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---favorite freshman?
OH well um there's alot of freshman that i really like, i cant have a favorite.

---favorite ochos?
well, oracy spencer gema johanna alexis and yeah that.s pretty much it

---you and krista always flirt with like every guy, i always see you guys around guys, sluts
did you ever maybe think about why we hangout with guys more? let me tell you this, its not bc we want to be there girlfriends or anything but bc guys are sososo much easier to hangout with then girls. girls are stupid and annoying and cause so much drama, and personally i know krista and i have had our fair share of that “girl drama” and were over it. and also, we can be friends with whoever we please. so next time you have a problem with us having guy friends, then kindly come tell us and if ur too scared then dont even bother looking at us.

---who's your best friend?
i have alot actually, but someone i trust with practically everything is krista

---i saw jason and you hugging in the hallways today
yeah. i hug him everyday, your point?

---who do you like?
he doesn't like me so it doesn't matter

omg hes super cool and lihem him and me always have such a fun time during 4th period, i love those crazy two(:

shes so funny and we literally are always matching on accident, its the best thing ever, but anyways i love her crazy self too(:

he is so funny i cant even like literally he makes my day 90% of the time. he also has the coolest nicknames for everybody in comm, and everybody likes him for those nicknames haha

we come up with the weirdest stuff during 2nd period omg but he's super cool and always helps me with my math hw and we take the best selfies but anyways hes the raddest red head i know and i love him lots

i've known her since like 5th grade and shes still pretty cool, plus she and krista always come over on fridays and we always have a blast(: love her lots too

he's rude and i hate him.
jk jk he's cool and he always asks for high fives, but tbh he is a great listener so if you ever need someone to talk to his #1(: love him lots

shes super cool and together were fabchica(; she obsesses over 1d as much as i do and were like niall horan soul sisters, love her lots

shes so funny and pretty! i wish she would could come visit me like whenever she wanted to, but were super close even though she lives faraway, and we facetime all the time :) ily molls

she is my bestestestest friend ever and also the bestetsestest step sister ever and i cant wait for the summer when she comes visit me and we get to finally have netflix marathons again and eat till we drop(: love you so much caro

i met him bc of leslie but he's super cool and gives the best advice and also he's so cute so if i dont have a prom date for senior year, im blackmailing him to come with me. (: ily jake

---monica? shes cool, we never talk that much but she is super pretty and her and her boyfriend are the cutest(:
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