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The Mystery of Stonehenge

The prehistoric monument, Stonehenge, is a awe inspiring structure. Standing on the Salisbury Valley in

Wiltshire, England, Stonehenge is thought to be the most architecturally sophisticated prehistoric stone

circle in the world.

Because it is known to be roughly 5,000 years old, around 3,000 BC, scientific communities conclude it

was built by Neolithic people who were living there at the time. Once built however Stonehenge was

continually modified with the last phase of work dated about 1600 BD.

How it came to be created is yet another mystery. Some of the giant boulders weigh about 4 tons and

are arranged in artistic, complex and creative forms.

Why it was erected, that is another question all together and continues to be a mystery.

The most recent finding is that if the stones are struck in the right way, they make an acoustic, sacred

sound. This leads some to speculate that the stone were placed for this purpose. Yet others believe the

structure served as an astronomical calendar. Yet others believe it was used for human sacrifice by the


The ancient stone circle was thought to be a burial ground that was carefully arranged to face the

midsummer sunrise and the midwinter sunset. Every summer solstice, tens of thousands of Wiccans,

neo-pagans and sun-watchers from around the world gather at Stonehenge to watch the sun rise over

the stone ruins offering flowers to the sun as a way to ask for health and happiness.
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