. All contacts are of the type ABContact, the supertype.

Lines 5-7 test to see if the anABContact object is of the subtype ABPerson. If anABContact is an ABPerson subtype, then the object is cast to ABPerson and the out string concatenates the object's Gender property.

Lines 8-10 test to see if the anABContact object is of the subtype ABPersonVendor. If anABContact is an ABPersonVendor subtype, then the object is cast to ABPersonVendor and the out string concatenates the object's SelfEmployeed_Ext property.

Lines 11-13 test to see if the anABContact object is of the subtype ABDoctor. If anABContact is an ABDoctor subtype, then the object is cast to ABDoctor and the out string concatenates the object's Specialty property.

1 var out : String = ""
2 var anABContact = ta.QueryUtil.findContact("70")
3 out += anABContact.EmailAddress1
4 / * Begin condition statements for subtype with downcasting */
5 if (anABContact typeis ABPerson) {
6 out += anABContact.Gender
7 }
8 if (anABContact typeis ABPersonVendor) {
9 out += anABContact.SelfEmployeed_Ext
10 }
11 if (anABContact typeis ABDoctor) {
12 out += anABContact.Specialty
13 }
14 / * End condition statements for subtypes with downcasting*/
15 print(out)
Compare an expression’s type with a specified type
Automatic downcasting when in expression of if block
No need to cast the object explicitly
Gosu uses the typeis operator to compare an expression’s type with a specified type. The result is always Boolean. A typeis expression cannot be fully determined at compile time. For example, at run time the expression may evaluate to a more specific subtype than the variable's declared type.

Gosu automatically downcasts an object after a typeis expression if the type is a subtype of a given supertype. In other words, when using the typeis expression within the if block statement, you do not need to explicitly cast an object (as TYPE expressions) to that subtype. The typeis expression for a subtype implicitly considers that variable’s type to be the subtype within the scope of the "if block" of code. If you case the object explicitly, and Gosu provides a warning.

Often, you need to check an object against a type or its subtypes, not just a single type. In such cases, it is better to use typeis instead of typeof. The typeof keyword returns the exact type. If you test this value with simple equality with another type, it returns false if the object is a subtype.

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