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Guessing the protective humoral reaction to a SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine.
5%]). Lesions present on CT images were more likely to have a peripheral distribution (88 [87.1%]) and bilateral involvement (83 [82.2%]) and be lower lung predominant (55 [54.5%]) and multifocal (55 [54.5%]). Patients in the emergency group were older than those in the non-emergency group. Architectural distortion, traction bronchiectasis, and CT involvement score aided in evaluation of the severity and extent of the disease. CONCLUSION. Patients with confirmed COVID-19 pneumonia have typical imaging features that can be helpful in early screening of highly suspected cases and in evaluation of the severity and extent of disease. Most patients with COVID-19 pneumonia have GGO or mixed GGO and consolidation and vascular enlargement in the lesion. Lesions are more likely to have peripheral distribution and bilateral involvement and be lower lung predominant and multifocal. CT involvement score can help in evaluation of the severity and extent of the disease.We provide an overview of the successive steps that made it possible to obtain increasingly accurate excitation energies with computational chemistry tools, eventually leading to chemically accurate vertical transition energies for small- and medium-size molecules. First, we describe the evolution of ab initio methods employed to define benchmark values, with the original Roos CASPT2 method, then the CC3 method as in the renowned Thiel set, and more recently the resurgence of selected configuration interaction methods. The latter method has been able to deliver consistently, for both single and double excitations, highly accurate excitation energies for small molecules, as well as medium-size molecules with compact basis sets. Second, we describe how these high-level methods and the creation of representative benchmark sets of excitation energies have allowed the fair and accurate assessment of the performance of computationally lighter methods. We conclude by discussing possible future theoretical and technological developments in the field.Robotics is a frontal interdisciplinary subject across the fields of mechanical engineering, chemical and materials engineering, artificial intelligence, and nanotechnology. Robotic devices with a variety of frameworks, functionalities, and actuation modes have been developed and employed in the manufacture of advanced materials and devices with improved efficiency and automation. In recent years, soft robots have attracted a significant amount of interest among scientific researchers and technological engineers because they can offer the desired safety, adaptability, sensibility, and dexterity that conventional robotics cannot deliver. To date, emulating living creatures in nature has been a promising approach to design soft robots. For living creatures, both body deformation and their surface characteristic are essential for them to function in dynamic ecological environments. Body deformation offers athletic ability while surface characteristics provide extraordinary adaptable interactions with the environment. In this article, we discuss the recent progress of emulating the body deformation of living creatures such as shrinking/expanding, bending, and twisting and programmable deformations based on the manipulation of shape-changing behaviors of liquid-crystal polymeric materials (LCPs) and the interfacial technologies to build up various microstructures similar to the interface of living creatures. We further review the pioneering work that integrates interfacial engineering and the shape-changing modulation of LCPs to develop biomimetic soft robotic devices. We also provide an outlook for opportunities and challenges in the design and fabrication of advanced biomimetic soft robots based on the synergetic combination of interfacial engineering and shape-changing modulation.Polyacetylene molecular wires have attracted a long-standing interest for the past 40 years. From a fundamental perspective, there are two main reasons for the interest. First, polyacetylenes are a prime realization of a one-dimensional topological insulator. Second, long molecules support freely propagating topological domain-wall states, so-called "solitons," which provide an early paradigm for spin-charge separation. Because of recent experimental developments, individual polyacetylene chains can now be synthesized on substrates. Motivated by this breakthrough, we here propose a novel way for chemically supported soliton design in these systems. We demonstrate how to control the soliton position and how to read it out via external means. Also, we show how extra soliton-antisoliton pairs arise when applying a moderate static electric field. We thus make a step toward functionality of electronic devices based on soliton manipulation, that is, "solitonics".The Indian red scorpion (Mesobuthus tamulus), with its life-threatening sting, is the world's most dangerous species of scorpion. The toxinome composition of M. tamulus venom was determined by tandem mass spectrometry (MS) analysis of venom protein bands separated by SDS-PAGE. A total of 110 venom toxins were identified from searching the MS data against the Buthidae family (taxid 6855) of toxin entries in nonredundant protein databases. The Na+ and K+ ion channel toxins taken together are the most abundant toxins (76.7%) giving rise to the neurotoxic nature of this venom. The other minor toxin classes in the M. tamulus venom proteome are serine protease-like protein (2.9%), serine protease inhibitor (2.2%), antimicrobial peptide (2.3%), hyaluronidase (2.2%), makatoxin (2.1%), lipolysis potentiating peptides (1.2%), neurotoxin affecting Cl- channel (1%), parabutoporin (0.6%), Ca2+ channel toxins (0.8%), bradykinin potentiating peptides (0.2%), HMG CoA reductase inhibitor (0.1%), and other toxins with unknown pharmacological activity (7.7%). Several of these toxins have been shown to be promising drug candidates. M. tamulus venom does not show enzymatic activity (phospholipase A2, l-amino acid oxidase, adenosine tri-, di-, and monophosphatase, hyaluronidase, metalloproteinase, and fibrinogenolytic), in vitro hemolytic activity, interference with blood coagulation, or platelet modulation properties. The clinical manifestations post M. tamulus sting have been described in the literature and are well correlated with its venom proteome composition. An abundance of low molecular mass toxins (3-15 kDa) are responsible for exerting the major pharmacological effects of M. tamulus venom, though they are poorly immune-recognized by commercial scorpion antivenom. This is a major concern for the development of effective antivenom therapy against scorpion stings.Developing efficient charge separation strategies is essential to achieve high-power conversion efficiency in the fields of chemistry, biology, and material science. Herein, we develop a facile strategy for fabrication of unique wafer-scale radial nanowire assemblies by exploiting shear force in rotary solution. The assembly mechanism can be well revealed by the large-scale stochastic dynamics simulation. Free electrons can be rapidly generated to produce quantitatively tunable current output when the radial nanowire assemblies rotate under the magnetic field. Moreover, the photoconductive performance of the radial semiconductor nanowire assemblies can be remarkably enhanced as the electron-hole recombination was retrained by the efficient charge separation under the rotating magnetic field. Such large-scale unique nanowire assemblies will facilitate the design of an efficient charge separation process in biosystem, sensors, and photocatalysis.Currently, most nonviral nucleic acid vectors are in the form of colloidal suspensions administered primarily parenterally. This type of formulation and the mode of administration impose strong constraints such as the size of the administered vectors or the production of sterile preparations. The tablet form provides access to easy oral administration, well accepted by patients; As regards nucleic acid vectors, a dry form represents an advance in terms of stability. Using an optimized lipid-based small interfering RNA-delivery system, we studied the tabletability of a liquid suspension of these vectors. We optimized the conditions of freeze-drying by choosing excipients and process, allowing for the conservation of both the gene-silencing efficacy of the formulated siRNAs and the supramolecular structure of the lipid particulate system. Gene-silencing efficacy was assayed on luciferase-expressing cells and the structure of the siRNA vector in freeze-dried and tablet forms was examined using small-angle X-ray . This opens promising perspectives to oral administration of siRNA as an alternative to parenteral administration.Driven by a magnetic field, the rotation of a particle near a wall can be rectified into a net translation. The particles thus actuated, or surface walkers, are a kind of active colloid that finds application in biology and microfluidics. Here, we investigate the motion of spherical surface walkers confined between two walls using simulations based on the immersed-boundary lattice Boltzmann method. The degree of confinement and the nature of the confining walls (slip vs no-slip) significantly affect a particle's translational speed and can even reverse its translational direction. When the rotational Reynolds number Reω is larger than 1, inertia effects reduce the critical frequency of the magnetic field, beyond which the sphere can no longer follow the external rotating field. ASP5878 clinical trial The reduction of the critical frequency is especially pronounced when the sphere is confined near a no-slip wall. As Reω increases beyond 1, even when the sphere can still rotate in the synchronous regime, its translational Reynolds number ReT no longer increases linearly with Reω and even decreases when Reω exceeds ∼10.One of the challenges of using growth factors for tissue regeneration is to monitor their biodistributions and delivery to injured tissues for minimally invasive detection. In the present study, tracking of human vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) was achieved by chemically linking it to photoluminescent carbon dots (CDs). Carbon dots were synthesized by the hydrothermal method and, subsequently, conjugated with VEGF using carbodiimide coupling. ELISA and western blot analysis revealed that VEGF-conjugated CDs preserve the binding affinity of VEGF to its antibodies. We also show that VEGF-conjugated CDs maintain the functionality of VEGF for tube formation and cell migration. The VEGF-conjugated CDs were also used for in vitro imaging of human umbilical vein endothelial cells. The results of this work suggest that cell-penetrating VEGF-conjugated CDs can be used for growth factor protein tracking in therapeutic and tissue engineering applications.Small-molecule therapeutics demonstrate suboptimal pharmacokinetics and bioavailability due to their hydrophobicity and size. One way to overcome these limitations-and improve their efficacy-is to use "stealth" macromolecular carriers that evade uptake by the reticuloendothelial system. Although unstructured polypeptides are of increasing interest as macromolecular drug carriers, current recombinant polypeptides in the clinical pipeline typically lack stealth properties. We address this challenge by developing new unstructured polypeptides, called zwitterionic polypeptides (ZIPPs), that exhibit "stealth" behavior in vivo. We show that conjugating paclitaxel to a ZIPP imparts amphiphilicity to the polypeptide chain that is sufficient to drive its self-assembly into micelles. This in turn increases the half-life of paclitaxel by 17-fold compared to free paclitaxel, and by 1.6-fold compared to the nonstealth control, i.e., ELP-paclitaxel. Treatment of mice bearing highly aggressive prostate or colon cancer with a single dose of ZIPP-paclitaxel nanoparticles leads to near-complete eradication of the tumor, and these nanoparticles have a wider therapeutic window than Abraxane, an FDA-approved taxane nanoformulation.
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